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The Decline Of Movie World


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  On 02/04/2022 at 7:18 AM, Rivals said:

- staff being miserable and rude, obviously not wanting to be there with some making comments about how sucky the job is to customers.


This is the one big disappointment to hear as the staff can really make a mediocre park a great experience.

I am assuming your comment is relating to ride operators as they're the one role that most park-goers will definitely interact with - I can say not all ride operators are like this, but its a shame that those that do exhibit this sort of behaviour in front of guests are permitted to continue in the role.

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  On 03/04/2022 at 11:52 PM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

I am assuming your comment is relating to ride operators as they're the one role that most park-goers will definitely interact with - I can say not all ride operators are like this, but its a shame that those that do exhibit this sort of behaviour in front of guests are permitted to continue in the role.


sorry i didn’t specify but yes i meant the ride operators, the rest of the staff were in an overall better mood.


The operators were specifically bad at Scooby and JL, with Scooby sending out around 6 empty cars (could have been some sort of issue they possibly had to send out empty cars? who knows though), while the grouper and operator on the other side were just talking about personal subjects , with the JL one just acting miserable 

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Understand that the business is in survival mode. Things are improving (compared to being closed) but there is a long way to go.

Financially, the business is/was in very dire straits...it was on the precipice in 2020. They're trying to rebuild it from the ashes but that will take time and some of the cosmetic issues described here are taking a back seat while that happens.

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  On 05/04/2022 at 6:05 AM, nomdeplume said:

Understand that the business is in survival mode. Things are improving (compared to being closed) but there is a long way to go.

Financially, the business is/was in very dire straits...it was on the precipice in 2020. They're trying to rebuild it from the ashes but that will take time and some of the cosmetic issues described here are taking a back seat while that happens.


if they were in a bad financial situation, they wouldn’t have been able to refurbish both road runner and WWF at the same time, build WNW’s new slide complex, introduce the new animal experiences to paradise country, refurbish Surfrider (even if it still isn’t open yet) or introduce new events such as Hooray for Hollywood. This also doesn't make sense as their other properties aren’t being run nearly as bad as MW. 


When dreamworld was declining, they copped a lot more and they weren’t cut any slack or had excuses made for them, so why isn’t it the same now they’ve swapped places?

Edited by Rivals
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  On 05/04/2022 at 11:50 AM, Rivals said:

When dreamworld was declining, they copped a lot more and they weren’t cut any slack or had excuses made for them, so why isn’t it the same now they’ve swapped places?


Is this the reason nearly every post from you in the past whole lot of months has been slinging shit at MW? Butt hurt that people didn't make excuses for DW?


FWIW the answer is DW was entirely self inflicted. MW is partially self inflicted, but not not even close to totally. Also as you've alluded to, they HAVE been spending money on stuff to keep the place running better while having a lot of cosmetic issues.


Edit to say: FWIW I had a look at the DW maintenance thread. There was a notable lack of people who are very active in this thread losing their minds that DWs entire thrill ride collection was Claw, Gold Coaster and Pandamonium, so it certainly comes across to me that the commentary some members make is biased.

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  On 05/04/2022 at 12:30 PM, joz said:

There was a notable lack of people who are very active in this thread losing their minds that DWs entire thrill ride collection was Claw, Gold Coaster and Pandamonium, so it certainly comes across to me that the commentary some members make is biased.


There have been literal wars waged with countless lives lost through the centuries because two groups disagree on what invisible super power told by some bloke in a really old book is the best.

I don't get how people can be continually gobsmacked by bias affecting this forum's discourse when the focus is on the Gold Coast where there are literally two operators to choose from.

Maybe three if you include King Tut's Putt Putt. 


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It just gets a bit tedious ya know? 'This is why things are a bit crap at MW right now' 'Grrr where was this sensible explanation with DW?'. Like far out things happen on their own, not just in the context of MW v DW.


Both operators have pros and cons. Some pros are bigger than others and some cons are bigger than others. Everyone's shit stinks, that's the way it's always been and the way it always will be.

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  On 05/04/2022 at 12:30 PM, joz said:

Is this the reason nearly every post from you in the past whole lot of months has been slinging shit at MW? Butt hurt that people didn't make excuses for DW?


people are allowed opinions and i had some pretty strong ones when dreamworld was declining too so try again.

yeah they’ve made some improvements, but what’s the point of making improvements on certain rides (RR, WWF) while neglecting other rides (JL, Scooby) instead of just maintaining all the rides (wouldn’t even say WWF was much of an improvement since the operations are significantly slower and practically no effects are working). if they can maintain and run every other park smoothly, what’s so different with movie world that they can’t run it smoothly?

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Justice League is 10 years this coming September. I don't know enough about lifespans of rides and referbs but I feel tech has made leaps and bounds in the last 10 years and this ride could benefit. Or knock down and put something decent in. The JL ride is the wrong ride for that "thrill" area of the park.

