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The Claw preview


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As most of you probably know by now, I had the opportunity to ride The Claw today at the media launch, including riding on the first "official" cycle of the ride (along with Ian and Dan from Ozcoaster). I'll leave the actual ride experience for a forthcoming formal review, but I will say that it is an amazing experience - enough to knock Tower of Terror from hour queues back to a complete walk-on when they opened The Claw for a soft opening in the afternoon. The actual event, for anyone who is interested was great. It wasn't the biggest preview event I've been to at a theme park, but I think it was the most enthusiastic and all-round fun one I've been to. The area surrounding the ride is amazing. Looking at it from up on Giant Drop, it really does stick out as vibrant, colourful addition to Dreamworld. I hope that they can extend the bright new paths into the existing part of Ocean Parade with a nice theming budget in the future, because it really does make the theme very complete. The edge of Main Street which was part of the construction site has also been given a bright facelift, and I'd love to see the rest follow suit. I simply love that while Wipeout used to be probably one of the key focal points in the entire park, it's now The Claw where people gather around to watch. I just think the visuals of the Wipeout, as great as they are, are no match for The Claw. I spoke for some time with Bob Tan, General Manager Engineering & Maintenance. We talked about everything from which university and engineering faculty was better (which we'd both agree QUT) to the more "theme parky" things. He mentioned quite a few things I know a lot of people here would be interested in. Firstly, Dreamworld had initially looked at the whole range of Gryo Swing/Frisbee style rides - including Chance's Revolution and the Huss Giant Frisbee and the Intamin version was the ideal choice for them. Intamin offer two versions of this attraction (not three as their site may suggest), and Dreamworld went with the smaller of the two. The larger, at only 20m (structural height) is only around 4m taller than Dreamworld's and takes only 8 extra people for a total of 40 per cycle. It is also significantly more expensive, and it was decided that the extra cost is not made up in the marginally increased capacity and size. Dreamworld has no affiliation with Intamin. They simply purchase what they believe is of the best quality, best value and will give the highest return of investment. As I said on the time, the fact that they have now three reasonably recent attractions from Intamin is more of a testament to the quality of Intamin's product than a working relationship or anything like that. Onto other things, I'll add that it seems Dreamworld have launched a new uniform recently. I should admit that I was never the biggest fan of the black and aqua they had before, but it's now a refreshing royal blue and bright yellow. With this uniform I'm delighted to add that I've become quite impressed with how operations are going at Dreamworld. I still think there's room for improvement (I couldn't say that even my "beloved" Disney parks are 100% perfect for capacity either), and I hope it's not just the holiday period, but very few times today were rides operating slower than they should be. Of course, stay tuned for some great new photographs and more video footage of the ride.

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Thanks Rich. Lots of interesting stuff there. Will be interested to see what the whole area looks like now that it has come together but that will have to wait for a special QLD trip. Also, did you happen to pick up the latest copy of the park map and brochure with The Claw included? I would be interested to see that if anyone can bother scanning it

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Photo update from yesterday can be seen here: http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/gallery.php?gid=118 On-ride video footage can be seen here: http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/videos.php?vid=16 There's still more to come! I've not yet seen updated park material yet - that thought hadn't even crossed my mind. If by next time I visit the park no one else has posted it or Dreamworld's online version isn't updated, I'll be sure to get it.

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I'll be sure not to miss out on it september 2005. It seems things have really picked up for the park since i was there last. Also is the ride as smooth as it shows up in your video? Anyway, as per usual, excelent video richard. We appreciate the effort that you give us for these sort of things. Especially when i only go up to QLD every few years. Thanks again.

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I have to say I'm glad some attempt was made to connect the theming to Ocean Parade in the end. At least they have tried to justify it and fit it in to some extent. It helps that they have used a lot of beachy looking materials like the old wooden posts, ropes and thatched hut style roofing. I really like the Ocean Parade community notice board and the related 'beachside campground' material. It's a nice little touch but I think it's things like this that make a big difference to the overall atmosphere. One of my favourite aspects of theme parks is the theming so I'm glad to see Dreamworld hasn't completely neglected this

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Hey, I saw you on the claw yesterday Richard when you were on the ride with your very nice, Sony video camera. It was just such a beautiful ride, and very classy indeed. There was a few problems on the day though, they had to order in one of the booms in the morning to do some more checks and were surprised it didn't stop during the media day. Another great part of the day was when I met Stephen Greggs for the first time one on one and he is a really nice guy.

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Went on the claw 3 times on saturday! It really is a great ride. Wait times at park opening was 40mins the other two times I waited approx 20-30 mins.(however it didnt seem that long while I was in the queue.) #3 ppl were turned away because they were to large. A young boy about 13 was being stapeld in by two operators trying to get the seat belt to clip in without success.(they were trying hard there face was red, I felt sorry for the boy everyone was looking at him, and he had to get off!)

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20-40 minutes? That's not very long for a brand new heavily promoted thrill ride is it? Was the park busy overall? I've seen longer queues at Wonderland and other parks for crappy old rides. I certainly hope it does well for the park. Regarding staff - how many staff actually work on the ride and what are each of their duties? In the on-ride video I noticed what I think was the main operators booth with dark windows and another little hut on the other side with someone standing/sitting in it. I assume this was the attendant?

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That notice board is pretty cool, I like how it has a notice from someone whos Kingswood has gone missing. So, Is it like you are swinging on something between the creatures' four legs? They have done a really good job on the ride so I will have to convince my parents to tkae me on a holiday there. So, does anyone know how many intensity settings the ride has, and which one they will run it on?

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This was an excellent choice for Dreamworld,and im feeling really happy for them.It would have been great to see the media launch,but oh well,i'll just have to wait till later in the holidays.I guess the area would have looked pretty stunning from Giant Drop,I can't wait to check out the theming. With a great new ride like this,I can't wait to see what else Dramworld can pulll out of there hat.I'm sure the ride is smooth and powerful,just like T.O.T and......what's Dreamworld's other Intamin ride?

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