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matty_o's RCT2 & RCT3 Park Recreations


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Well the last couple of days I haven't been home long enough to do any work on the park. The last I did was I was working on Nick central, but was starting to have some problems due to available space problems in that area, especially where the reptar rollercoaster is, I still have no Idea how that will be put in there properly yet. I may just have to make a few slight adjustments to get things to fit. But I should be able to do a lot more in the coming days and I will post some more screens. I should think that it would be finished around mid next week fingers crossed.

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I think there's little things that aren't in place from the real park, but other than those tiny little things that only people like me would notice (god bless 'em), very fine job indeed. One thing though is to probably cut down on the shrubbery in the thunderbolt and cylone track area. The only trees around there were two patches in Thunderbolt and a strip running down the side of Cyclone parallel to the car park.

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Yeah, I was thinking the TOT entrance had moved but I wasn't sure, thanks. I should be able to move it easily enough to the other side, I'll just have to move the rail line back a little so that it can fit in. Thankfully because I use the scenario creator, I can move the park boundaries much further out, so I am not short of space in those areas. Where I am having problems with space, is just between the TOT and Ocean parade where in some areas it is larger then it should be, and some areas it is smaller than it should be. (The smaller area is where I have to build a kiddy coaster) I should get it to fit anyway. Last night I did some work on Tiger Island, locking some poor entertainers in orange elephant suits in. The entertainers aren't really happy with their predicament and will probably quit eventually. (not that I blame them, I would hate to be locked in a cage wearing a hot elephant suit) I'll post some screenshots of them later.

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Hey Matty when you said you opened your park that time to see what people thought of it did it have any lag? I have an alright computer that well exceeds the requirements but I just downloaded an already made park which had alot in it and it was very laggy, so I'm just wondering do you reckon by the time your finished Dreamworld it'll be same?

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Yes, the frame rate drops considerably after you open the park. My computer is above the requirements too, it automatically set the quality to very high when I played it for the first time, but when there are 1000 people walking around even in a park the size of dreamworld, it slows down. It is bearable, but not the best. When I put the park online to download, I will put the version with nobody in it, so that people can ride the rides with out much lag, and then they can open it later on. Since I don't have many rides left, it is just scenery left to go as I make my way around the river, it shouldn't slow down anymore I shouldn't think. But as I said, it is just bearable on my computer, but on some other computers it would be even worse. I was thinking about for my next park recreating Cedar Point, but with the number of rides there, it would make even the best computer in the world slow right down. And by the way, where did you download the already made park from, I have tried searching the net but I haven't found many completed parks, just ones in the process of being made like mine.

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Oh ok that's fine then, the one I downloaded was "Frostbite Mountain" from CoasterBuzz. You can visit in here http://games.coasterbuzz.com/ but you need to register in order to download. In RCT3 was it possible to recreate Blue Lagoon with all the water slides and all? or is it just a building kind of thing for looks? BTW are you still going to build the paddle steamer as a stationary object on the lake still? Becuase I reckon that's the best way to do it, but anyways you've done great so far, no doubt you'll finish with perfection too.

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In the past I have just built the blue lagoon area mainly for looks, with the occassional waterslide track, but because water slides in the game need lift hills, I never completed them, so they didn't work. And I'll probably do the same this time. I am also going to put in a stationary paddlesteamer, which I will do after the whole river is complete incase the land changes and it makes it move. I probably haven't filled in enough yet for some more screenshots, but expect some tomorrow.

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Time for one of my last updates of screenshots on my recreation of dreamworld before it is finished. I still have a little bit to go, but the whole park has taken shape and I am now in the process of going back and filling in the parts which I have skipped. Today I completed most of the animal areas exept for the koala part, and completed the railway. Before posting the park up here which should be perhaps Thursday night if lucky or otherwise Friday night, I will be completing, probably in this order, the riverwalk area, gum tree gully, the rest main tiger island building, back over to koala country, down to main street, and then completing nick central and blue lagoon, after which I will be making sure lighting, bins and benches are throughout the park, and I will be test opening the park to see how everything goes and making the necessary improvements. And in between all of that, I will be filling in the empty area to the back and sides of the park with trees. After that, I'll be saving the scenario to remove the options bars in the top right and will be posting it online (I will probably tell you all the exact time it will be online just in case you want to download it as soon as it is online.) I am also in preparation for my next recreation which will be Cedar Point, the park with the most rides and coasters than any other in the world, and since I have never been there, to make a good recreation I am collecting lots of pictures from around the internet so I can get it as good as possible. Anyway, here are the screens of dreamworld.

