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Will Fright Nights be less popular due to the price increase?


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We’ve seen how much the event has increased in price this year compared to 2019, but do people think this has/will make the event less popular because less people can afford to attend?

In the previous years, I’ve found the event to be underwhelming in some areas, in comparison to 2013-2015 (for example) which were fanatic events and a quarter of the price. This year I was hoping that we’d get 4 or 5 new mazes (because it had been several years since the previous event), but with the price increase, for me, I don’t think I’ll be attending. Unless the reviews say the event is amazing this time and they have improved it across the board, then I might consider attending. 

In previous years, we usually would see nights start selling out weeks before the event, but thus far, no nights have sold out. However in 2019, when there was a price increase, the first night only sold out a few days before. Maybe it’s because more tickets are on sale for each night, but just an observation in comparison to the event years ago. 

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I will say normally by this time a large majority of the nights are quoted as “selling fast” or have already sold out. This year it’s just the first two nights and the last night that are “selling fast.”

Since my friends are GP, they have been disappointed regarding the prices and i know a lot of people that went and enjoyed it previous years are no longer going this year due to the price increases.

I know that’s not everyone but i feel like a lot of people will be thinking “i did enjoy it but that’s a bit too high”, i’ve even seen social media comments saying they don’t want to spend that much when tagged by friends🤷‍♀️.

So i guess we’ll find out, atleast the queues would be shorter for the people who are attending.

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I'm interstate and I was hoping earlier this year to come down, do Fright Nights, experience New Atlantis and just make a weekend of it. But considering the overall price, additional upcharges, and New Atlantis delays, I've decided to skip this year. I know a lot of my interstate friends are in the same boat. 

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Not only is this year drastically more expensive, this is also the first year VRTP have offered team members no free tickets for Fright Nights, instead only x2 50% off tickets for the first 3 nights. Which still adds up to almost $40 a ticket each. 


Team members also pointed out they still had in staff discounts on the employee portal that team members are entitled to x2 free FN tickets a year, to which they just responded “sorry that hasn’t been updated”. 

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The biggest complaint from Fright Nights 2019 was that unless you used Fast Track or other up-sells to skip the queues you'd likely not get to all the mazes in one night. If the premise behind the price increase is to lower demand to meet supply and in doing so ensure that most people get to have an enjoyable night then i'm all for it - guess we'll see.

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If there are still over 1hr waits for mazes and you end up in a conga line of people going through negating the experience of properly being frightened it's by no means worth the ticket cost. Considering how money hungry VRTP have been in many ways recently I doubt however the ticket caps are lower than previous years.

The event has been decreasing in quality and value in recent times, I have discounted tickets for the first two nights and am not confident they will be worth it.

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On 20/09/2022 at 12:28 PM, Slick said:

If the premise behind the price increase is to lower demand to meet supply and in doing so ensure that most people get to have an enjoyable night then i'm all for it - guess we'll see.

I'm generally in this camp too. Increasing prices for events as well as for entry \ annual passes does unfortunately mean some people can't afford to go all the time, and that is a sad situation for them to be in - but it is a priority thing and if it isn't worth that much for you to go (or to go as often) then that's the decision you make. 

I stopped going to FN quite some time ago as it was too crowded, and almost impossible to do everything on offer without paying a premium or visiting multiple times. I'd be quite happy to pay a higher price for a better experience.

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2 hours ago, Levithian said:

White Christmas is $79 too. 

it was always too cheap where it was at. I feel as though it played poor cousin to FN as FN had to take up the bulk of the funding when both events were bundled with annual passes.

Now each can stand on their own, perhaps they can improve the christmas offering by improving their budget too.

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