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Movieworld Trip, 13th October


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9 hours ago, Ashley said:

As mentioned in another topic, markings are in place for the new kids ride, there is however these lines going across the path, past Taz's rest stop. Interesting.

Gotta get power to the new ride somehow!


9 hours ago, Ashley said:


Are they... are they doing a photo op with that rotting monstrosity as the background?


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18 minutes ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

Gotta get power to the new ride somehow!


Are they... are they doing a photo op with that rotting monstrosity as the background?


Oh, yeah, I didn’t think of that. Don’t mind me.

Yes, they were doing a photo op. Trust me I thought the same thing.

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7 hours ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

Gotta get power to the new ride somehow!

Speaking of powering rides…. Does anyone know why they have put a diesel generator in the corner of green lantern now that is permanently hooked up to the new lift bill motor? Seems a bit odd to be running the thing off a large generator ( and costly too) 

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3 hours ago, Ashley said:

Yeah, I did notice a generator. I was thinking it was there as a backup system, incase of a power loss or something. I don't think it was running, if it was it would have been really quiet, cause you have walk literally right past it.

Are you sure its not a compressor? To the lay person they look very similar and it’s more likely there is a problem with the ride’s air compressor so they have a temporary one in place…

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2 hours ago, jjuttp said:

Sounds like an upgrade really.

An upgrade? It's the same as last time. I'd prefer to look at a screen that's on instead of a screen that's off and still has the sound effects working.

43 minutes ago, rappa said:

Are you sure its not a compressor? To the lay person they look very similar and it’s more likely there is a problem with the ride’s air compressor so they have a temporary one in place…

Honestly, I can't remember, I only just glanced at it. I do recall it being a diesel and it did look to like it was connected to chain motor.

But it may well have been a compressor. I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. 

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My guess is they wanted to get Green Lantern open fast due to crowd levels and ride closures and we’re waiting for a part to come from overseas, so to be able to open they brought in a back up to be in place until a new one can be installed.

Just a guess, no idea if it actually makes sense or not :) 

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Well since Scooby has one and how Lantern, I wonder if they’re going to install generators at all the major rides.

I should also mention while I remember, that there was no spiral staircase built. 
Makes me wonder if there was going to be an unforeseen delay, and instead of waiting they opted to reopen the ride. It would explain why it opened earlier.

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It's not just a generator that has been added. It looks like they poured more concrete in the area and there is now a new/different lift motor in place. Anyone visiting over the next week and can take a photo? It's pretty huge. can't miss it. 

Id 100% say it is an upgrade, new lift drive and backup generator to be able to run the lift and send any cars over into the brake zone. Much safer to evac people from there, especially when the stairs go in. 

Also, @Ashley I always new where they moved some of the grave stones from. That wasn't the point (and its only actually just an imitation of it's former self that had sound effects and animated stones). 

Edited by Levithian
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7 hours ago, rappa said:

The OP suggested the ride was running of diesel. That would make no sense. 

I’m afraid there has been a misunderstanding, I never suggested the ride was running on diesel, I said the machine was diesel powered. The only time I thought the generator would be used is during a power outage. 

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For anyone who is interested, this is the email review I sent in to VRTP. If you're not interested, just ignore this post

