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Gumbuya World 2 coasters under construction


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1 hour ago, Morphix said:

I'm really impressed about this, and I had no idea about it till I logged in a few weeks ago.

I visited the park last in 2016 which may have well still been the same as 1997.

Another 2-3 big rides and I'd consider for Victoria to finally have a real Themepark.

I would personally install a carousel, plane ride and Intamin droptower, as well as a kids Ferris wheel and one/two more rollercoasters by Mack that match ST/DCR (the other one in this scenario would be a woody made by unknown). Also have a big expansion to the zoo to make it one of Australia's biggest zoos.

For the waterpark, I would install a funnel slide, aqualoop, cannon bowl, hydrocoaster and a dark slide, as well as another kids playground all made by ProSlide. This would also mean that the waterpark is split off from the theme park/zoo (like DW/WWW).

Edited by TBoy
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3 minutes ago, Gazza said:

Would kids be able to tell the difference between a water playground made by Pro slide vs the current onevmade by Whitewater West?

I don't think so, look at White Water World where one is made by ProSlide while the other is by White Water.


4 minutes ago, Gazza said:

Eg why do you want a Steel Taipan clone?

That was a few weeks ago. I feel like getting an overseas clone that hasn't been made in Australia yet would be good, like this:


 Compact space, but is also a great looking coaster with one of the fastest inversions.

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2 hours ago, TBoy said:

I don't think so, look at White Water World where one is made by ProSlide while the other is by White Water.


Both the major water play structures at WnW and WWW were built by WhiteWater West. The expansion to Wet n Wild Jr (Previously Buccaneer Bay) was Proslide however.

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3 hours ago, themagician said:

Maybe they’ll buy some more rides off Dreamworld with the refurbs their about to undergo over the next two years 

The only realistic ones I could see is Play School wheel and Motocoaster. This is because:

  • Gumbuya already has teacups, mini pirate ship, playground and wave swinger, so no point buying another
  • All rides at Dreamworks are confirmed to stay except Gingy's/Puss and Gumbuya already has a wave swinger as said before, especially not Madagascar as Gumbuya are already getting a SFC

I feel like PSW is a more likely and better option, as GW will have enough coasters for a few years and it could be a good addition to the Outback Explorers area along with a carousel.

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9 hours ago, jack.c said:

At the park and seen they were testing TNT today, it’s super quite and smooth!

here is the link for footage for the ride testing. It’s weird seeing this one pop out of no where and install just before Movie World’s version of the ride, it looks like its a good, fun, fast paced family coaster, can’t wait to try it out :)

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9 hours ago, jack.c said:

At the park and seen they were testing TNT today, it’s super quite and smooth!

Looking at videos I agree. It looks like one of Australia's smoothest coasters, the only ones I could think that could beat it are the ones at LPS.

12 minutes ago, Rivals said:

It’s weird seeing this one pop out of no where and install just before Movie World’s version of the ride, it looks like its a good, fun, fast paced family coaster, can’t wait to try it out :)

I wonder if MW will change their coaster, seeing as another park in the country has installed it?

Also one thing I have noticed: GW and MW are getting the same coaster, but the feedback seems to be different. I have heard people praise Gumbuya but dislike Movie World for their coaster choices. Same with the former Buzzsaw. Lots of people hated it there but now suddenly everyone loves it at Gumbuya.

Edited by TBoy
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13 hours ago, TBoy said:


Also one thing I have noticed: GW and MW are getting the same coaster, but the feedback seems to be different. I have heard people praise Gumbuya but dislike Movie World for their coaster choices. Same with the former Buzzsaw. Lots of people hated it there but now suddenly everyone loves it at Gumbuya.

That’s because GW is a regional park, and them building those coasters shows that gumbuya management is going out of their way to deliver the best experience that they can offer, compared to the size of the park. I can’t say much about Buzzsaw, but MW buying two children’s coaster, when they already offer two in Scooby and Road runner, and then slapping on the WOZ theme that honestly imho deserves an immersive dark ride experience if they were to go with that IP, just seems a bit lazy of them. MW is supposed to be the international standard park of Australia, Gumbuya is meant to be a scaled down family park for locals, which tbh I’m perfectly fine with.

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I think people just kind of like being mad at MW. Only they could add 3 coasters with a whole themed land, filling a niche that's needed filling for ages (more/better small and midsized rides) and still have people calling them lazy with a straight face. It seems to me that what Gumbuya and MW are doing with themeing is very different too, so I don't think they'll be that similar in experience despite the same layout.


I think ride mix comes into it though, and a ride that would be a massive game changer at one park would be filler at another. Put a Boomerang into a low tier park like Aussie World or LPM and you've got an absolute game changer headliner on your hands. Put it in at MW or even DW? Big meh. It's not going to be a headliner, it's pure filler and while capacity is handy, it's not going to motivate anyone to go. They're only headliners at your smaller 'lesser' parks (And anyone who says 'What about Wonderland', I'm sorry you had to find out what calibre of park Wonderland actually was this way).


Something like Buzzsaw/Zero G is a big ride at Gumbuya in a way that it just isn't at DW. I still think they should have hung on to it for a couple more years as filler, but I don't think it was ever a great 'fit' for DW, so aside from the filler aspect losing it wasn't a big deal. At Gumbuya it gets to be the headliner. It's a big ride in a small park. Does it make me want to go there? Not really. If you're from Vic and don't get to go to the Coast would it be a big deal? Absolutely! For Victorians if it lasts long enough, it becomes a rite of passage/coming of age sort of ride.

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22 minutes ago, joz said:

They're only headliners at your smaller 'lesser' parks (And anyone who says 'What about Wonderland', I'm sorry you had to find out what calibre of park Wonderland actually was this way).


See, Wonderland had potential. When Demon was added in 1992 the park was still fairly new. It just sadly was sold to bozo's that had no desire to run the park properly which is why it stayed as a "Lesser" park while at the time places like Dreamworld and Movie World were flourishing. At least Gumbuya world and these smaller parks are actually investing in attractions instead of leaving the place to die in a hole (Like Aussie World did honestly for quite a while, but has really turned around)

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I think there's a vein of "sticking up for the little guy" too and people are happy to see a smaller park grow up.

A Vekoma SFC is definitely a "higher effort" family attraction  than some of the cheaper family rides out there. I would have been happy with that alone.

Getting Buzzsaw reminds me of the circumstances DW got Cyclone, right place right time, and all of a sudden 2 rides in one year (along with the pre-exsting lineup) means Gumbuya is a small, but reasonably well balanced park.

I feel now they don't have any real glaring holes in their lineup, they can add anything and it will be a plus.

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1 hour ago, New display name said:

What's excites people most?

Gumbuya new family coaster.

MW new family coasters.

DW new family coaster.

If the shown concepts are anything like the final product, I've gotta say Jungle Rush. It looks to be a nice, long, original layout, and seems like it could be as (or even, more) themed than Leviathan is.

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Gumbuya new family coaster.  

Great fit for the park but it's not the type of coaster I would travel for.

MW new family coasters.

Expecting good things with the theming.

DW new family coaster.

Excited for the coaster but I have never seen DW pull of great theming so not getting my hopes up.

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The only minor issue I have with the theming is where the coaster passes through the shed. If it's smashing into the shed, why does it look like it has smashed out of the shed? It works for the exit point but not so much the entry point. 

As I said, only a small thing though. The ride as a whole looks like a blast and I'm loving the elements that interact with the area such as the shed passthrough and the first dip below ground level


Screen Shot 2022-12-08 at 6.38.24 pm.png

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