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Man that's looking absolutely fab-u-lous, its amazing how close it is to the real thing. Can't wait to download it lol. Is it possible to build a skull for the entrance to the tower of terror lol? I know it probably isnt but it would be cool. Also there is an old tin shed house that Dreamworld uses for the paddlesteamer show, dont know if want to add it in but i just remembered it. Anyways, cant wait for it to be finished.

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I think Matt knows about that whole "ToT" thing.

  Paul_Hollibone said:
Only 1 problem i can see, and that's with TOT. From the picture, it looks like the entrance is in the Nick Central area, when the actual entrance thanks to Nick Central is around the other side, near the train track and Tiger Island. However very nice work indeed.
  Matty_o_911 said:
Yeah, I was thinking the TOT entrance had moved but I wasn't sure, thanks. I should be able to move it easily enough to the other side, I'll just have to move the rail line back a little so that it can fit in.
Matt, for those of us who don't get Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 until 10 days time, Do you think you could do some video's (nothing special) and some park close-ups of the finished thing. Some things like the River Rapids, TOT, Nick Central, The Train, and Blue Lagoon. Thank You Very much.
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If Dreamworld expands like it plans to within the next decade then it will probably have as many rides as the Cedar Park you propose to create making a new re-creation of the Dreamworld site highly time consuming. But we'll worry about that when it comes to it, for now you have built what Dreamworld is in 2004, a world class family theme park and you've done a mighty fine job Matty.

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I will try and add some of the suggestions people have made and yes, RCT3 has a skull, which I will also be adding in. When I have completely, or mostly, finished the park I will be posting a heap of images, of various things, like on-ride pics and things. As for videos, I will try because RCT3 does have a video recording function, but I think they are large files, and so with only having dial-up internet, it would take too long to upload, but I will see what I can do. I will try an onride video of cyclone or giant drop, or probably ToT, because it is nice and short. As for dreamworlds future expansion (which I really hope happens), I have expanded the boundaries of the park out leaving plenty of room around the sides, and a lot at the back, for people who download this file to fiddle around and expand dreamworld as they would like, because that is what I will probably do. I would like to see people editing my park to and possibly posting screenshots of their proposed dreamworld expansion up here, so if you think dreamworld should add in a replica of Top Thrill Dragster across the river or building a floorless or hypercoaster somewhere (which would be good), build it in and show the rest of us your ideas. Oh yeah, and spoleweski, very good choices of your avatar and signiture (I am a star wars fan too, and will be inline for the midnight premiere on may 19 2005 for ROTS, Can't Wait!)

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Hey hey don't get me started lol. But this isn't the place to discuss it anyways. Star Wars is the best, especially the Original Trilogy, you simply can't top the best! I'd better say something about the game afterall this is what the topic is about...*cough *cough... yes this game is cool and I can't wait to run around dreamworld riding all the rides via matty's replica of the best Gold Coast Theme Park. All this park needs now is the atmosphere of the real place, and how can that be created you may ask? Well how about the theme music of Dreamworld being played in the background. Seeing that this new feature of incorporating your own songs into the game has been added why not use it? Trouble is...I don't think anyone has a copy of the Dreamworld Theme Song...

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A couple more pictures. I built the paddlesteamer, unfortunately because I built it on land first, then saved the building and copied it and placed it on the water, it doesn't actually for some unknown reason sit on the water. You can't see it from the above views, but when you look at it side on it is floating a considerable height over the water, but that's the best I could do. For the smoke stacks on the top, I used a 'queen' chess peice (I think it works well) And the elephants don't last long in the tiger pen. I usually play the game on pause, but when I run it they are cranky, probably want to quit and escape so that is why in the picture of the tiger island building there is an elephant on the path. At the rate I am going, the best estimate will be friday night completion.

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