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Jungle Rush Coaster


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12 hours ago, mssveattck said:

Track is done

Another world first for Dreamworld is one step closer to completion. So good we are going back to the roots of dreamworld with the likes of Rivertown. I’ll attach some photos I took on Sunday below.



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Probably the best thread for this I could find, but we all know its not going to be reopened, however Dreamworld has now updated the site to show this. Rest in peace Vintage cars: 1981-2023. On top of this, Dreamworld has removed any mention of the vintage cars from the Rivertown page, saying things that include "Rivertown will feature a re-theme of a much-loved Dreamworld favourite as Murrissippi Motors" and "Murrissippi Motors will see brand-new vehicles and a completely new and unique driving experience – fun for the entire family."

This looks like it was done without much thought, and it's bound to leave a few people confused when they wonder what the Dreamworld favourite was.


Edited by HarryHeHe8
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Just now, Gazza said:

Weren't they shown on the Today show a few months ago?

They were, but those were back at the vekoma home base. Now we may get a chance to see them at the park! I may be flying a drone over the park tomorrow, so if i do, ill make sure to post any pictures on here for everyone. It will be on this topic.

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So, from what can be gathered about the land's story so far, a company called "Tasman Family Co." has decided to go on an expedition into what's assumedly going to be an Australian rainforest, where they somehow find a temple ruin from an ancient civilization (?) and decide to set up a small tourist town around it. I wonder if/how they'll include that massive gem from Earthstory's concept in there, or how they'll explain it if it's indeed an Australian forest with toucans & ruined Mayan/Incan architecture.

Edit: Is there any reason Dreamworld would be related to the year 1922? Or have they based it off their seemingly random 1917 establishment year for "Tasman Family Co.", & just added on some also seemingly random (post-war) years for Dreamworld?

Edited by Tricoart
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Another 'edit' (or, more accurately, rhetorical question/spitball) that's too late to be tacked onto the first post: And are both their establishment dates only set that early to attempt a thematic justification for the use of Ford Model T-esque vehicles in the nestled Vintage Cars replacement, even though Jungle Rush's train itself is themed to a car from at least 20 years later (WW2 Jeep), or is there going to be more reasoning for those dates leaving such a wide gap for the area's set era, when it was very much not needed to have them both originate from so far in the past (especially to make Dreamworld's establishment date off by about 59 years)?

Maybe the answer for all of this is that they weren't paying AttentIon to any of these details when concepting the story, and I'm looking way too much into the details out of a hope for the land to be more cohesive than it seems to be, an irresistible urge to nitpick, or a bit of both. Or maybe it's all time travel...

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12 hours ago, Michelangelo said:

Looks great! I have to agree with the others though, how will they incorporate the Mayan theming into an Aussie rainforest? It just doesn’t seem possible to do that. Maybe they will come up with an excuse that the ancient people of Rivertown built a temple for some reason. But in all seriousness, I reckon they can pull it off, however they do it

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I haven't seen anything official that says Mayan. Or Rainforest. Or Aussie. Or a year we're supposed to believe it's "set" in. It could be 2024 in there and we're just touring a temple that has been open to the public for decades, but they're using olde timey vehicles to make it feel more authentic to the tourists?

It's called "Jungle" rush. it's vague enough to be anywhere. Why do we have Model Ts and war-era jeeps? fuck knows. maybe the guys who landed with the model Ts established the camp and then the Americans discovered there was oil in the temple so they sent the military in to "liberate" the oil people

Maybe its the Aliens, upset about being evicted from Sea World, and they've set up camp in Dreamworld to try and lure in more humans to experiment on?

16 minutes ago, New display name said:

If MC shop facade can been be seen for the new area and isn't re-themed to match, no story will fix what my eyes see.

Does that mean you're going to get upset when you can see Giant Drop or the Diesel powered train you're going to toss your toys out of the cot?

