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New Coaster Topples Dragster's Crown


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Just released a short time ago... Six Flags Great Adventure will open the world's tallest, fastest roller-coaster in the world in 2005. Height: 456 feet Top Speed: 128mph (around 205kmh - my maths is a little off so feel free to correct) in 3.5 seconds Named Kingda Ka (translation anyone? apparently Ka is defined as God or deity), it will be located in a new jungle-themed area of the park. And the best bit is the bunny-hill after the top-hat....Looks awesome. Check out the pics and story here... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6127547/ http://mywebpages.comcast.net/burgantech/2005.png

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Geeeeeeeze, That will be on nuto coaster, and the airtime on the bunny hill wil be insane, but I hope it doesnt have the cable snapping problems of the other rockets, maybe intamin should do some research into carbon nanotubes ;) This looks set to be one of the most popular types of new coasters, thier 5th one and I have heard of more to come (Thorpe park and blackpool)

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Oh come on Joz, has The Claw ejected anyone? Actually that would be kind of funny..... ahem, moving on. I think that as SFGAdv is a "theme" park, there will be alot more work done on the coaster to make it more presentable. Remember the claw when the parts were first being shipped in? Man, it looked so dodgy, but now, it is just such a hot ride. Let's hope that Tower Of Terror, GD, Cyclone, all the drawcard rides get a makeover, because they are all showing their age, even though they're still young in a sense.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's really not any other way to launch when you're dealing with hydraulics (or pneumatics). It's not really any more unreliable than any other launch method. Provided the condition of the cables are monitored and replaced as necessary then there is really no chance of problems. Even then, the snapping problem has only plagued Top Thrill Dragster which by its nature would be a high-maintenance system. I haven't heard anything about snapping cables from Xcelerator in its two years, nor do I expect any news of it happening from rides like Storm Runner or the announced European rocket coasters. I suspect over the next few years as the technology settles in, we may well see them find a way to get more life out of the cables, which is the only real issue associated with their use. I've always thought that it would be smart to scan (x-ray or otherwise) the cable as it resets so the ride knows the condition of it and can conclusively know when it needs replacing. I don't know if they do this, but it seems like a very simple (albeit costly) part-answer. Regarding Kingda Ka, I'm not that interested by it. Put it this way - I have no intentions at this stage of visiting the park even though I'll be in New York next year.

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Ok then, i think intamin should do an entirely new lap restraint system , maybe similar to the B&M clamshell. I hope the cable doesn't break, and richo, that is a really good idea for the X-ray system that checks it, kevlar could be another cabling option but thats expensive but as i said, Intamin should research carbon nanotubes, now that would be strong ;) I thought you would want to ride it Richo, I remeber seeing in a TR that riding Xcellerator made you more exited about TTD, and this would be similar.

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