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Luna Park goes to the movies!!!


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Hey guys!! ;) Don't know if any of you have heard this but in the Daily Telegraph last Friday they ran an article about how Luna Park have unveiled "plans to build a five screen,720-seater boutique cinema complex. The cinemas will sit beside the cliff-face, above the Tango ride and the Lighthouse Cafe,replacing the current admin building.The plans also include a footbridge connecting the cinema roof to Glen street,with access provided by a lift and a stairwell." The cinemas are apparently going to show arthouse and independent films as well as mainstream. The article goes further by stating that for the first time in 10 years a project associated with Luna Park has gained wide local support. Plans have gone on display and will remain for 30 days. :) What is interesting is that the article does not give a start date for construction nor an estimated time of opening. :confused: What is good is that the proposal doesn't replace any existing rides nor does it take any space that could be used for future rides. :) I think that if this project goes ahead it can only bode well for the future of the park. My only concern is that I fear that the fun park aspect of the Luna Park is being slowly overshadowed somewhat. :( However if they manage to get 3 rides from Wonderland and continue to update their rides for the holiday season, then it appears Luna Park is travelling in the right direction. Comments? Cheers Jobe

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i do agree for the long term it will help the park although it will be taking a little of the "fun" away.The only drama about the whole thing is the "UFO" i cant see it getting put into another part of the park and if it did the park would be closed for a while to that they could relocate it possibly trokia might get the boot.

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Jobe you mentioned that this new cinema will not replace any existing rides. I've got 3 letters for you - UFO (as Mrmoon mentioned). How do you think they can build a cinema above the lighthouse cafe without getting rid of this ride first? I think we all knew from the start that the new owners of Luna Park were never overly interested in running an amusement park. Proof lies in the fact that the majority of the cash went into new function and entertainment venues. I do think and hope that they will always have SOME rides at Luna Park but I certainly think they are moving fast away from this idea everyone has of it still being an amusement park 100%. The rides have apparantley done well for Luna Park this year and they complement the function spaces nicely but they will no longer be the main attraction

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Goboi,Mrmoon, the article stated that the cinemas would be BESIDE the cliff-face above the Tango ride and AND the Lighthouse cafe. The most telling information we have here is that the cinemas are to replace the current admin building, which is a fair space in itself.Take into account the space behind the main midway and the cliff-face and I think that this proposal could fit in quite easily without the removal of the UFO.The graphic that accompanied the article does tend to give evidence to this theory(The pic shows the cinema proposal starting near the Tango ride and finishing near the LIghthouse cafe. It appears(in this pic) that room has been made to retain the UFO in its original position. All that seems to go over the Tango and Lighthouse cafe are a stairwell and entrance to a foyer with the bulk of the cinema to the back near the cliff-face in the former admin buildings position. Of course you may be right and and it could indeed necessitate the removal of the UFO from its current position. The only way to solve the dilemma is to look at the official plans, which are currently on display, I presume at the park itself.(if anyone is going there in the next few days have a look?? :) ) If the cinemas did call for the removal of the UFO, I am sure that the park would retain the ride in another position. However I would feel that this would be a shame as the current position is fantastic and works in well with the over-all ambience of the park. I fully agree with your points on Luna Park's changing focus. However they must have a balance of amusements and functions to entirely succeed 100%. I think that this "mix" is slightly skewed in favour of functions at the moment but as you have pointed out,rides and amusements have done well for the park this year ,so they cannot completely ignore this facet of the business. If they manage to attain 2 or 3 new rides that are of a high standard, then this would return the mix to an even balance. They obviously are looking at new attractions(with the reported interest in certain former Wonderland rides) so they are not fully oblivious to this part of the business or its appeal to the general public. We have to remember that the park has only been re-opened since April. Time will tell if the new operators have any definite plans to rejuvinate the amusement side of the park's business Comments?? Cheers :cool: Jobe

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There is no way that Luna Park would get ride of UFO, it is one of their top rides. It might be alright if they got rid of the tumblebug or something that is of lesser importance. BTW. they could put the admin blocks where the tumblebug is now, remeber the square concrete area which would supply adequate space.

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The administration building at Luna Park is located behind the park and if you go through the gap between the dodgems and Coney Island it is pretty much directly in front of you. It is also used by other businesses so I doubt they will replace it with a cinema. I vaguely remember the photo in the paper but it looked like it was near the front of the park around the Big Top. Maybe this is the alternative to the office block they were going to build. "The Bus is now leaving for Big Top, NSW"

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Wonderbus you might be thinking of the wrong building.I always thought that the Luna Park Admin building was further up behind the Tango ride. The staff actually have an entrance at the back of the queue for this ride. You can further see this building as you board the UFO.(From memory it is coloured white with a blue roof with a corrugated iron look??-correct me if I am wrong here!!!) The article definetly does state that the admin building will be replaced by the cinema proposal. I would dearly love to see the plans that are on display. It would put a great many things in context!!! How goes the negotiations for the former Wonderland rides?? Cheers Jobe

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Steve, I dont think that they would put the admin building on the site where the Tumblebug currently resides.Surely this space would be retained for permanent ride usage. It is the only space in Luna Park other than the UFO site(which is now called into question with the new proposal) with an elevated commanding postion of the Midway. I feel that this space will be definitely earmarked for ride usage, both for the present and for future projects. Any one agree/disagree?? Comments?? Cheers Jobe

