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Who originally owned wonderland?


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Hi there, First post to this forum. Just was reading about the levers mentioned on BB. Firstly, there was only one lever and it was at the end of the station, along with lift start, lift stop and e-stop buttons. The lever operated the airgates. The unloader would stand at the end of the platform and observe the lift hill, which they could stop if someone was standing up etc. Originally both the unloader and op would have to simultaneously hold down their respective lift start buttons to get the lift to start again if it was stopped. This was changed after the rides went to one person op, as well as the airgate lever being moved into the op booth. As mentioned the lever were purely to operate the airgates. The unloader never had control over the brakes. This applied to both Beastie and BB. When Wonderland went on their cost cutting ways and moved to one person op, they actually moved the op booth to the same side as the airgates. It was located next to the back row. They didnt even make a booth for the ops, they just moved the entire control panel over to that side. They then realised after all the work that you couldnt see the lift hill from that position (they tried to use a camera but it didnt cut the cheese) so it was finally moved over to the unload side where it stayed until the parks demise. Cheers.

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well see now, theres an inconsistency there. you say they're buttons, ruddegar says they're levers. im not inclined to take either word for it so im afraid i have to disagree until further proof is provided. considering i have recollections of this control being used to bring the train back into the station, and also since ruddegar was a fake name used by Bart Simpson in the episode "be like the boy", im inclined to believe it is also a fake name here. agree to disagree at this point Bus.

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well see now, theres an inconsistency there. you say they're buttons, ruddegar says they're levers. im not inclined to take either word for it so im afraid i have to disagree until further proof is provided.   considering i have recollections of this control being used to bring the train back into the station,   and also since ruddegar was a fake name used by Bart Simpson in the episode "be like the boy", im inclined to believe it is also a fake name here. agree to disagree at this point Bus.
So because Ruddegar said that there was a lever as well as the buttons everything he and I said is incorrect? Maybe it's your recollections that are wrong. Just because Ruddegar is a fake name does that mean that his information is wrong? If it does than me, Hussy, Slick, scream, GoBoi, dj, rabid, Neb, as well as many others post disinformation all the time. Face it Alex you are wrong. "The Bus is now leaving for Collector, NSW"
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Mickazee - you have put together some great history there. It is my understanding that Sunway bought the park in 1997 (including surrounding property) for only $50 million. They then gradually sold off and redeveloped parcels of property and eventually the park itself for HUNDREDS of millions of dollars. It is worth noting that they are not finished yet either... they still have some remaining property

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Okay FIRST... There was indeed 1 lever on both BB and Beastie and also a Go, E-stop and indicator light on a panel at the Brake Run end of the station. The lever was in fact to operate the original station gates (it has a few hoses coming into the air valve it was connected to). The tiny control panel was indeed used to enable or E-stop the lift as said. SECOND Nothing nasty in any way here Alex but I don't think you can accuse someone of having a fake name...after all :P

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It is my understanding that Sunway bought the park in 1997 (including surrounding property) for only $50 million. They then gradually sold off and redeveloped parcels of property and eventually the park itself for HUNDREDS of millions of dollars. It is worth noting that they are not finished yet either... they still have some remaining property
Wow, what a bargain considering what they've made from the park since.
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what i meant in terms of a "Fake name" is an id created by an already existing user, wanting to utilise this name to back up the original posts of another user, and not simply a "screen name" to cover a persons "real name" ok so now we have - a control panel of buttons, then levers, then control panels AND levers, then a control panels and ONE lever. I am aware i have never been "employed" as an operator of bush beast, but I have still operated the ride. I was also in the park on its very first day of operation - its "pre-operation" day, on november 2nd, as well as its next operation day, november 9th, 1985. since then i have been to the park many times a year, for every year and seen the park move from design to design. Find me an operator from opening season that says different, and i'll believe it. the brake runs were originally controlled from the brake end of the platform.

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Guys, Any of you have any information (or even a copy!) of an old booklet that was sold in the giftshop back in 85' with pictures and info on the construction of the park? I already have 1 ex-WL employee hunting it down for me (kudos to you kind sir) but anyone else know of anyone with a copy? *hopeful*

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Hey, I own that book, right NOW! The front has: Souvenir Limited Edition 'AUSTRALIA'S WONDERLAND' with a picture of 'The Beastie' and at the bottom 'The greatest fun you'll ever have' and on the back it has 'The Bush Beast' logo with 'The greatest thrills you'll ever share' at the bottom! I have it in my desk drawer! I would post infomation about it but, I am too lazy and don't have the time at the moment to write down whole pages from the book! Don't have access to a scanner or digital camera either, at this time. The good thing about the book is it has infomation and pictures about the construction of the park, including 'The Bush Beast' and 'Bounty's Revenge' It even has the price label still on it, '$2.95!' Of course it is NOT for sale, so don't bother asking! This beautiful book is priceless! It contains a park map on two pages, and it shows the waterfall that DID exist before 'Space Probe' was constructed, 'The Funnel Web' and 'Ned Kelly's Getaway' were there but, to my surprise, the 'Zodiac' was NOT even there at the time! I am pretty sure I have a few pages I have written down on my old computer, so I'll try and hook it up and see if I can floppy them over! No promises, ok? Bye!

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Johno, would you consider allowing Mickazee to copy it to the web for all our benefit? where abouts are you located? i know how treasured a posession it is, and we would definitely NOT want to deprive you of such a valued item, but the information and photographs contained within are a priceless memory of how the park once was... im sure between all of the forum users that we could arrange to have it copied for everyone's benefit. I have decided I am not going to post the wonderland music on this site, nor am i going to distribute copies of the cd, but I might be able to trade you a copy for the access to the book to have it copied...?

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