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Cyclone - opinions?


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I would think that the whole concept of the new roller-coaster at Dreamworld after the thunderbolt would mean a smoother ride, originality, more speed and therfore more excitement. One of the things I first noticed was that the cyclone is significantly less exciting than it looks. From the outside it is an extremely attractive and exciting looking coaster. The rides smoothness has degraded of late and it is easily possible to experience some pain while riding it. Its originality is not great as it is just a Luna Park coaster brought up from down South. And Luna Park can't really be compared with Dreamworld. The Cyclone is also not that fast compared with the thunderbolt. I don't know the stats but I remember the thunderbolt went 90 kmh and it feels as if the cyclone isn't that fast. Additionally to put it bluntly I don't think the cyclone is as exciting as it should be.

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I agree it was at it's best at Luna Park because they custom made the ride to suit the area avaliable in the park. But it's still a good ride. Haven't been on for a year now so it might have changed, but at least we have a roller-coaster at Dreamworld. They timed it perfectly to go with Thunderbolt as a replacement. As for where it is situated, from outside the park it looks really out of place, but when inside the park, it looks really good. Thant's my 2 Cents.

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Well, I like the Cyclone, I remember as some person put it that its great cause its in reverse of most Arrow loopers, the inversions being at the end with the twists and levelling out coming after it, rather than it being the other way around, like it usually is. And it does make it a lot more Exciting I hear, but meh, Ive never been outside of Aus... As for if I like it, I sure do. It was better when it was at Luna Park because as it went down into ditches (near the loop, after the first drop) and over buildings it was pretty darn cool and cramped, but its still plenty of fun now, that is, it was, cause last time I rode it was 2 years back (I think)... I like the Cyclone, a helluva lot more than The Thunderbolt too, that was one horribly rough ride.

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I don't think that Cyclone is rough at all,well,compared toThunderbolt anyway.Cyclone does have a unique-ish footprint because of the loops at the end.It's good because just as you think the ride is over,you go through a side-winder that really is great,and a small,intense,loop straight after that.The theming is good,sure the the que area sucks because so many people jump the line,but apart from that the theming is good.I like the paint and while the exits a pain,it used to provide great views of Thunderbolt.Dreamworld really need to make that first drop steeper though,it would kick up the excitement and make the rest of the ride seem more intense. What i really like about the Cyclone is that when i think dreamworld i think cyclone.That is,it really symbolyses DW to me.Of course,so does rocky hollow and Gold Rush Country.Getting out of the car and being confronted with this collosal(cough,cough)structure is great.That's probabaly what i love most about cyclone. In conclusion,Cyclone is a good ride that is good for DW but needs improvements on the que area,the exit(I hate having to go up the stairs before going down)and the ride experience it's self.

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I agree with Brady, its a LOT more impressive to look at then to ride. Looks great from outside the park and within, But my over-all impression was that it was a pretty dull ride. On my first ride I noticed 2 things: Firstly how nonthrilling it was and secondly how short it is. For me the best element on the ride is the steeply banked turn before the loops. Its about the only part that gave me any sort of thrill even on the first ride. As I said also its very short. Really its over almost as soon as it goes down the first drop. I know other people on here will bag me out for saying this but Demon was a lot better in my opinion then Cyclone. Yeah sure demon was short too and a heap rougher then cyclone, but for me demon produced a far more intense ride and a better thrill. But I guess thats just me. Id rather something with a higher thrill factor then something all nicely painted and super smooth like cyclone. However At present its probably Australia's best roller coaster (not that, thats saying much) so i guess we can be thankfull that its still in australia and in operation after it was closed in sydney.

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HAHA that comment made me laugh a bit i have to say. A coaster built to be NON thrilling, why would you waste your money? I mean we arent talking about a family coaster such as reptar or beastie. What your saying is almost like saying that youd build someting the size of the bushbeast to be not a thrill. Hardly well thought out i think mate. Besides i dont think "fun" rides are built to go 90-odd kph and have 2 inversions. Besides i think if you look into it a bit youll realize the designt of cyclone/big dipper had more to do with the limited space available at luna pk, hence the reason it wraps around itself twice and has a long and narrow footprint. In my mind when i think roller coaster i dont think FUN, i think THRILL, and i think most people of the public would agree there. Besides if you went to luna park for fun and not thrill, there is no rule that says you have to go on it.

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IMO, Cyclone isn't a bad ride. The fan turns, the helix, the inversions, all great. Not the best, but still not bad. The problem for me comes in the form of the queue house design and capacity issues. The ride itself isn't bad. It was much better suited to Luna Park, but its still a good coaster design. For me, an extra train, redesigned queue and steps down to the shop would go along way to bettering the ride.

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Because no one likes odd numbers, very simple answer indeed. The only reason why the Tower Of Terror is excused is because it is divisible by three. Make any sense? Real answer. Just to put on one more carriage would require a lot of adjustments to the area where you queue before you enter (extra doors etc.) extra fittings for room adjustments, trim brake adjustments, and ultimately to add another carriage just wouldn't be practical from the Cyclone's point. Plus chances are Dreamworld won't be adding another train as a) arrow really don't exist) and B) why spend pointless amounts of money when you can optimise other ways that are cheaper and cause the same effects?

