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Fright Nights 2022


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  On 24/08/2022 at 8:51 PM, Rivals said:

50,000 is the capacity with tickets being sold at $79-$99 with the highest being $499? goodluck to anyone going on a sold out night.


lmao i must’ve read it wrong forget what i said.


If it’s 50,000 across all the nights then that seems more reasonable, apologies for reading it wrong

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But at 50,000 over 9 nights you are looking at approx 5,500 a night...  There are easily more than that number of people on most days.

If that is the case then Fast Tracks are pretty pointless.

They put through between 12 and 20 people each maze group (round to 15 for maths), over 5 hours and a group being admitted every, lets say 60 seconds to be generous, you are looking at a throughput per maze of around 4500 people per night.  Remembering not everyone wants to do every maze, some don't do mazes at all.

So it is pretty close for people to be able to do all mazes within the night without having a Fast Pass...

Personally I have never seen the point in rides at FN as they can be done at any other attendance to the park, and certainly see no point paying to skip the queue on them.

Keep in mind the figures I have used are not exact but based on previous years.  They also send larger groups more frequently than I have used so the final throughput could be a fair bit higher (groups of 15 sent every 45 seconds would allow 6,000 people per maze per night)

Edited by MaxxTheMonster
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  On 25/08/2022 at 12:15 AM, MaxxTheMonster said:

But at 50,000 over 9 nights you are looking at 5,555 a night...  There are easily more than that number of people on most days.

If that is the case then Fast Tracks are pretty pointless.


I'd dispute "most days" but I do believe the park capacity is more than double the 5k figure - however, WB kids will effectively be closed, and West likely will be too. Additional floor space is also lost to maze queues and paths, precincts also occupy space, and the park is dark and poorly lit. So for a reduced footprint, and increased hazards (including the continued need to pay lip service to social distancing measures) and 5,500 sounds about right. 

Looking at the wiki, and it doesn't seem too far off when you compare to pre-covid numbers either:


It is a consistently popular event, with around 7,000 guests attending each Fright Night evening in October 2017



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Usually the event is capped anywhere between 5500-8000. I know it has been 8000 during previous years.

I've previously worked across both MW and WnW and during the summer of 2015-2016 we had a day at WnW with over 16,000 and were still happy to let more in. They have said before that they don't have a cap for day trade and wouldn't stop a paying customer from going into the park. Unlike Raging Waters(when it was WnW Sydney) which used to stop letting customers in after they got to a certain capacity. Unsure if this is still the case.

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  On 25/08/2022 at 5:21 AM, JaggedJanine said:

I've previously worked across both MW and WnW and during the summer of 2015-2016 we had a day at WnW with over 16,000 and were still happy to let more in. 



  On 25/08/2022 at 2:07 AM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

I'd dispute "most days" but I do believe the park capacity is more than double the 5k figure



Working in Guest Services over Christmas period at one stage I know we had more than 14,000 in park.  I know that Boxing Day (even 20 years ago) was getting more than 10,000 in park.  Weekly attendance (outside holiday periods) fluctuated between 4,000 and 6,000.

  On 25/08/2022 at 1:54 AM, Gazza said:

I think its more if you want to see more of the shows, have time to eat, or just not physically stand in a crowded line.
People may want to do rides since riding at night is a different experience.

And of course attendance is not uniform, some nights will be busier.


Absolutely agree with you Gazza.  I have yet to see the mention of any live music or shows at this time however, which I really hope is present as I love standing around listening to / watching them.  They were incorporated into a precinct or two in previous years but so far nothing mentioned :(

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  On 25/08/2022 at 5:21 AM, JaggedJanine said:

They have said before that they don't have a cap for day trade and wouldn't stop a paying customer from going into the park.


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  On 25/08/2022 at 7:44 AM, MaxxTheMonster said:

Working in Guest Services over Christmas period at one stage I know we had more than 14,000 in park.  I know that Boxing Day (even 20 years ago) was getting more than 10,000 in park.  Weekly attendance (outside holiday periods) fluctuated between 4,000 and 6,000.


That's hardly "easily more than...." 5500 people in park "...most days " in fact it sounds entirely average.

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  On 25/08/2022 at 10:31 PM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

That's hardly "easily more than...." 5500 people in park "...most days " in fact it sounds entirely average.


If you read the comment as a whole:

  On 25/08/2022 at 7:44 AM, MaxxTheMonster said:

 I know that Boxing Day (even 20 years ago) was getting more than 10,000 in park.  Weekly attendance (outside holiday periods) fluctuated between 4,000 and 6,000.


i.e. Weekly attendance 20 years ago was between 4,000 and 6,000.  I don't know the figures these days but given the parks are busier now than then, one could infer that means more people than that now?

Fluctuated is the past tense of fluctuates which is the current tense.  The more you know :D

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From my previous experience working at Movie World. Weekday attendance was approx 3000 a day, weekends 4000 - 5000.

School holidays were around 8000-12000. The park would close the gates at 16,000 which was the full capacity. General rule of thumb was if the park is expecting more than 10,000 they would add the 3rd HSD show (11am, 12:15 and 1:30pm) and for a crazy peak day they would add a 4th show at 4:15pm.

This was back around 2013, so not sure what the current park capacity is. But they have certainly shut the gates a few times in the past. I remember being stuck operating batwing till 7:15pm when the park closed at 5:30pm... most boring ride in the park to operate IMO

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I feel so far the original mazes have been a hit (HOK did get weaker when moved into a smaller shed) so i won’t be surprised if Death Row is too, when they don’t have to stick to an IP they seem to have a lot more creativity and uniqueness which is when they shine. 

Where are we thinking for maze locations anyway? same as 2019 or different as you won’t be able to cut through the AA Courtyard?

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