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More Rides At Sydneys Luna Park For School Holidays


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Hey gang just thouh i might let you know that luna park is looking and getting some "extra" rides in for the school holidays.The Dominator is a draw card but now get ready 40 Meter drop could be comming The claw(dont know its other name) Ice skating ring in the big top There is meant to be one more ride but i dont know what.The Dominator will be back possibly with the train,And some other kid's rides.Hope this info is alright but just remember non of this is confirmed as yet.The park is still in negotiation with the owners of these rides that they would like Cheers. :cool:

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Mrmoon is talking about the Christmas 6 week holidays. I believe the rides he was referring to are the Hard Rock and the Mega Drop. Both of these will make a great addition to the park - shame they're only going to be temporary though. It means that people who don't come during the school hols (and if you're sensible you don't) miss out. Oh well, better than nothing. I always thought the Mega Drop would suit Luna Park really well

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I would love to see a version of Mega Drop made permanent at Luna Park and placed where the UFO currently sits (either ditch the UFO altogether or stick it out the back). That spot would be absolutely perfect for a drop ride with its elevated central position... just imagine the views from up there

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How can you say the Ranger doesn't fit well into Luna Park. It's a great addition to Luna Park. I remember when it used to be at the front of the park, out of the way, yet still in a great position, it was brilliant. Neither the Ranger nor UFO, nor any other ride they have, apart from the kiddy ones that they have and maybe the dominator should go! And don't say that getting rid of the kiddy rides goes against the market they are stiving to get, cause every time I've been there, I'd say over 75% were teenagers. Perhaps they should just build a couple of buildings out the back, and some food stores and what not, and then stick in the rides like they are out the front. And fir the Mega Drop in there, they could do it if they tried.

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I totally agree,Ranger is good,mainly because it's not like traditional rides of this type.Instead of slowly swinging to gain momentum,it simply tips you upside down without any warning.I'd prefer a 60m freefall,it'd offer excellent view,but if MD is the only poosibilty then I'm ok with that.

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The Ranger adds some value but is nothing to get overly excited about. It might be okay if it was a bit better presented. Plonking it on top of a bit of asphalt and not giving it a facade doesn't help much either. As someone else on here was implying, the rest of the rides in the main area of the park look a bit better because they have infrastructure and buildings around them. They have been somewhat designed to fit into the surrounding area - unlike anything in Maloney's Corner

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well guys it looks like you all might be wrong with your idea's,the mega drop might go next to the tumble bug,we have had a ride up there before,all we need to do is oder the crain,i know it sounds weird but it could happen,for the hard rock i'd say where the "new" simulator is right now.The sim can be moved very easy

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Uh, well they moved the simulator that was always there, uh, next to the Ferris Wheel I think, they moveds that next to the dominator, out the back in Maloneys corner. They replaced the area next to the ferris wheel with a cheap stage and a bit of entertainment (how ironic). Quite a crappy thing to replace the simulator with, but meh.

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Yeah we have a new sim,its older than the other one but the Hydrulics are 10 times better and this time it does bash you around a fair bit.As for the ranger there is no way it could be moves,the arm it self has a total weight or sum 60 ton so as for it going onto any roof you could forget it,i belive it could be better going over the water kinda put it where the kids ride's are but actually so it would seem like its going into the harbour.and as for some one saying sell the ranger and u.f.o the ranger was going to go possibly but that has been scratched i dont know why and the u.f.o is a park model.So i think that could be harder to get ride of and the park would be shut down so it could get taken away,not a good idea,thats why its been on that roof since 1993

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Well well, someones a bit cocky. And they might be able to move it up there if they tried really hard, if the Ranger can fit on the back of a truck, then they can just build a really big wooden ramp on top of Coney Island, and then drive it up there, or move it up, drag it up, piece by piece whatever. They'd surely find some way of doing it.

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well i admit it would be nice buy the ranger's weight is over 90 ton of steel,the roof on coney island couldent take it,it would have to be all cemented up and it would look rather stupid if you asked me.the ranger on top of coney island,i think some ppl have to much "free" time on there hands and not enough sensible time

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I agree. People need to stop coming up with this crazy idea of putting rides on top of Luna Park's buildings - especially the heritage listed ones. The only roofs that can handle rides are the ones that have been specifically designed for them. On top of this, Coney Island has a sloped roof which goes to a point in the middle (as most roofs do). I'm still not sure about UFO being a park model. What makes you think it is Mrmoon? It looks pretty portable to me... even the platform. I'd like to know the difference between a park ufo and a portable one - has anyone got any pictures of the Paramount Canadas Wonderland version? By the way - Luna Park's Ranger is probably THE most portable looking 'permanent' ride I have ever seen in an amusement park. You could pack that thing up and drive it away in a flash. You can even see it's trailer

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Not sure if there is space available but the Ranger would be great closer to the ocean. That aside, I hope the talk of new thrill rides at Luna Park is true, particularly the Hard Rock and Mega Drop. LPS definately needs more thrilling rides. I wouldn't even mind my old favourite the Zipper squeezing in somewhere in the park.

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