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Bussy you are getting a little confused. I myself was confused about this a few months ago so did some asking around and got the answer. The administration building Jobe is referring to (with the corrugated steel walls) is behind the UFO near the front of the park. It is actually the OLD administration building which they used mostly when the park reopened in the 90's. This building is now essentially empty. It is no longer where management resides. Luna Park's current management/administration is located in the new office block directly behind Maloney's Corner. Luna Park built this building and then sold it off. They retained some space for their own offices however. You can't miss it - it is the most obvious thing behind Coney Island and MC. The administration building which is going to be demolished for the cinema is the old empty one behind the UFO

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I can't comment too much on this as I am yet to read any official articles or anything but it sounds to me like LPS are being very careful and trying not to cause a stir with this new cinema. I think it's highly likely they will remove the UFO but they have worded it carefully and avoided mentioning it. They know full well it would cause a minor outcry and get the "they're not interested in running a fun park" talk happening again. I would really like to see a picture of the proposal

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I will try and upload the article for you Goboi so you can read the official report. Its pretty much as I have quoted at the start of the thread. I am interested to know why you think,not having read anything official on the proposal, that you think it is highly likely that LPS will remove the UFO?? I for one think it is probably a fair bet that it could POSSIBLY be removed from its current space because of the cinema proposal,(as I have said before,the pic contained within the article was vague and ultimately inconclusive) ,but I remain unconvinced that LPS would remove it from the park altogether.As you have stated there would be a small outcry especially since its (a) a ride unique to LPS in Australia (B) it is a very popular ride and one that would further widen the gap between fun park and function centre. I do fully agree and support your views on the current park conditions though. :D Looking at the official plans would be the best way to end any debate on the subject,however. Coaster_crazee,the negotiations for former Wonderland rides are still underway and nothing has been finalised. Wonderbus will let us know the outcome of these proceedings when they have finished. :) Comments?? Cheers, Jobe

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Part of my theory comes from the fact that I just don't think it would be possible to fit a 5 screen cinema (even if the theatres are small) in that area without using ALL of the space up there. I have seen pictures from above and the admin building is very small. It makes it even harder when you take into consideration the fact that the roof of the cinema will not be allowed to go higher than the line of the cliff top for heritage reasons. I would be happy to be proved wrong on this. Jobe - I am particularly interested to see the image which accompanied that article, even if it is a little vague. If you could upload it that would be great

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You're a legend Jobe, thanks for that. Very interesting pics indeed - in particular that close up pic of the actual cinema building. Glad to see it is going to have some interesting and colourful architecture... as any building, new or old, at Luna Park should have. I do think it almost confirms my theory however regarding removal of the UFO. That part of the building with all the colourful squares next to the Tango is on the exact spot where UFO sits. I can't see any other way around it. I also find it interesting that they refer to this cinema as if it's a leap back to history for Luna Park. That 'cinema' they had in the 1980's was more of a ride/attraction. It was a 360 degree dome theatre which only screened one short film. It had footage of flying over canyons and going down a roller coaster. It was included in the ride ticket price. It is a little strange to compare the two. Overall I think this cinema is a great idea and will give people an extra reason to head down to the precinct. However, I wish LPS would be honest about it and not imply they are going to retain all of the rides if they are not. I also think they need to admit that the cinema is a new development for Luna Park and is NOT the revival of an old tradition. After this I would also like to see the amusement park side of things given a bit of a boost too with a decent new ride or 2 in the future to balance out the scale

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I was talking about the correct building, the current administration building. Coaster_crazee have a look at this thread. It contains all the info I currently have about new rides. Jobe, I don't think LPS are going in the direction you are talking about i.e. unique rides, but are moving towards to becoming an entertainment precinct and honestly what a better location for it. "The Bus is now leaving for Moville, South Australia"

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Goboi,yeah the part in the article where it states that it is a leap back in history is very interesting. Cinema 180 opened on the Tumblebug site in May 1979.After the Ghost train fire,it was one of the few attractions that was kept for the 1981 incarnation of the park. But as you have correctly pointed out,it is quite different from the cinema proposal being put forward now. Wonderbus, it definitely looks like that the admin building behind the Tango ride is the one earmarked for replacement by the cinema proposal. I agree wholeheartedly with your conclusion about becoming an entertaiment precit though.As you said,what better place to have it??. I echo Goboi's statements also, however. I would like to see the UFO retained and at least one or two high standard rides added to the mix. Lets face it. If Luna Park management were 100% committed to keeping LPS as a fun park ,there are a number of options that they could consider implementing which have not been looked at. There are any number of rides available that could be themed or housed in a way so as to dissipate any noise.(This includes any number of rollercoasters which could be enclosed as well.) They just haven't been tried,discussed,investigated or they have been dismissed out of hand as being too difficult. Lets hope that time will bring us something positive and exciting to look forward to, in relation to an addition to the park. I have included here a pic of the original model for the '95 park incarnation. There are a number of differences to notice about the model and the final blueprint the park actually took. Firstly,the inclusion of the Rainbow instead of the Ranger(as has been pointed out a MUCH better option. Why it was changed is anyone's guess!) Secondly, the placement of the Tumblebug and the Spider have been reversed. And thirdly it looks like that the present Tumblebug ride was originally intended to be called the Spider(the big metal spider facade is directly to the side of the Troika/Tumblebug ride). Very interesting!! Comments?? Cheers Jobe

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