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Warner Village spends big bucks


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im going to dreamworld tommorw and movieworld, ill see if my dreamworld source has any more info and ill tell yous ok:) al they told me so far is that it will be a rockest with top hat, but ill do some digging tommorw....its funny how you have to get info from DW employess when we have two warner boys here not spilling anything.

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Rabid, storm runner cost $12.5 million USD but in this press release our ride is going to cost $12 million AUD so doesnt that mean that our ride wouldnt be as big? RCDB says that the ride is being named "Superman: the ride". I think it was named by the same person who named "Batman: the ride" and "Lethal weapon: the ride". See for yourself: http://www.rcdb.com/id2999.htm

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^RCDB has it as Superman the Ride because Lance at Screamscape type that. There is no actually name yet the park is just saying a superman themed coaster. Also rides cost alot less to manufactor Down Here just compare the prices of Giant Drop and TOT to its American counterparts.

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When these companies down here look on the market for rides they try and get them as cheap as possible and with Aussie labour prices alot lower then overseas.
I don't know what countries you are referring to but Australia has amongst the highest wages in the world, particularly in the construction industry. The wage for a labourer in America is around 50-75% of what it is here, and yes that does take into account the exchange rate. Is this new ride costing $12 million AUD or USD? Because people here are saying AUD but RCDB says USD. "The Bus is now leaving for Wagebadenup, Western Australia"
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its funny how you have to get info from DW employess when we have two warner boys here not spilling anything.
Tell me about it. If it wasn't for the ultra reliable Dreamworld staff, I wouldn't have known about Movieworld adding a flyer (B&M probably) or that Movieworld is about to put a bigger drop on Looey Tunes (I've heard both of these at Dreamworld over the past few years).
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Thats true, Construction workers can earn up to $100000 a year because of all the allowances they get for every little thing.
Sorry dude, but I have yet to meet a fellow construction worker earning more than 60 000 a year and this includes the allowances on site, (only for site and hight only...no other allowances for normal construction workers. Althought plumbers can get mud money when the first part of the construction happens.) Thunder
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Tell me about it.  If it wasn't for the ultra reliable Dreamworld staff, I wouldn't have known about Movieworld adding a flyer (B&M probably) or that Movieworld is about to put a bigger drop on Looey Tunes (I've heard both of these at Dreamworld over the past few years).
Joz, i suppose it depends on who u talk too. However in a few months time we will see if my dreamworld source was correct about, A-a new roller coaster for the attraction and B- whether it is a rocket with top hat. My dw source has alsways given me correct info so far, so lets see.
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I was reading in a forum on the comingsoon.net movie website where someone had posted an article of an interview with Dan Harris who is working on the Superman Returns movie being filmed in Australia with part being done at movie world (which I believe which is why a Superman coaster is coming). The part of interest from the article: "I thought that X-Men was a big movie, but this scope is another step bigger, which is really cool. And they're building so much stuff too. I can tell you that they are building a portion of Metropolis, like a major backlot that's amazing. It's like three intersecting city blocks and everything is four stories tall. And it's a permanent backlot, it will be like a permanent New York City slash Metropolis." I heard that part of this film was being made at Movie World because Fox Studios in Sydney could not accommodate a set they wished to build. My thoughts on this, and correct me if I am wrong, is that this 'permanent' backlot will be at Movie World and may after shooting is finished on the film be open for visitors to the park with the studio tour or something, or perhaps encorporated into the theming of the superman ride. I think Movie world could do with a bit of a backlot like the other film parks (eg. Universal). The full article is here: http://latinoreview.com/interviews/danonsuperman.html

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