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Hi everyone. I have been reading this site for a while but when I heard this I had to join and post. I was listening to my emergency radio scanner tonight and at about 10:20 a call came through on the Fire Brigade and Police channels that there was a fire at Wonderland. When the Fire Brigade arrived they called for urgent assistance to fight a fire engulfing the wooden rollercoaster, Bush Beast. The Police have blocked northbound traffic on Wallgrove Rd. I am still listening for updates on the situation. This is a sad end to my favourite ride at Wonderland.

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Welcome, 'semifrodo' OMG!! This is horrible! I am very upset about this! Things couldn't get any worse, first it shuts and now it's leaving in mayhem! I am glad that they now don't get the money from selling the Bush Beast but it is very sad that Australia's largest and best wooden roller-coaster is being destroyed by some trouble makers or in this case angry people about Wonderland's closure. I hope nothing is too badly damaged! I love you Wonderland! And thank you so very much for the infomation 'frodo'

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I drove past Wonderland at around 3:30 on the way home from Westfields and Paramatta, and i couldn't notice any differnece to the bush beast structure at all. I was all still intact and there was no sign whatsoever of fire damage. I also know for a fact that the bush beast is not under any danger from fire because it is sprayed with something that prevents that from happening. I could however have been the station that was on fire, or the grassland around it or in the middle of the track.

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i went pat wonderland last night from about 7-11, and nothing went wrong, there was no smoke or fire, i dont think a cold day like yesterday would occur at wonderland in such places from a bush fire, i know it's a bit weird for someone like me to say this, but maybe u should make sure the info is true before u write, i know i do now.

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rides at panthers? closest thing is a roller coaster simulator. used to be turboride, a simulator style thing, sitting in a twin chair watching a big screen with like 50 other people. it is now called the backdoor and is a comedy style club. cables is now closed, as is the go karts, and waterslides. so essentially, western sydney is getting screwed on amusements - wonderland, panthers, waterworks... everything is going down the tubes...

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Galbraith you are showing that you are a true north shore executive snob, it's Penriff. It's also no longer known as a 'Station' out there it's a '24 hour drug store'. If you can pop it, sniff it or jab it, they have it. "The Bus is now leaving for Jabiru Passage, Western Australia"

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