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Well here are some of my No Limits tracks. Some things to point out though: -you'll need 1.5 to view most of these -Coasters like Blade are enthusiast coasters, hence the g's going into the red zone momentarily -The two corkscrews on the Corkscrew Classic (which is actually a floorless coaster, long story...:o) are screwed until futher notice. Feedback is appreciated!

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Ok Slick, you asked for it: Fireball- Same comments as the last time i rated this, good ride, but unoriginal 8/10 Oblivion- Nice and high, but it cant even complete the ride because it crashes, dont ever submit a ride without testing. there was lots of pumping in the wraparound Imellman, and the top support was too close for comfort. It was also undersupported, there was a whole 40 m long section of track without supports. 3/10 Raptor Vengance, nice layout, but still the same problems as before (including an exessivley long and uneven turn back to the station and a painful tophat) 6/10 Corkscrew Classic, Still same problems as before (including multiple collisions, non straight MCBR, rough) 5.5/10 Blade, Dont use the excuse of a ride being for enthusiast as an exuse for sloppy G force managment, i died toward the end of the ride because my head hit a support, The terra was nice and it had some nice airtime, I dont get the MCBR since you only need them if running 3 or more trains. Lateral got too high in places, and being an enthusiast or not doesnt make high lateral gs any less painful. The layout was good also but try to avoid having long, wide and uneventful turns as the main substance of the ride. 7/10 Black Nova: Still the same problems as before (including the train not parking properly in the unload station (those in the front car cant get out) also, there were lenghty sections of vertical track that had no supports 6.5/10 Dont know why you bothered posting 4 old tracks without any problems fixed when we can see them here . Try to take my advice on board, and prehaps alter these tracks to solve the problems.

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  \ said:
Come on guys, very slack effort in replying here.
Maybe because no one cares. Oh wait, Gazza has replied. Glad to see you care Gazza.
  \ said:
This is what really annoys me.When heaps of people view a thread,yet none of them will reply.
You took your time to reply didn't you?
  \ said:
where can you download no limits coaster design for free when I went to the website a while ago you could only get a 30 day trial
Remember piracy is bad and robs the developers of the software. On a serious note you could probably find a crack or a serial for it just have a look around. "Remember if it exists, it's on the Internet"™ Disclaimer: Piracy is bad and it contributes funds to international terrorist organisations, so don't do it. "The Bus is now leaving for Punchs Terror, Tasmania"
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The only thing updated was the Terra Forming, which by the way was very nice, but trackwork and building technique is more important. Make sure all your coasters are tunnel tested, basically this is a way of checking for collisions, just select all track segments, go into the segment dialogue box and tick the tunnel box. Then ride the coaster, if anything protrudes into the tunnels then they are too close for saftey reasons.

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  Slick said:
On a lighter note, a new pack will be up tonight with updated tracks.
Can you put them up? Hey also, there is a cool thing you can do with NL, (or any 3D game for that matter) What you do is get a pair of sunnies but only have them over one eye, and when you play the game dark light from the shaded eye is processed slower by the brain than the unshaded one, giving a sort of 3D effect, its not as good as say a real 3D movie, but it can make riding your coasters a little more interesting. If you have an old pair of sunnies that you can somehow not use anymore, you could just pop out one lens so you are not there holding the sunnies up to one eye, you can just wear them.
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Sorry 'bout the wait guys. I have been caught up in making a few new coasters on top of updating the existing ones. There is one currently being made (codenamed Blade Element) that will blast off to 145km in 2 seconds and do 13 versions without any fuss. It will be cool, but there's alot of testing to do with that one.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, seeming its 3:14am and for some reason i'm not doing any online gaming here are some new files in for you guys, and while they're, well, "delayed", some of these new coasters are pretty kewl. Let me enforce a couple of messages though, Nova is still a work in progress and Echo is my pride and joy right now so love it and use it wisely, just like the force.

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