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DC Rivals HyperCoaster train stuck mid-course


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An alternative they could look at maybe bringing back is the readmission ticket like all the parks have done at one stage. You know the one you can buy a second return ticket for like $10 and have a month to use it or something. Useless for locals with passes, but out of state people buying day tickets might be happy being able to return for very little if things didn't go as planned/happy with the day they visited/want to come back again. 

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1 hour ago, Levithian said:

An alternative they could look at maybe bringing back is the readmission ticket like all the parks have done at one stage. You know the one you can buy a second return ticket for like $10 and have a month to use it or something. Useless for locals with passes, but out of state people buying day tickets might be happy being able to return for very little if things didn't go as planned/happy with the day they visited/want to come back again. 

I cant really see this benefiting a lot of people to be honest. Most people from the local area are visiting the parks on a locals pass and I would think the majority of interstate holiday makers dont have the ability to just pop back ul in a few weeks just to return to the park. A model like this worked really well for a place like Aussie World because they dont have annual passes. I am willing to guess as well that the amount of visitors to the park on day passes would be lower than those visiting on some sort of multi day pass packaged in with their holiday. 

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2 hours ago, Coasterjoe said:

I cant really see this benefiting a lot of people to be honest. Most people from the local area are visiting the parks on a locals pass and I would think the majority of interstate holiday makers dont have the ability to just pop back ul in a few weeks just to return to the park. A model like this worked really well for a place like Aussie World because they dont have annual passes. I am willing to guess as well that the amount of visitors to the park on day passes would be lower than those visiting on some sort of multi day pass packaged in with their holiday. 

Yes these had very successful sale numbers back when annual passes were $200+ for one park .

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14 hours ago, Levithian said:

You know the one you can buy a second return ticket for like $10

Yeah, six flags used to have this (they called it a Twicket), but I always viewed this as a "there was so much to do, we'd like to come back another day to experience everything" rather than a "everything was shut, and rather than get a refund, i'll volunteer to pay more money to waste a second day of my holiday repeating my mistakes."

If you visited MovieWorld, and only Batwing, Superman and Doomsday were operating - would you want to come back?

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If a couple of them were shut because of unexpected issues like the past week with DC rivals, Scooby Doo and Superman, yeah. If you were holidaying for a week or so and you found out the hard way (closures once you were in the park), it might take the sting out of it if you could return again. 

Other thing is it's exactly that busy during the holidays, people only getting the chance to visit maybe 3 rides in a day. Cheap return pass might take some of that pressure off and allow the people complaining the ticket price is way too expensive for what they were able to ride to get a second chance at riding what they missed out on. 

These have always worked at aussie parks when available. Especially when the yearly passes were closer to $300 where they should be. Hell, more people might be enticed to go as for a number of people a casual visit once every few years is about all they manage, so yearly passes aren't even thought about. Id even say it would be worth looking at the cost and seeing if it could be transferred to other parks so you could split the visit between say movieworld and seaworld, or seaworld and wet n wild or something. Goes double for lots of seniors who would love to take their grand kids (who have passes) to the parks, but have zero interest in going on any rides, they are just there to supervise and pay for everything else, yet they don't have discounted entry available, so it puts them off visiting. 

Only make the return able to be purchased with a full fare to avoid multiple return passes being purchased so you don't collapse your 3 day pass ticket. 

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2 hours ago, Levithian said:

it might take the sting out of it if you could return again.

But that's the sting - "we presented you with a shit offering that day - pay us more money and try your luck again - maybe it'll be better, maybe it wont!"

Thats very different to: "we're so busy we understand you might want to spend more time doing everything so for just a little more you can have another whole day to try and get everything done!"

An additional day should be offered to guests at no charge with such a disastrous offering, whether issues were expected or not.

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18 minutes ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

I tell you, the lack of work here is very disappointing. School holidays start in a week, and I don't expect they'll be able to move these straight back into the station - probably need a maintenance checkup before going back into service...

Yes, I would of thought they would of made some sort of attempt seeing as though it was 5 days ago and as you said- upcoming school holidays. 

Wonder if they are waiting on advice from Mack about what to do with it?

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Can confirm the train is still sitting there as of this morning.

I don’t know why they don’t just take this train off of the tracks and run with the other train (assuming it’s fully assembled) until this one is reassembled and ready for operations. It’s better then having even more rides closed then you should.

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This is the thing, you dont really feel like there is a sense of urgency from the park to rectify this. I appreciate its probably a much bigger job than we realise. If the last few years are anything to go by Movieworld is not fussed about having a number of attractions down because the crowds still come! I think as long as Superman is operating MW will drag their feet getting this fixed sadly. 

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What is a reasonable excuse behind why that rollercoaster train continues to sit there? I can understand one or two days while equipment and procedures are checked but this is taking the mickey.

Do you wonder if the same person who is in charge of the recent pattern of poor maintenance is also responsible for this train recovery dragging on? For that person, there is a large amount of incompetence on display with their name on it and everyone views it as they drive past DC Rivals Hypercoaster.

Edited by Retardent
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Im certainly one to hold the park to account, but I’m giving them a pass on this one, I feel they are waiting on equipment or advice from MACK or something.

They know how much the ride is needed in general and the poor perception of the park when it isn’t operating. I doubt they are dragging their feet.

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