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It's Shut Up, Or Shut Down!


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Those Residents are complaining again. This time, about the noise on Ranger, Mad Mouse, Spider, and UFO. Residents Demand that the Rides have protective walls built around UFO, Mad Mouse and Spider, and that Ranger gets fixed up as it sounds like a Dying Dinousaur. The Park will be given 60 days to comply with the complaints. This article was found in the Daily Telegraph on the 2nd of December 2004. Whats your thoughts?

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To me it seems to be the same old argument. Its just like the idiots that complain about the foot trafic to and from the SCG / SFS and central station. That is to say that all residents are aware of whats in the area before they buy houses there. If they dont like it dont move near an amusement park in the first place....very simple if you ask me

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You watch, it's gonna be shut down, I can tell, so I'm gonna experience it while I can. It's not like they can't take something off a heritage list if they try hard enough. Also, I'd like to meet ther person who said that our beloved Ranger sounds like a dying dinosaur and kick em in the groin. No-one knows what dinosaur's sounded like, they could have meowed or barked for all we know, and no dinosaur movie that I've seen has a dinosaur that sounds anything like our friendly Ranger. Moronic residents.

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  Nebuchanezzar said:
You watch, it's gonna be shut down, I can tell, so I'm gonna experience it while I can. It's not like they can't take something off a heritage list if they try hard enough. Also, I'd like to meet ther person who said that our beloved Ranger sounds like a dying dinosaur and kick em in the groin. No-one knows what dinosaur's sounded like, they could have meowed or barked for all we know, and no dinosaur movie that I've seen has a dinosaur that sounds anything like our friendly Ranger. Moronic residents.
maybe this person knows what a dinosuar really sounds like and it sounds exacly like the ranger :D Those residents are soooo stupid :mad:
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to tell u the truth, its bull becasue now that there is all these new buildings against the cliff and hoe above the tango train is a large office, there would be lo sound, these residents live above luna park on top of a cliff, like it's not like they are level with the park, yeh then it would be loud, but even whens this cinema is built it will help block sound easily.

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Luckily this year Luna Park has huge support from the government which will make it harder for it to be shut down. The problem is that most of the local residents are very wealthy and are not likely to stop fighting no matter what the cost. The demand which makes me the angriest is the 4m wall around the Wild Mouse. This particular ride is a signifcant heritage attraction. To suggest it now needs to be destroyed by building a big wall around it is a joke. The only demands I can see as being anywhere near reasonable are the ones that relate to Maloney's Corner. It's current design really is inadequate as we all know. I really don't think those larger rides should have been dumped out there as they do emit a lot of noise. I think this entire area needs to be redesigned. When things like this happen it makes you understand why Luna's new owners seem to be hesitant in regards to making any significant investment into the amusement park. Can you imagine if they spent millions of dollars on a new ride only to have it closed down due to noise? This is when facilities like the proposed cinema make sense. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out. I think Luna Park has the upper hand this time and let's hope it stays that way

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The article is here for anyone interested. It is absolutely ridiculous what is expected of Luna Park, they are expected to make several major changes within 60 days. However saying the park was there first so the residents are wrong is not correct. What about those people who bought apartments during the parks last closure? They wouldn't have thought the park was going to re-open. Don't get me wrong in not defending the resident’s stance and I find it, to put it nicely, pathetic. "The Bus is now leaving for Boughton Point, NSW"

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  Nebuchanezzar said:
And the trains make more noise than the rides do. And I reckon that more people use Luna park then the crappy Harbour Bridge train. I mean, North Sydney? It's the lame version of Sydney! It's pathetic!
That's pretty funny. I'd say way more people make use of that train line than Luna Park. It doesn't just stop at North Sydney, it continues to northern suburbs...
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Steve there are two things that rule the world money and the view from your place (in Sydney anyway). Money is very important here because people have paid a large amount for their apartments overlooking the harbour and a nice chunk of that money goes to the government. Now tell me if the government is going to stop development that will line their pockets? The people who own the apartments are very wealthy and have a lot of political influence. If they want to get serious I have no doubt that they could close the park down quickly. "The Bus is now leaving for Politic, Queensland"

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