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My opinion on Cyclone would be that when it opened it was a good ride. Fairly solid as an attraction, but not great. It was genuinely smooth - no headbanging - but it has deteriorated a lot over the past few years, to the point now where it's a rough ride. The actual reason there's only six cars on the train would be because the ride was designed for a six-car train. Luna Park could have been under a tight budget, and this is a sure way to knock off a considerable amount (designing track and supports for a lighter train would make for a much lighter structure). Explain another way Dreamworld can get Cyclone up to a capacity in the area of 1000pph without adding a second train and I'll be surprised. That's what adding a second train and using it efficiently would do to the ride, and I've always thought that it is completely justifiable. During the weeks or months it'd take to make the changes necessary, take the opportunity to redo the station and queue system. You'll always be stuck with a big walk, but reducing the attendant's job would help greatly. On that same token, it'd be very easy to get a second train. There's a reason S&S purchased Arrow, and I can tell you that the 4D and other such designs were probably the least of it. More likely would be the very profitable spare parts and upgrade/replacement business Arrow had going, which would include new trains and the like.

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Okay, so for Cyclone let's hypothetically adjust some things: a)Let's add decent themeing to the Cyclone queue, for example, add a motor to that big silver ma-jig to have a very slow, daunting spin and have dry ice, or even just a smoke machine inside the machine at the top, spilling smoke down the sides. This would also mean that on the ground around the tube, there would be a layer of fog, so a sequenced amount of spotlights, lasers, whatever, shining through the fog. Also, make those screens bigger. No-one wants to to watch the news on granny's 15cm black and white, and i don't want to watch it on a 34cm lcd screen, it just doesn't grab my attention. Now doing all of these will occupy riders queue time with something to look at, hence no-angry mobs bothering dreamworld about how long they had to wait. B)Give those ride-ops walkie talkies damnit, so they can relay what's happening faster. C) Have a ride-op (during busy periods) do only counting people in and organising them to get in to positions before the doors open. Also, as it is a emergency situation (although you wouldn't know through the lacck of themeing) have the lady tell them to rush or else they'll get... er... injured. Sirens help. Just some ideas though.

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While I agree about adding some decent themeing to the queue, whats the point of having fog in Cyclone's queue house? Does that have anything to do with the theme of the ride? The lights are also a bit of a waste of time with how bright it is in there. Better communication between the operators would help with the current set-up, though it would probably work better just bringing the front of the queue right up too the station. You could also build up some story in the dark sections as well. You know, something along the lines of the Cyclone hitting the park while you are in the tunnel. That would also require less staff then the idea of having one staff member to do the job of counting, organising and whatnot. Opening up the station area could probably help as well. Also, not too sound picky, but asking people to rush through is a very bad idea. Not only is it a wasted effort (Dreamworld's target audience could care less for the story) but the day someone trips and gets injured, the park could be in pretty big trouble. IMO there's many ways to improve the ride experience and effienciy. Re-configering the brakes in the station, redesign the way the queue works, add that second train (how much do rolling stock arrow trains cost anyway?) and some stairs on the back half of the building (I mean, why have stairs but only use them for emergency? Why not just have stairs? Its not as if seeing the backstage areas of Dreamworld are part of the experience) and as Slick says, improve the themeing in the queue. Not that I'm putting to many demands on the park or anything. ;)

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Well,okay,there's no point in the seventh carrige but we do need another train.Also,add another ride op (2 more in peak times)and as Slick mentioned give them walkie-talkies. The fog isn't a good idea-it doesn't fit in with Cyclone and it doesn't make it look much better.Yes,bigger tv screens are needed. I just hope Dreamworld will wake up and smell the beans on this one-Cyclone is desperately in need of both another train and more ops.Although the theming after the que house is good.

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Because no one likes odd numbers, very simple answer indeed.
So why did the three coaster at Wonderland all have 7 carriage trains? Maybe because it's a prime number and they are funky.
Gazza, would you really trust Vekoma to alter and play around with our beloved Cyclone? I certainly wouldn't, I mean, just look whats happening to the Lethal Weapon and Wipeout as merely two instances.
What has Vekoma got to do with that lack of maintenance that has resulted in the majority of rides becoming crap? I take my hat off to the maintenance guys at all theme parks in Australia they really do a lot of hard work but when management doesn't listen to the people in the know and put a bit of money into things that’s when good rides go bad (someone should do a TV show with that title, just like 'When good times go bad' or 'When morons get together'). "The Bus is now leaving for Port Prime, South Australia"
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Well, Vekoma are now selling trains which they claim run smoother. If thats not an admission that there was room to inprove in the original design then I don't know what is. Sure some parks do a better job then others at keeping the rides running smoothly then others do, but despite the odd exception (RnR from all accounts is one), ultimatly the original design ain't quite right. Plus people tend to think of them as unreliable since they've had some problems with their prototypes (Flying dutchman, GIBs, Rihno Rally). I'd be interested to see if the new trains make any difference to their rides, of if its just a new way to get an extra couple of dollers. In the mean time we'll just hope LW comes out of its 3 week re-hab running like it did back in the good old days.

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