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Robb & Elissa's MASSIVE Japan Update!


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Hey everyone! Elissa and I have just finished the update from our recent Japan trip. This ended up being a MASSIVE undertaking as the final result is more than 100 pages of photos, videos, trip reports, and travel guides from 18 of Japan's finest (and in a few cases not so finest) theme parks! There's Tokyo Disney, Fuji-Q, LaQua, Nagashima Spaland, Parque Espana, and tons more! There is a great deal of information about parks and coasters you don't normally hear much about. I hope you guys enjoy the update. We tried to do it in such a way that it would help you plan a trip to Japan! Here is the direct link to the update: http://www.themeparkreview.com/japan2004/japan.htm Thanks again to everyone for checking it out! --Robb

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I had a good look at it earlier on at westcoaster and it looks like you guys had a lot of fun (bar some of those Togo coasters, particularly the the nut-crushing stand-up coaster) and it seems that my prophesy was true, Dodonpa suck anus. Next trip ideas would be....... AUSTRALIA TRIP! (It would be a lot cheaper afterall).

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  Slick said:
Next trip ideas would be....... AUSTRALIA TRIP! (It would be a lot cheaper afterall).
Oh, it's in the plans! Probably not next year, but I think you may see us down there in the next two years! Elissa's been several times and she LOVES it and I'm psyched about going too! --Robb "We'll let you all know when you make our plans." Alvey
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Hey Rob Look forward to reading the update when I get the chance, too damn tired over here now. From what I saw on WC the parks looked great. Just staggered back into the room at Paradise Pier, can't believe how dead the parks are! Hope the weather clears up and Knotts is as quiet tomorrow. Would be great if you guys make it down here in the not to distant future :)

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Great report Rob.I was their in 2002 and loved the atmosphere of tokyo and their theme parks.A few stories I was travelling from Fujikyu Highland by train after visiting the park and realise i left my camera at the park.I thought that i was on the last train to come out of that area.We arrived at I think Ueno station and found out the train we came on was doing one last run back to Fujikyu.I decided to go back hoping i might have a chance to find my camera.When i arrived back at the park their was the manager with my camera i bowed and said thankyou. I was also fortunate to visit Nagashima Spaland and the park was empty and every ride was walkon except Steel Dragon which had a five minute wait at the Max.The Steeldragon was great one of my favourites.But what else i liked was this shopping mall next to it called Jazz Dreams and in it had shop called the Edwin Shop which sold Edwin Jeans,Shirts and Accessories. I highly recommend japan to anyone especially if your into coasters and themeparks or in general i found a great Jazzmusic store in Shinjuko Tokyo. For us Aussies its cheaper for us to go their than America or Europe,UK.

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