Hi Village Roadshow,

Yesterday, I visited both Wet N Wild and Movieworld and like usual wanted to review of my experience.
I spent the morning at Wet N Wild before spending my afternoon at Movieworld, I didn’t see and do everything, so like usual I’ll only review what I did see and do.
Wet N Wild:
Firstly, all staff I encountered were friendly, the park was clean and tidy, and the gardens were well kept. 
It was great seeing AquaLoop get some TLC, and also great to see Constrictor repainted, I hope tornado is next, cause it needs some TLC.
Having the old buggy site turfed looks great, and the new sign at Kamikaze also looks great. 
If you haven’t guessed already the park looked, overall, great.
Now for the cons.
The permanently closed Zip-line is still there, why? It doesn’t look good.
The only gardens I did notice that could do with some TLC were located near Constrictor, they were very weedy. I’d ask your gardeners to tidy that up a bit. But overall they do a great job.
Repainting Tornado, with constrictor being done this year, I hope tornado is on the cards.
Also giving the outside of the AquaLoop tubes some TLC, would be great.
My final con is with the entrance shelter, the supports it could do with a pressure wash just to clean them up a bit.
Before I review my Movieworld experience, I wanted to give a shout out to Joe, at Wet N Wild customer service, he’s a great guy, and was only too happy to answer all of my questions that were of mere curiosity. Thanks again Joe.
Same as Wet N Wild, the staff were friendly, only too happy to answer any questions I had. The park was, as per usual, clean, tidy and the grounds well kept.
I rode Scooby Coaster, West Falls, Doomsday, Green Lantern, and DC Rivals
Now the cons. Most are the same as last time.
The hut roof inside WB kids zone, it looks and continues to look bad, correction make that awful.
Blown light bulbs, there are many throughout the park, replacing them would be awesome.
Also worth noting is the overheard sign for Hypercoaster, the paint on the structure could do with some TLC. But that is just nit picking.
Green Lantern
An enjoyable ride like usual, staff were friendly enough, moving a bit slow, so improving their speed would be good.
Upon walking through the queue I noticed the green paint was suffering a bit. I mentioned this in an earlier review, so fixing that up would be awesome.
Scooby Doo
Probably be one of my favourite rides, however, like last time none of the screens were working, neither were the lights in the turntable section.
The ride’s hallway connecting the station to the switchback area, looks awful, the walls really need some work. I hope you guys fix these things up during the rides upcoming mainteance period.
The only thing I will bring to your attention is the single rider queue. Sometimes it can be a few trains before a single rider is needed. I’d suggest sending a train 2 single riders in one row, I’d just keeping that line moving. 
Wild West
One of my favourites in the park, it was great to see more of the effects (audio & visual) running then on my last visit, however there are many that still ain’t running or ain’t running right. Like usual say, I’d personally get them fixed up.
Not a bad ride, I enjoy it. Like the other rides room for some improvement. The red painted strips on the outer ring are quite chipped, touch that up and shall be as good as new.
I was glad to see that the areas effects in whole area were running good, but, still not all of them, and secondly Poison Ivy is looking a bit sad, needs to some paint correction.
Thank you for your time,
Kind Regards,
Ashley Butler
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The only thing I will bring to your attention is the single rider queue. Sometimes it can be a few trains before a single rider is needed. I’d suggest sending a train 2 single riders in one row, I’d just keeping that line moving. 


Nooope that's not the point of a single rider queue.

The idea is that it CAN reduce your wait, but it's entirely luck of the draw, and it could even be as long a wait as the main queue.

If it was known that they grabbed 2 guests at a time, then pairs (or even singles) would just treat it as their personal VIP line.

It would annoy pairs waiting in the main queue if 2 people were grabbed from the singles queue to go in front of them.

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I’m not complaining, I don’t care about waiting, but it’s listening to other guests, I was basing that recommendation on what I was hearing other folks saying. 
I don’t queue in that line to reduce wait time.

The point the people in the single rider queue were trying to make, and what I’m trying to make on their behalf, is it’s important to try and keep all queues moving, otherwise one builds up. How I said the idea was to just keep all queues moving.


9 hours ago, Gazza said:


If it was known that they grabbed 2 guests at a time, then pairs (or even singles) would just treat it as their personal VIP line.

It would annoy pairs waiting in the main queue if 2 people were grabbed from the singles queue to go in front of them.

VIP line, basically means priority line. If it was being treated like a VIP line that would mean everyone in that queue would go first. 
It wouldn’t annoy pairs anymore then a VQ, or fast track.

How I said the idea was that, if no single riders were required, then to keep that queue moving, simply throw 2 people in at the back.

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