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While I was driving past DW yeterdayI was looking up at GD andthe East side wasn't dropping for ages.We stopped at a petrol station nearby for some chips,and it wasn't till a long time after that it dropped.The other side had done about three cycles before it did do so;why was it up so long? :confused: I also saw that one side was higher than the other,as I thought.

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thats pretty crazee... i know they say the magnet which catches the gondolas as they fall will last for a million years or somethin, but are they electromagnets? if so, wouldnt they only work when they have power? what would happen if their was a sudden blackout??? anyone know if DW has their own power source or somethin? just interested... :cool:

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yeah your right there was a discussion on the brakes in the "gd ideas" thread. for the record: the magnets that are attached to the gondola are some form of rare earth permanent magnets. so like the magnets on your fridge they work all the time no power required...although the magnets on GD are strong enough to probably pull your entire fridge through a wall so if you happen to pick up one of these magnets at the next dreamworld garage sale id avise not to stick memos to your fridge with it :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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