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I don't think a Vekoma 10 inversion would be the best idea. As much as I like inversions, I think a ride system thats so similar to Cyclone would be less marketable compared with something completly different. Also I'd like to check out Vekoma's new trains in a few years to see if they still get crap over time. I mean, if it requires a Disney Orlando budget to keep the ride smooth then steer clear.

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I would also visit Dreamworld in a flash if they built a big new coaster. The Claw doesn't quite do it for me. I would love to see something huge and something smooth. Too many inversions can make you sick so I'd rather see a massive lift hill (which we don't have any of in Oz) with a fun complete circuit

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I think another big part of the problem with Bush Beast was that (well to me ayway) it wasn't built all that well. When you look at most woodies they are pretty dense with a fairly hefty structure to them. When compared with Beast you see that it was only really a single track width deap and pretty light on in its compliment of wood... Sorry to get off topic.

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And by all accounts, the clone of it at Paramount's Great America (a seasonal park) is one of the roughest coasters out there. Add me to the "I'll believe it when I see it" train of thought for the smoothness of Vekoma's newer stuff. They just seem to be catering for a class of theme park operator where initial cost is more important than long-term comfort of guests. Fair enough, just I don't want to see them at any of our parks unless their rides do prove themselves to be cheaply reliable in the long-term. So long as Dreamworld installs something high capacity I'll be happy. It could be a tunnel of love for all I care, so long as it alleviates stress on the footpaths and other attractions.

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Yeah, i suppose the ride system for a vekoma 10 looper would be similar to cyclone, which is why a floorless coaster is the way to go, you get the long term quality, plus a riding position that is well marketable, in this situation i wouldnt care if DW wrote the biggest ride marketing spiel ever because it would be a cool ride and the twisting turning layout would ahve a high visual impact, its so cool when you see a coaster and its hard to tell where everything is going, premiers LIM bowls are a prime example of this. So Richo, with this high captacity ride you would like to see, what sort would you most like and how would you theme it, since this is what the topic is about.

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  Gazza said:
So you want a woodie, but what about specifics, eg location, theme, layout.
Location: Old Thunderbolt location Theme: Maybe they should call it Wild Beast and put some houses where freaky things just pop out! You know, the path before the que house? That's where it should be and the que house should be like an old abandonned house! Lay Out: A larger version of the Beastie....that would be cool!!! :rolleyes:
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Nahhh,I don't like the thought of a woodie at Dreamworld,I prefer listening to the sound of a metal coaster.A nice,smooth,ride,with about three loops,but they'd have to be interesting ones,not a simple vertical loop.I nice orange colour would be good,but the Claw already has this and I don't think it would fit if the two colours were too close together.A blue coloured ride which inverted three times likewise would be good,and I would make it one of the fastest coasters around.Have it themed as part of Ocean Parade,and add a few good flats in too.

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Give it up slick, its not gonna happen, B&M dont make launches and with the cable snapping problems being experienced by TTD and Xcellerator, it will be last thing they will do. Gravity fed is just fine, and anyway, where would the hydralic motor go, it would need to be above the track which would be too hard, plus a turn would be needed straight away after the launch so the cables could run to the motor. you could do it on your back but that would be little fun. I reckon a woodie should go at rocky hollow as an out and back layout along the side of the log ride up toward the back of the park, a woodie would fit the american wilderness theme of that part of the park. I would lean toward an intamin plug and paly woodie because you wouldnt need the twister GCI trains, plus, i nver liked how they have the bed-head on the front of the train.

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It's funny how you guys keep mentioning DW getting a big coaster AND a couple of good flat rides to go with it. It is highly unlikely that they would introduce a huge new coaster and a number of flat rides at the same time considering The Claw is a flat and has been marketed to the hilt as a massive new stand alone attraction. I also don't see the appeal with launch coasters. I would much rather see a massive lift hill with a huge drop - it builds up more suspense and as I said before, we don't have any decent (big) lift hills in Australia. Also wouldn't mind a huge woodie and definitely think this would fit in with DW's theme if placed near Rivertown or Rocky Hollow

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Anything with too many loops would make me sick. I'd much prefer huge hills with lots of airtime - is that what a hyper is? I get confused with my coaster jargon. Something like Millenium Force or Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point - they look incredible and we have nothing like them. Hard to believe that Magnum was built in 1989 and still to this day we have nothing that even comes close. Forget all the loops and tricks - I just think we need something incredibly tall that runs a complete circuit

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DW hasn't got a Ferris Wheel, maybe they should buy the Zodiac. But then again the Zodiac doesn't attract people anymore maybe DW should just stick to thrill rides :rolleyes:

  GoBoi said:
Something like Millenium Force or Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point - they look incredible and we have nothing like them. Hard to believe that Magnum was built in 1989 and still to this day we have nothing that even comes close.
Well DW cant build any roller coasters as tall or as big as Millennuim Force or Magnum XL-200..these coasters are just to big for Dreamworld
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  GoBoi said:
Something like Millenium Force or Magnum XL-200 at Cedar Point - they look incredible and we have nothing like them. Hard to believe that Magnum was built in 1989 and still to this day we have nothing that even comes close.
Well DW cant build any roller coasters as tall or as big as Millennuim Force or Magnum XL-200..these coasters are just to big for Dreamworld
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Yeah I think one of Dreamworld's major limitations is going to be the amount of free land available. They just don't seem to have heaps of space left over like so many US parks do. It doesn't seem to be worrying them either as they are in the process of developing commercial and residential premises on the spare land as part of the Coomera town centre. I don't think they are saving much for future ride expansions which is a bit of a shame

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There is enough space to do them fine for 7 years at least, even more if they dont do a new ride, plus, they can always eat into the carpark. As [art of the Coomera town center they could build a multideck and another park entrance so people would park there instead. BPB is an example of a park with little space but they do fine. I mean, if DW are prepared to whack down their newest ride in the middle of a footpath its safe to say they will continue buliding that way, plus, they can always ditch rides.

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I'm doubting DW will be putting in a B&M,I know they don't have money problems,but B&M does cost a bucketfull.The only way I would support a woodie at Dreamworld was if it was near rocky hollow,and themed as a Bush ride.I'd say a medium size one would do,with a nice roughness. Maybe blue doesn't suit Dreamworld,so i've changed my mind,id have a nice earthy colour,that would better.(I'm aware DW has blue couloured rides.I wouldn't have two many inversions,they don't make me sick,but like Obstructure I prefer not having too many inversions.

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Far from the truth, as I have said before, Hydra the revenge at DP is costing the equivalent of $18 million AUD, that is just $2 million dollars more than the TOT, and you are getting 5 inversions and a layout almost one kilometer long, and I bet if it were for DW they could get away with a 7 inversion layout which would make it less than $18 million. It could be even cheaper if it were a clone (which in this case I dont really care about since their layouts were good in the first place) Plus you get two 32 rider trains (over four times the seating capacity of TOT, plus a ride time over 2 minutes (around four times the ride time of TOT) I think its excellent value. But at this point in time an intamin looper would be more likely, which is nothing to be sneezed at.

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