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"Significant" new attractions to be announced at Dreamworld

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As much as I don't like ABC kids world, all I think it needs is a coat of paint, a refresh and an aesthetic that suits the surrounds better. Personally, I don't think it needs a dark ride. Also, the BCR building is tiny. You're not going to get a properly good ride in there. It was built as a fairly small venue for an amimatronic show, it would be a bit smaller than Roxy theatre. Air conned meet and greet space or a show of some kind would go alright in there though. I'm not mad if you disagree, but I don't agree.


Also @Baconjack, when I say DW should go with a midsize coaster, I'm thinking something smaller and cheaper, but still thrilling. Something like a Raptor I think would be about the right level; thrilling midsize coaster. Easily fills Buzzsaws role in the park and improves it drastically, while still letting ST be the park's big coaster but filling the gap. Sort of fills the same role that GL does at MW.

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3 hours ago, Rivals said:

I have read it, what part in particular are you wanting me to know?

If you’re talking about how they’re next additions are regarding the kids area and attractions, then i already know. 

I linked the thread partially due to that, and partially due to the section explaining why they went with a Mack. As they say, they could have gone for a cheaper (in their words 'second tier') manufacturer, but chose to spend a premium for the increased safety record and reliability that Mack has. Then, they go on to mention ToT and Wipeout as rides they chose to remove due to both part difficulty and unsatisfactory ride systems. To me at least, that sentiment makes it seem like they've got a much higher chance of buying from these upcharge manufacturers (like a Mack or a B&M), and are less likely to go for something like an RMC, Gerstlauer, Vekoma, or (less so) Intamin with their large investments for the time being.

1 hour ago, Coasterjoe said:

Id be happy with a B&M anything tbh….I agree something with one or two decent airtime hills,  although I wouldn’t complain if they put an invert in there! Id even take a clone! 

If they were to get a B&M, I'd imagine (or hope) that an invert is pretty far down on the list, second only to a Surf. They're in need of a coaster that's not inversion-based, not a third one.

Edited by Tricoart
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28 minutes ago, Tricoart said:

To me at least, that sentiment makes it seem like they've got a much higher chance of buying from these upcharge manufacturers (like a Mack or a B&M), and are less likely to go for something like an RMC, Gerstlauer, Vekoma, or (less so) Intamin with their large investments for the time being.

if you read what i said, i said: 

4 hours ago, Rivals said:

On a serious note, a B&M (or Intamin) hyper would be a great fit.

what i mentioned is one of the manufactures you mentioned they would buy from, intamin is a back up manufacture. 

An invert maybe in the future after they have invested into an airtime machine, but definitely further down the line then the next coaster. A hyper from B&M is definitely the most likely option from that company.

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18 minutes ago, rappa said:

Because the last thing the park needs right now is another big tall coaster. 
It needs to round out its roster first. 

couldn’t agree more, hence why i said; 

4 hours ago, Rivals said:

once the kids and family additions are done a Raptor or Hyper would be the best fits.


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Once the kids and family is done I feel a Raptor, Flying or Invert would be the best options. A hyper is a bizzare choice given Rivals, sure a giga wouldn't be bad but they are expensive and still have the issue of being "a taller Rivals". Diversity is key for new coasters. Flying and Invert both are holes in the line up locally that could be easily marketed and attract interest.

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1 hour ago, pin142 said:

Once the kids and family is done I feel a Raptor, Flying or Invert would be the best options. A hyper is a bizzare choice given Rivals, sure a giga wouldn't be bad but they are expensive and still have the issue of being "a taller Rivals". Diversity is key for new coasters. Flying and Invert both are holes in the line up locally that could be easily marketed and attract interest.

Going with an Invert or a Flyer will give Dreamworld a 3rd inversion based coaster, there’s no airtime filled coaster at Dreamworld.

A B&M is also very different to a Mack hyper so i think it’s different enough to justify, Rivals cant always be australia’s only hyper. 

Edited by Rivals
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A B&M hyper would be perfection but I think something small but full of airtime would be perfect for Dreamworld. It doesn’t need to show off, just offer something that other parks nearby don’t have. A raptor (the prototype clone) or Intamin’s new-style ultra coasters would be unlike anything else in the area.

I added a fun edit I made 2 years ago in a different thread that still kinda holds up.


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5 hours ago, rappa said:

IF I was Dreamworld and IF I wanted another thrill coaster ai would for sure build an RMC woodie. 
They will need something to combat Leviathan

The thought of an RMC woodie in Australia gives me a woodie 

Snap back to reality I dont think any of the new attractions will be a big coaster, as much as I would love to see another one built. The most likely coaster route will be a family coaster but I think its unlikely. 

Quality new kids rides, maybe a flume ride, or a new animal exhibit are my guesses. Thrill seekers will be lucky to get a new flat ride 

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IMO, either another Mack or a B&M would be the most likely for Dreamworld's next big coaster, and if they were to go with a B&M, then I think their most likely models'd be (in terms of fitness for a post-family expansion Dreamworld): Hyper > Giga > Wing > Flyer > Invert > Surf.

An RMC may fit their lineup, but they are (or were) somewhat infamous for being cost > quality in some aspects, and I'd imagine parts sourcing could be a big issue. If they were to go for one, it almost definitely wouldn't be the RMC of our dreams, being either a Raptor clone or an RMC Family Hybrid.

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1 hour ago, aaronm said:

If we’re going for a B&M, why not a dive coaster? Something like Baron 1898 is probably about the right scale and price, and would complement Steel Taipan in the lineup.

I honestly forgot Dives existed lmao, but they'd be above a Wing and under a Giga in fitness for the park IMO

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I’ve just joined, but in terms of dreamworld’s next family addition, i feel like either a small scale dark ride/ or water ride will fit well, maybe even a combination of the two, considering dreamworld is full of flats & coasters (not including sky voyager). Then after that a RMC raptor would give them an airtime machine, which they desperately need.

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I dont think that DC rivals should be a deterrent of having a hyper-coaster at DW. Dc Rivals has a fairly unconventional layout for a hyper, if DW made a B&M hyper thats a lift hill machine with a traditional first drop it would be a very good fit for the park.

But it also doesn’t make sense to dethrone ST as the flagship just yet after the money they sunk into it, any new thrill attractions will be complimenting to ST, at least for half a decade or so. 

Another thought could be to do major remodelling on motocoaster with a track extension and a second, maybe even third launch. We have seen how good Intamin can make these types of rides.….


Or just demolish the damn thing and build a hagrids motobike adventure clone… 😂 

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