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Halloween @ Luna Park!


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I would like to congratulate Sydney's Luna Park for being the only theme park in Oz (that I know of) to hold any kind of Halloween event. If you go to Luna Park's great website you can read info about the event which is happening this Sunday. Sounds like a fun day and I would encourage any locals to get down there and support it. I have always loved Halloween and think it is such a shame that Australia does not make more of it. The parks in the States do some amazing things at this time of year - why don't our major parks do something similar?

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Well on the website it mentions that scary characters will be roaming around throughout the park and that there will be a number of 'haunted houses' or something. I assume it won't be too huge this year but if it does well then they may pick it up a notch next year which would be good. That's why I'm hoping they get good results from it this year. They seem to be doing a good job of promoting it this week but I do feel they've left it a bit late to get the word around

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pffft, I reckon it will be much crap compared to the Halloween things in the States that I've heard about. And Halloween is a stupid idea anyway, perhaps they should conserve resources and pour them all in for something huge and exciting during Christmas! and all of them fast Pizza places pale in comparison to actual peoper Pizza Restaurants. Like Enzo's in Camden. Mmmm.

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Hope it goes better at LP then it did at DW earlier in the year, cause I'd also like to see the idea work, and get a bit more popular down here. BTW, from what I've seen, the best themeing I've seen for Halloween easily goes to Dinseyland Paris. That place looks amazing at the best of times, but the way they dress the park up is really quite breath taking.

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Forget Christmas. I reckon Halloween is the best chance for theme parks to really create something special. I don't think LPS is going too overboard this year bit it will certainly be a better effort than the rest of the parks. I don't know why on earth DW had their fright night on some random date. It would have made much more sense to actually hold it on Halloween

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I would have liked to see Dreamworld hold a whole month of Halloween festivities. It would be a way to bring in some more people in a traditionally quieter time. It would also give them a chance to really put some nice theming together. This is when a temporary walk-thru attraction like Tomb Raider (horror themed ofcourse) would be really suitable. It would build up to a climax and finish on Halloween day. Just out of interest - was the Tomb Raider attraction run in-house by Dreamworld or was an outside company responsible for it? Did anyone end up making it to Luna Park today? If so, let's hear your comments

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