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Dreamworld announces Wave Swinger, Dreamland (DreamWorks retheme) and new coasters

Ashley Jeffery

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41 minutes ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

Exactly. So for all the reasons it does make sense to put it there, the negatives of having two rides and a stage at the entrance isn't the worst thing in town. When you sum all of the parts involved here, it's still the right move.

Sure, if you benchmark this against the worst possible design it makes total sense.

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1 hour ago, New display name said:

The wave swinger isn't going to stop people from visiting the rest of the park, unless the person is some wave swinger credit count weirdo.

You've gotta ride every individual seat on the first ride you see as you enter to get a real feel for the park, if you don't do that are you really going to Dreamworld?

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FWIW a few parks seem to have either a wave swinger or a carousel right in the main entrance.

Cedar Point and Phantasialand and Californias Great America are a couple of prime examples.

In my experience a lot of people tend to pass up these rides in the morning because they are too preoccupied heading to the big rides, and then forget to ride it later because it tends to be the main entrance of a park is in effect a dead end that you dont usually go back to.



I think the DW one will do alright because the layout of DW is such that you tend to pass the main entry area often anyway throughout the day.


Edited by Gazza
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Is it the WORST idea? Of course not. Will it DESTROY the park? Not by a mile.

But is it the best investment in that area of the park, probs not. I think one of the best thing the park used to have going for it was that from out front (ie carpark) you could see all these rides running in the park and you wanted to go and get to them (Claw, Wipeout, Enterprise, etc). They've lost that.

Could the Wave Swinger have been fitted into the old Wipeout area? Would that have actually been a better move along with getting rid of that bloody awful globe and bringing the fountain back to being a showpiece?


It's going to make a nice new visual for sure, but let's be real, it's another park's visual they have 'borrowed'. I kinda wish they were more going with trying to restore Dreamworld's own iconic identity, and undoing all that rubbish from long before this management team. It is great they are investing, and it will look nice for sure. 
But given how bloody awful Movie World is with all that crap shoved at the front of the park I kinda wish they had not gone for the same.

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I think it will be in their plan to put some ride there. If they wanted to do a tribute to wipeout they could get a intamin tourbillon but that ride would probably have just as many maintenance issues as wipeout did.  What do you guys think would be the perfect ride for that spot? What ever goes there would look sick with gold coaster behind it. 


Edited by REGIE
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Looks amazing, but onboard it feels like Doomsday if it were on a turntable.

The main gondola of seats just loops and loops in one direction, and then so does every other ring.

So you expect the ride to be full of really random movements like one of these.

Aerotrim - Astrotrainer - Spacetrainer » KTL Event Schmiede

But in reality it feels a bit repetitive and you're just looping and looping, and oh look we are still looping but now I'm on my side.

I've heard SFOT is taking theirs out already

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That would be cool sedge Hamer is very unique. Still surprised it’s the only one of its kind.  

another good one is One of those new chance enterprises would be a great tribute ride and they look amazing imo. One of the best things with wipeout was the wave backdrop. Not many flat rides can use back drops as well as wipeout did. 

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Part of the charm of Wipeout was how unique it was. Chucking a Sledgehammer right there would provide great kinetic motion from the highway viewpoints. 
Think of yourself driving past Dreamworld and you see a Sledgehammer chucking guests around in wild patterns, you'd want to stop and check that out. 

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If I owned a park in 2019, I totally would have built a tourbillon, not because it's a good ride, but because visually from off ride it's absolutelystunning. I'd also have a lemon of a ride in my park that I wouldn't know what to do with at this point.


As for the wave swinger at DW, TBH I think it's alright. The queue will presumably be around the back of it, there's lots of seating and outlets nearby, I think it'll be a winner. The thing is, and I'll keep saying this, it needs to be really properly charming af. Crowd flow won't matter, but you have to walk into the park and go 'Wow this place looks amazing'. 

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39 minutes ago, New display name said:

DW doesn't need anymore spin & spews.

While I agree with this, I think for a park that has traditionally traded off the quantity of rides it has, letting the count drop so low was a mistake. One good flat to replace Wipeout while they were in the process of 'Rightsizing' wouldn't have been the worst thing IMHO.

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1 hour ago, joz said:

While I agree with this, I think for a park that has traditionally traded off the quantity of rides it has, letting the count drop so low was a mistake. One good flat to replace Wipeout while they were in the process of 'Rightsizing' wouldn't have been the worst thing IMHO.

I agree they let it drop to low to quick with 0 publicised future plans.  I don’t like digging for the negatives but Some of me can’t help wonder if spending $35M on a family coaster is the best investment for a park that lost so many rides.. I will have to wait to judge and I would love to be wrong but it does seem risky to me. You could get a few of filler rides and a vekoma thrill with that money. Seems hard to market a family coaster. If the theming is top notch it will be a great ride. Doesn’t seem like it will drive much gate though? 

1 hour ago, wikiverse said:

This ride would go perfectly in that spot.  They could theme it to the ocean and put a big wave behind it which the queue can go through.

Rebuilding 1:1 a past ride does seem like a move backwards but then again hulk was rebuilt group up. Wipeout was so good I would not complain if they did this.

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4 hours ago, biasesumo said:

I personally would be all for a Sledgehammer clone if only to actually have a snowball’s chance of riding one.

Dreamworld needs something weird. 


I rode this a few months ago, absolutely ridiculous and fun, drop tower meets spinner, had me giggling like some lunatic the whole time. It’s a crying shame that there’s only one in the world.

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1 hour ago, REGIE said:

Rebuilding 1:1 a past ride does seem like a move backwards but then again hulk was rebuilt group up. Wipeout was so good I would not complain if they did this.

Dreamworld pretty much rebuilt the original wipeout purely out of the insane amount of welding material that held everything together. They then realised that was a terrible idea and finally threw the ride in the bin.

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14 hours ago, REGIE said:

If they wanted to do a tribute to wipeout they could get a intamin tourbillon but that ride would probably have just as many maintenance issues as wipeout did.

If you think Vortex is boring compared to Wipeout then you don't want to ride one of these. They are all looks and minimal thrill.

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