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Movieworld Trip, 13th October


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Turns out the “new” audio on the WWF lift hill isn’t really new at all. It’s actually a restored effect that obviously hasn’t worked for a very long time. If you look at this old POV from 2003, the sound effect can clearly be heard playing at 2:02:

Pretty impressive that MW went to the effort to install new speakers to bring this long lost effect back. 

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56 minutes ago, Noll_57 said:

I’ve been on WWF many times since 2008 and I’ve never heard it before. 

I’ve been going since probably 2015 and i always remember it being there, my friends and i even quote it when we go on the ride because of how much we lap it 🤷‍♀️. maybe the speakers were enhanced and it’s just more noticeable now or something but i definitely recall it being there. 

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3 hours ago, Noll_57 said:

Turns out the “new” audio on the WWF lift hill isn’t really new at all. It’s actually a restored effect that obviously hasn’t worked for a very long time. If you look at this old POV from 2003, the sound effect can clearly be heard playing at 2:02:

Pretty impressive that MW went to the effort to install new speakers to bring this long lost effect back. 

Great find, I missed that, @Rivals said it's been going since 2015,  I don't recall hearing it, it must not have been working on my visits.

Something I noticed at 2:08-2:09 is the mine car control switch. It's back on the ride now, I thought it was new, but it was just a feature being returned.

Begs the question, did they crane at the beginning of the ride move, like it does now? Or is that a new feature all together.

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1 hour ago, Spotty said:

Having worked on the ride in 2011 - 2013 and spending many shifts in the lift room at Turntable 1, I can assure you that sound effect has always been there and audible. The crane at the start of the ride was always moving (when it worked)

Hmm, well I should get my ears checked then, lol. Because I've honestly never heard it.

@Spotty you might be one to ask, do you know why the visual and audible features of not just the rides but the park in general can get so ignored? In other words why are they sometimes so un-maintained?

If you don't know that alright. 

Cheers mate,

1 hour ago, franky said:

The crane only had a stainless steel bucket attached to it the other day, not the big old rustic scoop as in the video, but I'm pretty sure it was moving

Yeah, its had bucket on it for a little while now, I can confirm it was working a week ago.

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Awww. Nobody mentioned the sparks effect when going up the second lift. Check it out from 4:32. If anything is worthy of being repaired/restored, it's that. Made sense with the whole, fuses burning, fizzles, sparks, mine is going to explode, get out kind of deal that's happening on the second lift. 

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4 hours ago, Spotty said:

Having worked on the ride in 2011 - 2013 and spending many shifts in the lift room at Turntable 1, I can assure you that sound effect has always been there and audible.

Odd, I swear I’ve never noticed it before. Perhaps I’ve just been incredibly unlucky and it’s never activated correctly while I’ve been riding. Where exactly did it used to play from? The speakers on the lift hill that play it now are definitely new and weren’t there prior to the recent referb. 

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7 hours ago, Noll_57 said:

Where exactly did it used to play from? The speakers on the lift hill that play it now are definitely new and weren’t there prior to the recent referb. 

Once you got off of the first lift onto the turntable and the doors started to close behind you is when it would start playing, then a gunshot would go off which came after their dialogue causing you to go backwards. 

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On 20/10/2022 at 6:13 PM, STRAWS said:

@Spottyseeing you use to work at the first turn table did you ever figure out what the 2 bandits on the screen before the backwards drop say I've been on it so many times but never knew exactly what they said. 

"We don't need to city guys... you don't belong here" before the bandits would laugh, pull the lever and back you go while the other bandit would shoot at you. There was speakers just above the doors as you enter the turntable that would play the audio. As far as audio goes and why it's maintained your guess is as good as mine. I know in the morning Scooby has a track walk done through the ride to check all the emergency exits, as well as making sure the effects are triggered. This was done with the ride in "show mode" so as you walked past you would trip a sensor to trigger the SFX. Anything not working was written down to be fixed the next day (weather this was actually fixed remained to be seen). However at times certain things can't just be fixed overnight so would be out of action until it can be done.

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It's a reimaged scene based on an old movie called The Treasure of Sierra Madre. It's made it into a bunch of different movies/pop culture since it was released in the 40's.

The bandits at the top are actually saying;

Badges?! we don't need no stinking badges!!
You don't belong here. 
Now, give us your gold.

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