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What would you like to see happen to the Bush Beast?


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what about the holding lakes for SRR? honestly in the discussion of rides being relocated, i don't know anything about sunway's pricings on it, but i dont htink many will be bought knowing what sunway's opinion on money is... i would like to see Bounty moved to seaworld, replacing their pirate ship, or perhaps partnering with it... choose your adrenalin level... regular or extra crispy... lol. just a few new restraints... (insert comments from Joz here), and perhaps endeavour moving to SW as well... it was a crap ride to operate, because it's controls couldn't stage the entrances precisely. i was never a ride op, but i have operated endeavour, and staging that thing was an absolute Biatch. for those who don't know... basically the ride had a couple of controls. it had an automatic despatch button, which would commence spinning, then tip up, do a couple revolutions, then bring it level and slow down. it would spin with its own momentum until it stopped. it didn't know where the entrance and exit were so it didnt necessarily stop at the bridge. there was a bridge up, and bridge down button (obviously) and a spin button. the op that was with me when i operated it taught me that you basically wait until the hydraulic drops the ship to level, then you hit the spin button until a certain point on the ship lines up with the station on the opposite side, release it, and it would have enough speed to turn until the entrance came up to the bridge. if you brought the bridge up and the turntable was in the wrong spot, the bridge would jam. so on another note... im going to create a new thread in general thrills... and i would like to know from operators out there, past and present, any park whatsoever, what attraction was the worst, or best, most interesting, difficult or easy to operate, absolutely any ride goes...

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i think it would be a biggest shame to throw out the world's first drop ride of it's kind, the space probe. I think its more exciting throught heming and the way the ride appeals, it looks very attractive and i like how they make the ride drop at different times. Theres no other drop ride in the world as unique as space probe. None go under a cover at the top and none have a tv countdown. It deserves a place somewhere, and i would like tosee it at Luna Park Sydney if anywhere.

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  joz said:
Thing is our one isn't nearly as painful, allows more freedom, better views and quicker loading times (higher capacity).  Also did I mention our one doesn't set out to destroy people's rib cages?
Plus it has broader appeal, and seriously, how would you market it? the GP would just think it was the normal pirate ship, or would just compare it to something like the hangover, A waste of money, there are other rides i would rather see at SW.
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No sorry, we're all having a nag at something today. Actually, have a quick look over at westcoaster.net and the photos from Robb's trip to Japan. There are several with "covers" at the top of the tower. Not to mention great themeing. Did I mention I hate Dodonpa? Okay, now we're getting off subject here. What were we talking about.... oh yes, BB, I don't particularly like Big Brother, oh other BB, right, ahem, I think in all honesty is just give up, we all now it is now fairly slow in wooden coasters, not to mention fairly unevenftul (kinda like Thunderbolt) and to be honest, the only ride really worth saving would be the Space Probe. Now there's a good ride.

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Joz - as i said - the bounty should be refit with new harnesses. Warner have a reputation for adequately staffing their rides. WL staffed bounty with one op, which is why it averaged a cycle of more than 5 minutes. With warner at the "helm", staffing could be adequate to turn the cycle around in under 5 minutes. and think of all the extra money they could make by placing nets under the ship? lol. Paul - the park i was referring to was WL. Bounty throwing a tyre mid-operation is definitely not nice to hear.

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It was funn. On my last visit to wonderland, my very first ride on bounty, everyone kept throwing their money down and yelling out (Sorry for the ***) Ah ****, I've lost my keys. That was the most funniest thing i have seen on a ride, and it had me cracking up so hard. But yes. If bounty does go anywhere in aus, it does need restraint re-fitting, and actual seats. Not just a bench.

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  \ said:
If bounty does go anywhere in aus, it does need restraint re-fitting, and actual seats. Not just a bench.
What type of seats would you recommend? There is a reason for the bench, yes it would do with some padding but that ride is a perfect example of safety before comfort and I commend the manufactures for that. A tyre blowing out on Bounty's is nothing compared to the cable snapping at Demon. The operator nearly s**t himself when it happened, luckily no one was injured. "The Bus is now leaving for Bench Point, Queensland"
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Cushions would probably work on Bounty's but the only problem with that is the weather. The cushions would become water logged very easily because unlike, say, Bush Beast there is cover for the ride when it is not operating. One of the main reasons for having a bench seat rather than specific seats is that it allows people of all shapes and sizes to go on the ride. It also allows for people to get to the other side of the ride easily, allowing them to put their loose articles in the correct place (we wouldn't want anyone to drop anything now would we?) and also get off the ride easily and quickly. Bucket seats wouldn't work for the reasons stated above and also it would require a complete re-design of the ride and would reduce the rides capacity by probably 10, from 50 to 40, to allow for sufficient room for the seats. "The Bus is now leaving for Pin Cushion Island, NSW"

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There was no programming involved in how tight the lap bars and harnesses went. Both the lap bars and harnesses are on ratchets so that if they come down during the ride they lock in and can only get tighter not loosen for very obvious reasons. The secret to the lap bars was to cross your legs after they had locked in, that way there was little or no pressure on the legs. "The Bus is now leaving for Lappar Tank, South Australia"

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