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The Big Pineapple.


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I found this site www.bigthings.com.au. It has a list of all the big things around Australia. It even has photos. A few of my favourites are: Elephant (Nimmitabel, NSW) - Aren't they big anyway? Joint (Nimbin, NSW) - Only in Nimbin. Dinosaur (Richmond, QLD) - Big anyway. Cigarette (Myrtleford, VIC) - Great attraction for the family. Cigar (Churchill, VIC) - See above comment. Bridge (Warwick Farm, NSW) - Bridges are big aren't they? Ayers Rock (Karuah, NSW) - If it's bigger that the real thing then I'm there. Actually this is located on the site of the now defunct Leyland Brother's World. Anyone remember the theme song from the show? Slide Rule (University of Tasmania, TAS) - Hoyven Craven. Titanic (Williamstown, VIC) - ??? "The Bus is now leaving for Leyland, NSW"

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The Big Pineapple is a great attraction for the Sunshine Coast... I can't believe you guys bagged it. It has been there for years and I can remember how exciting it was in the 80's stopping off at the Big Pineapple on the way to our holidays. It has such a tropical feel - it really reminds you that you are heading into the far end of Queensland. It would be terrible if it closed down

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I have seen the big Cigarette , all it is is just a painted smoke stack for a toobacco processing plant. I guess the closest thing my town has is the big soup can at Campbells soup, its just a water tower made to look like a soup can. How many here have gone to the big Merino and looked out its eyes?

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I remember Leyland Bros World. I went there once or twice. The 2nd time (the Last time) it was pissing down rain, the train wasn't operating (but they got one round for us), the movie thing was all leaking, the bus got bogged somewhere, so that attraction was shut, and there wasn't very much there to do. The old owners of the place still run or own the land out back. It's called the Great Aussie Bush Camp (or something like that) and i went there once. It was alright. But the best part was one the last day, and we went near the old Park to do some digging for skeletons (planted i was guessing) and we went right into the area where all the stuff was. We were told that one day, the Leylands will have enough money (made from their T.V show) to buy all the land back, Fix the place up, and open it again as Leyland Bros World. I don't think that has happened. But you can Dream. Nice people the Leylands are. I met them. Very nice indeed.

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