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Your Ideas for new rides


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Does anyone have any ideas for whole new rides or Themed Areas at DW? Post your detailed Idea here. I dont just want to see a one line suggestion of something like "I want a rocket coaster", I want to see how you would theme it, where it would go etc. One of my Ideas is to build on the Farmyard Friends Idea by making it a whole themed area, named something like Sunny Farm, ok, maybe something better. Model T lane would be moved here and be re themed to be like a ride around “grandpas and grandmas old farm” (it would still keep the model T name) with some nice sights along the way, the track would go around a new ride for that area, named something along the lines of Whirlwind or Willy-Willy. It would be a Maurer Sohne SC2000 and the theme would be a Willy-Willy causing mayhem on the farm, The ride would lean toward a more comical feel and a funny hillbilly soundtrack would play on speakers around the ride (but away from the station or queue so you don’t have to listen to it repetitively) The spinning motion of the cars would further add to the whirlwind theme as it would feel like you had been caught up in it, which would be the whole story of the ride. Various fibreglass farm animals and fruit crates would be hung on wires around the ride at odd angles so they look like they have been sucked up by the wind and some would be positioned close to the track to give near misses. The ride would be a good demographic buster while still being a good attempt of fitting in with the theme. Fruit trees and other farm paraphernalia would be placed around the base of the ride and the station would have a rustic feel. The track would be light brown and the supports would be dark brown. The size is not too bad, its comparable to an olympic sized swimming pool. Moving off model T to a new spot would free up the area around TOTs launch, which would be used for an X sector style area encompassing the TOT and the GD and some other new thrills following the same theme. What are your ideas?

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Well, heres my plan. Go visit B&M and get em to design a Kumba-Esque ride to fit into the Thunderbolts old place, perhaps a bit bigger (the bigger the better after all). Colour it Turquoise & Red, just like Kumba, or another colour combo like that. Of course this Kumba-esque ride will employ the same style of trains as Kumba, none of that floorless coaster bull crap here thanks. Next, once its done, don't strcitly 'theme' it, rather landscape it. Landscape it so its almost like a terrain coaster (not an intensive landscaping like Nemesis, that'd cost too much) and the lower sections go inbetween grass covered hills with some palm trees and maybe some Pines, iuno, I'll leave it up to them. As for the name, beats me. Latin sounds cool, name it something Latin.

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I reckon they should buy a 32 seat gyroswing and put it in near the Wipeout. They can theme the whole area, throw in some new landscaping, maybe a sideshow game or two, and give it kind of a jungle/beachy theme and call it the Claw, and theme it like a large, escaped animal. You can put the queue line at the side and incorporate it into the theme, even throw in a few TV screens that show live footage of the ride in motion. You can even have a good old Kingswood squashed under one of the claws of the escaped animal. What do you all think?

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Nah, I'm just joking. I would love to see a Roller Coaster, high capacity, and I'm not really bothered on the specifics (eg. stand up, inverted etc), only that it should have a long ride duration, long enough to enable two, possibly three trains to function. In addition to that, I would hope for a coaster that well and truly outclasses anything in Australia, and is competitive on a world scale. Doesn't have to be a world best or world first, but something which blows every other ride in Australia out of the water, and additionally grabs the attention of the world market, like Giant Drop and Tower of Terror managed to. It seems to me that those places which incorporate a "world first" finds a plethora of problems with the ride, simply because it hasn't been done before, hence there are 'bugs.' Therefore, something great and reliable will do me fine! I also would be dreaming here, but I think the ride should be more than just an outside experience, with an inside or underground section of the ride adding another feature to the experience. I mean how cool would it be to shoot underground through a tiny hole, going at a high speed through absolute darkness. For themeing, I think they should continue it as an Ocean Parade extension. The area could be landscaped really well, perhaps with water features spread throughout, and a path for those who wish to walk through to several viewing points of the ride. A name like The Hurricane, The Storm, Lightning Bolt, Thunderstorm, or weather related along those lines would be sufficient. Something which clearly is believable after they ride the ride - they actually feel like they've been through something, not like the Cyclone, which is nothing more than a drizzle. The underground tunnel (or tunnels) can include loud weather sounds, flashing lights (lightning) and possibly water lightly spraying or wind blowing, just to add that extra effect. As for the queue line, air conditioned for sure, and some type of dark atmosphere, like a storm is approaching. In their ride groups, they are taken into another room with an operator where there is a weather alert and their only chance of survival is to weather the storm and escape through the coaster. At this stage they are told to leave everything behind (glasses, loose items etc) and head towards their boarding area. This would: 1. Eliminate the time wasted on loose belongings 2. Eliminate any extended ride queueing time because they would be off to another area before boarding the ride 3. Add to the whole ride experience At the end of the ride they can all collect their loose items, head down towards the token ride photo shop with all the merchandise, and line up again. During non-peak times, they can reduce it to 1 or 2 trains to cut costs. However, they would probably need at least 3 operators, one for the collection of the riders, and 2 to operate, check everything etc. It would definitely be an expensive venture, and it would take a lot of planning and a lot of time to build the ride and add themeing, however it could be something along the lines of a 2-3 year plan (including the planning stages). Open it for Christmas 2006 or 2007, and add no further attractions in the mean time.

