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Wave Swinger Crash In WA


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For those of you guys who watched the news tonight. On Channel 9 News there was a report about a Wave Swinger At their "Carnival" that had a nasty accident. 5 Teenagers were injured and taken to hospital after sustaining injuries (broken ribs, collar bone etc..) on a Waveswinger at WA after a tent blew into it due to strong wind. The carny op. Due to stupidity hit the emergency stop button immediately causing all of the swings to tangle and colide at full speed. There is also some room for opinion on whether what he did was the correct thing or a stupid thing... Screammachine

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Well I know nothing about the incident but I'd say the blame with the chairs crashing lies with the rides design and not the Op. At that speed a ride of that nature shouldn't just snap to a stop when the e-stop is hit. It should coast to a gentle stop, anything else is just stupid. AND DANGEROUS.

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I'm sure all of those that were injured would feel much more comfortable know that they know it doesn't bother you because you don't like the particular brand of ride that hurt them... *wonders if some people EVER think before they open their mouth*

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When the e-stop is pressed on Wave Swingers they do not stop suddenly, but come to a slow stop just as it would if the ride was stopping normally. If it did come to an abrupt stop it would cause more injuries due to the chairs slamming into other chairs. If you have ever had one of those chairs hit you in the shin you know exactly what I mean. The operator did the right thing. HussSchmuckbow, what difference does it make who the manufactures it? *wonders if HussSchmuckbow has a brain* "The Bus is now leaving for Swinger Reef, Queensland"

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