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  On 05/04/2022 at 2:14 PM, Naazon said:

Justice League is 10 years this coming September. I don't know enough about lifespans of rides and referbs but I feel tech has made leaps and bounds in the last 10 years and this ride could benefit. Or knock down and put something decent in. The JL ride is the wrong ride for that "thrill" area of the park.


A ride similar to the six flags Justice Leagues would’ve worked so well in the Supervillains Unleashed Area. Have the entrance be where the exit is for the showcase, have the ride take place all in there with a connecting storyline to the area and exit out the wild west side or have 2 exits with one going back into the area and replace justice league with something else (maybe a more intense version of the  Movie Park Studios Coater as it’s in the “thrill area” of the park.)


But as it stands, it is obvious the park cares more about money and visitor numbers, then the actual guest experience. Just look at the food quality, run down attractions, the roxy theatre movies. This park has so much potential and it’s sad seeing it go to wast.

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  On 05/04/2022 at 2:05 PM, Rivals said:

if they can maintain and run every other park smoothly, what’s so different with movie world that they can’t run it smoothly?


That's just it though, isn't it - they aren't maintaining and running any of them 'smoothly' - although I guess that depends on what your expectations are...

On almost every recent visit i've made to Sea World, Jet Rescue was down for maintenance, or down unscheduled. Storm was literally the only attraction at the park worth my time. Sea World has been death by a thousand cuts, and the fact that their new flagship has been delayed by almost 2 years with little word from the park hasn't helped them. Simultaneously taking things away like Waterpark, Monorail... 

WnW might have 'new shiny thing' but that's also been up and down like a yoyo since opening for certain issues, plus the white elephant zip lines, and rarely operated sky coaster, or the never opened and two year delayed surf rider.

Tell me again how Movie World is the only park in a shambles?

(Dreamworld also has had a shit run, I don't see a need to regurgitate it here when the focus is MW, but suffice to say, they're all doing pretty shit right now)

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  On 05/04/2022 at 10:25 PM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

On almost every recent visit i've made to Sea World, Jet Rescue was down for maintenance, or down unscheduled. Storm was literally the only attraction at the park worth my time. Sea World has been death by a thousand cuts, and the fact that their new flagship has been delayed by almost 2 years with little word from the park hasn't helped them. Simultaneously taking things away like Waterpark, Monorail... 


honestly completely forgot about Leviathan and that whole mess as well as Wnw new slide complex’s issues so my bad movie world isn’t the only one in that company being run bad. So i take back my comment of “if they can maintain and run every park smoothly, what’s so different with movie world that they can’t run it smoothly.”

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  On 06/04/2022 at 12:28 AM, joz said:

We going to talk about Fully 6 or nah?


I mean I did say I didn't see the need to regurgitate DW, but I guess WWW has been on again off again so I kinda forget its there. Nevertheless my comments (below) should be construed as applying equally to WWW. 

  On 05/04/2022 at 10:25 PM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

(Dreamworld also has had a shit run, I don't see a need to regurgitate it here when the focus is MW, but suffice to say, they're all doing pretty shit right now)



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  On 05/04/2022 at 1:56 PM, joz said:

It just gets a bit tedious ya know? 'This is why things are a bit crap at MW right now' 'Grrr where was this sensible explanation with DW?'. Like far out things happen on their own, not just in the context of MW v DW.


I get your frustration and it's valid considering that no place of discussion wants such a watered down conversational atmosphere. 

I feel there's always going to be some sort of friction when it comes to a shift in ideas thanks to opinion inertia. It's genuinely difficult to reflect on the positive progress of Movie World and see them start to falter, whilst on the other hand I can understand why people who reflect on Dreamworld being a dumpster fire for the past decade are confused as to why they're suddenly experiencing praise.

As you said, many of these things happen on their own and not just in the context of Movie World vs Dreamworld, but a lot of people don't see it as such and instead see an opportunity to point fingers, pass blame, and provide excuses. When I did my trip report about my Gold Coast trip in January I was conscious of not making any comparisons between the different properties, and instead just outlined my opinions and thoughts over the couple of days, but suddenly it became a Dreamworld VS Movie World thread surprisingly thanks to a community leader saying that Movie World's faults were the direct cause of Dreamworld's actions which left the conversation to the discuss the narrative instead of the content provided.

Honestly I believe the issue exists because it's an easy out for both sides of the argument to ignore the problems and issue presented and instead pass the buck or gaslight the other into believing that their opinion is wrong. This is a hard problem to fix, but it comes down to whether posters are more interested in having a discussion, or simply being right. 

Also despite addressing your apathy towards the Dreamworld Vs Movie World discussion, whilst I've written this you've made several attempts to continue it. Seriously, be the change you want to see or stop complaining about it. 


Edited by Dom
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