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Tell you guys what I'd love to see at Dreamworld??? A wooden roller coaster! How mad would that be...aye??? And if Dreamworld gets wooden roller coaster it could be the only woodie in Australia...that would be so cool! :D:D:D If Dreamworld geta a woodie....I'd visit that park everyday! (well atleast only in the holidays)

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Sorry if that was unclear Flea. Well I know it sounds basic, but I would incorporate a booth type thing similar to the Wipeout, inside of the starting room, where the operator just closes one door on one side, then the other side can be opened where the riders exit. That way the exit and entry are nearby each other (which is a problem Cyclone has), and there doesn't need to be time wasted when loose items are being left/collected. The guests would exit on the opposite side of entry, but they can walk through a tunnel which goes down and directly underneath the station to the exit point where their belongings are. These sort of systems where the riders arrive at the ride without any valuables means they get straight on the ride, and straight off so the next group can get straight on, improving the capacity. The tunnel out can also be themed so people know the ride is over, rather than just an exit sign.

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Neb, I regards to a kumba type ride, I wont work since ther isnt enough space, have a look at the Thunderbolt 2 track I posted nad that shows just about how much you could do with the site. My Idea for the thunderbot repalcement coaster is volcanic themed, where you are using the coaster as a means of escape, but the heat of he volcano has melted and warped the tracks (hence the twisty layout). It would form part of "The disaster zone" where rides from the four elements meet together, and this ride would be the fire element ride. (cyclone is the wind element ride). The earth element themed ride would just be a spin and spew, and the water element themed ride would be like an intaim shoot the chute, its simple, fun and wet, and it would have a flood theme. Now, for my Ideas for the Model T site Redevopment:It would be an X sector meets futuristic style area.It would have modern buildings using industrial look building materials, eg exposed concrete, exposed air conditioning ducts, stainless steel etc. GD would have a new ramp into the area with a proper grand entrance, I was thinking a 1.5 x 7m steel panel with the words “GIANT DROP” laser cut out of it and a silhouette the GD logo cut out of it. TOTs queue path would go into the area too, it would begin in the area, up a ramp over the end of main street where it meets river town, running parallel to the launch track with a Perspex screen so you can get a look at the ride while entering, it would then go back down to ground level an continue to the skull. It could be like a walk of doom. A new ride for this area could be a Vekoma motorbike coaster; themed to be like you are riding on a futuristic flying “Hover bike” on a skyway. The launch would be parallel to the TOT launch, with the track winding around the tower and through the themed area and back to the station. The colours would be metallic greys and silvers, with a stripe of electric blue on the ride vehicles. Along the course would be warning signs with pictograms of futuristic warnings. There could also be billboards, with advertising using DWs sponsors, adapted to suit the rides future theme, eg; “Coca Cola, now in an automatic bottle” or “Qantas, now flying to Alpha Centurai 3 times a week”, think the sort of adverts you would see in Futurama, but clean. Warp gates and short translucent tunnels would complete the rides total theme. The new area would also have a good flat ride to round the whole package off, perhaps a chance double inverter with a robotic theme?

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  Obstructure said:
but I'd be worried about it, as I am with most wooden coasters.
Nah, woodies are perfectley safe (that's only if the park does a weekly check up) They look heaps big even though they are small! Tell you why I like woodies??? I like them because I like the sound that it makes when it goes up the hill for some reason (weird I know!) :D:D:D:D:D
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  Gazza said:
Neb, I regards to a kumba type ride, I wont work since ther isnt enough space, have a look at the Thunderbolt 2 track I posted nad that shows just about how much you could do with the site.?
I reckon if you include the land in behind the Bumper Cars and out the front towards the carpark then you've got heaps of land. I realised on my last visit that Thunderbolt's site isn't as big as I originally thought, but it is smack bang in between two other vacant areas. A smart design and you'd be able to fit a few obligatory flat rides in as well.
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  PattieBoi said:
Tell you guys what I'd love to see at Dreamworld??? A wooden roller coaster! How mad would that be...aye??? And if Dreamworld gets wooden roller coaster it could be the only woodie in Australia...that would be so cool!  :D  :D  :D
Correction: Wouldnt be the "only wooden coaster in australia". You are forgetting that Scenic Railway, Luna Park Melbourne is not only a woodie, but also still in operation.
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  joz said:
I reckon if you include the land in behind the Bumper Cars and out the front towards the carpark then you've got heaps of land.  I realised on my last visit that Thunderbolt's site isn't as big as I originally thought, but it is smack bang in between two other vacant areas.  A smart design and you'd be able to fit a few obligatory flat rides in as well.
Correct. There is a HUGE amount of space available, they could extend it further than just the original Thunderbolt site.
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I have already tried a coaster using only the thunderbolt land, and it was good, It had a loop, interlocking corkers, a zero g and a dive loop, and a layout like that would be still pretty fun, so why use more space than you need to. I was thinking of using the land behind bumper bowl for a large boat water ride.

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  PattieBoi said:
Nah, woodies are perfectley safe (that's only if the park does a weekly check up)
Wonderland did daily check up's and looked what happened to it. The problem with Woodies in Australia is that unlike the majority of North American parks we do not have an off season. During the off season they do a huge amount of maintenance on all rides and really get stuck into them. "The Bus is now leaving for Haul Off Rock, Western Australia"
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