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47 minutes ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:


I haven't seen anything official that says Mayan. Or Rainforest. Or Aussie. Or a year we're supposed to believe it's "set" in. It could be 2024 in there and we're just touring a temple that has been open to the public for decades, but they're using olde timey vehicles to make it feel more authentic to the tourists?


The concept art for the temple & Vintage Cars are both very South American inspired (ancient civilisations enveloped in overgrown forest with massive pyramid temples, large trees, canyons, & waterfalls, toucans, etc.), meaning the temple references would have been either Mayan or Incan. ‘Jungle’ is used interchangeably with ‘Rainforest’ here, cause though there’s slight difference in tree canopies, something referred to colloquially as a ‘Jungle’ is generally considered to be a ‘Rainforest’ biome/ecosystem. And I’m assuming that this rainforest’ll be Australian due to having the company involved be named ‘Tasman’, the river being the ‘Murrissippi’, it’s location in the park, & it’s theme harkening back to the OG Rivertown. 

My point is, if you’re selling immersive theming above all else, and (from posts here), trying to tell a unique story through the land, I’d like to see effort put into attention to detail & cohesion around that story. And, though objectively nitpicks, all the things mentioned (especially the existence of the temple) should’ve been thought about when developing said story if it is to be as immersive, and the land is to be as driven by it, as has been said. Not that it’s out of the question that they have thought about it, cause not a lot is known and they could have reasoning, but those are my hypothetical questions/nitpicks as of now.

Also, there’s a reason I hyperlinked Parkz in the message, ‘cause nitpicking is kinda the bread & butter here (Movie World speakers not playing the right music/paint chipping/car show not being as good as it was 10-15 years ago, Sea World not having X ride type, or MW/DW’s respective marketing strategies, to name some recent ones that come to mind), so I didn’t think there’d be much issue with doing so here.

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48 minutes ago, Tricoart said:

The concept art for the temple & Vintage Cars are both very South American inspired (ancient civilisations enveloped in overgrown forest with massive pyramid temples, large trees, canyons, & waterfalls, toucans, etc.), meaning the temple references would have been either Mayan or Incan. ‘Jungle’ is used interchangeably with ‘Rainforest’ here, cause though there’s slight difference in tree canopies, something referred to colloquially as a ‘Jungle’ is generally considered to be a ‘Rainforest’ biome/ecosystem. And I’m assuming that this rainforest’ll be Australian due to having the company involved be named ‘Tasman’, the river being the ‘Murrissippi’, it’s location in the park, & it’s theme harkening back to the OG Rivertown.

That's an awful lot of words to say you made it all up in your head.

"Massive Pyramid Temples" could be ascribed to South America, or Africa... or even - *gasp* - Australia. Yes, Australia also has an archaeological pyramid site too - once thought to be work of Egyptians, Mayans, Phoenicians, Chinese, or even - Aliens... (maybe Bermuda had merit after all)

The tasman company could be because they're FROM the tasman region, but remember that the Tasman Sea (and Tasmania) were derived from a dutch explorer. You've jumped to the jungle being aussie rainforest, despite the fact it's not a rainforest, plus the origins of the name Murrisippi (coined by John Longhurst after visiting Disneyland) could just as easily lean towards the Mississippi River rather than the Murray River and be located somewhere in the Louisiana Bayous?

It's not a fucking history lesson, nor is it a geography one. It's entertainment. They don't have to be period and location accurate. Just because it doesn't fit your narrative, doesn't mean they haven't had attention to detail or anything else you care to complain about. For once we're getting something that's actually THEMED and we can SEE the level of DETAIL in the THEMING elements before CONSTRUCTION is even FINISHED and instead of talking about how COOL the ROCKWORK looks or how TWISTY the track elements are or how FUN the MULTIMILLION DOLLAR ROLLERCOASTER looks - you're going to whinge about AI involvement (again) and by extension seek to rubbish all other elements of the design scope from the comfort of your Kmart gamers chair by the glow of your ANKO brand LED strip lighting.

These guys are paid to do this. You aren't. There's probably a reason why that is. 

Edited by DaptoFunlandGuy
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