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A water coaster for Wet'n'Wild in 2004??

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A wild rumor was sent to me this week reguarding a water coaster being built at wetnwild. This got me thinking about the normal things. The location of the ride, where the station would be and the entry, what style of water coaster, and the layout of the ride. This is a style of ride that I do not know a lot about, but any style of coaster in Oz is good. Any thoughts anyone and remember this is only a rumor.

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One of those Setpoint Swing Things would suit the park a lot better. It's an idea that has been done at several water parks around the world. They'd fit a water park a lot better, because of the crowd interaction and more fun feeling to them. An actual water coaster (Mack or Premier) would on the other hand need its own separate area, and I don't think is really the sort of 'togs wearing" ride like a Swing Thing is. Overall, something other than slides would be great (and I don't mean spas), and certainly a welcome change for guests.

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A real hype, those water coasters. This year I get the chance to ride the one in Europa Park 8) Another new type of watercoaster is "Fuga da Atlantide" in gardaland. Build by Intamin and it looks very strange but great fun. Some photo's: gardaland_plafda06.jpg This will the ride look like when it's finished. gardaland_plafda08.jpggardaland_fdalav230303d.jpg Looks like a great type of watercoaster, maybe such a watercoaster will be build in wetnwild? source: http://www.parksmania.it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, the ride rabid is speaking of is the Setpoint ride I was talking about. They're certainly not the most costly things out there, and look like great family fun. I'd certainly love something like this - it'd give you more than just slides and pools, which can get a bit boring (minus of course the Super 8 Aqua Racer, which will never get boring). On a related note, I'll try and officially launch the Wet'n'Wild gallery over the weekend.

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The Technical Specifications (PDF) states a 1200pph capacity. Even with the theoretical capacity bloatings we're all used to (though, you must admit, Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster seems to float around 1000pph now worries), that's a pretty decent capacity. Even so, most water slides are maximum of what, 150-180pph (over several slides may be as high as 500pph)? One question, that hasn't yet come up, is that Wet'n'Wild doesn't currently have any staff that are even remotely capable of operating something like a rollercoaster. My guess, is that if such a ride were at Wet'n'Wild, it'd be considered part of Movie World for staffing, and WBMW staff would be rostered to operate it.

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You make a good point about the ride ops, since the closest that WnW has is lifegaurds. It'd be interesting though to see if they'd train up lifegaurds to operate rides (since their qulified, and employed as lifegaurds, you have to pay for the qualifacations), or go the cheaper option and have full time staff for the ride. Perhaps only a small consideration in the grand scheme of things, but still an interesting thought.

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Yeah the "Swing Thing" would make an excellent ride and would fit into WnW real well. As I've been saying all week :) the most important thing with this ride is the themeing! You would want to theme it real well unlike the other ones that have been made that just fly over bare concrete and have a couple of sprinklers scatered around it. It could be themed really well though to something like a Tropical jungle type theme where you would have palms and trees and water fall type things all over the place. It's a real crowd involver too because they get their with all the water canons aiming at the coaster having a ball. You could have a nice water playground around the edge of it too blending in nicely with the themeing. And i don't know if you realised but each coaster car has a water tank under it and the riders can dump the water when ever they want on the people down below trying to squirt them. It would be a blast! WnW seem to be going along qite steadly with all their new atractions. They are reguluarly getting new ones which is good to see for a water park and is probaly out dooing all the other parks too. Shaun *Who is going to build his own theme park and thinks themeing is very important ;)

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Actually, I think that is why it wouldn't be feasable to put it over tropical gardens or anything. With the riders able to dump the water, you wouldn't really want them to be giving your gardens a good dumping. Not only would it be a bit of a waste of water (which isn't exactly what they're trying to achieve), but I'm sure you'd find your plants drowning. I suppose if you weaved the gardens out of the reach of the any water, you could get the effect happening, but you'd still need concrete however you go. I like the idea of waterfalls. If the park were to go all out on this imaginary ride, I'd love to see some (concrete) moulded cliffs and rocks with waterfalls that the ride weaves in and out of - and waterfalls that the track goes through. :)

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yeah they would all have to be fake plants (like you would use reall ones :P) and you would just recycle all the water. My idea would be to have something like spongturf (like they have on the ground in mcdonalds playgorund) on the ground so the kiddies couldn't hurt them selves and which would also drain all water away to get recycled. And you could have like fake bamboo platforms with water cannons on the top and little rubber palm trees with sprinlkers onto and all the the things kids love to play with around the coaster whcih i think would look a little better then just plain concrete. It wouldn't have to be like a thick jungle. I would have it all pretty open so the kids can run around with bit's of themeing and water toys here and there. The most important thing though is they have to have water cannons for the crowed, I'm sure they would love it Anyway just my opinion Shaun ps. ive been thinking about this ride for a long time so I already have a pretty good planned vision of it in my head lol :)

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Guys I get the feeling you may have the wrong idea of what a waterpark watercoaster really is. It is not an actual rollercoaster that would require proper ride operators. It is a flume style water slide which has not only downwards slopes but also uphill sections (similar to the ups & downs of a normal coaster). Riders travel in small inflatable rafts (just like a lot of the slides now use at wet n wild) and on the upwards sections the rafts are propelled by strong torrents of water. This is a really popular style of waterslide in the US and looks like lots of fun. I was thinking (hoping) that wet n wild would eventually get one considering they are such a progressive park. Please visit http://www.schlitterbahn.com/attractions-m...sterblaster.asp for a great example. Congratulations wet n wild, you are a great role model to all other Aussie theme parks!

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posted by north82

Guys I get the feeling you may have the wrong idea of what a waterpark watercoaster really is
I think some of us do just check out this link http://www.rcdb.com/installationdetail598.htm or the link Rich posted early Technical Specifications Dont get me wrong the link you provided is a great ride but it is not a COASTER and the begining post in this topic did say a rumored water coaster not slide.
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I think you need to remember that we are talking about a WATERpark here not a themepark. When a waterpark talks about a watercoaster they are almost always referring to the master blaster style of slide. Do you know of any waterpark in the world which has an actual rollercoaster? For example, type the word 'watercoaster' into the www.google.com search engine and take a good look at the results it comes back with... a mixture of the actual soaker rollercoaster and also the slide style. You will notice that it depends on where the attraction is located - if it is a theme park they are referring to the soaker or if it is a waterpark or something related they are referring to the slide. It wouldn't really be logical for a waterpark to install an actual rollercoaster (even the soaker style) as they would require riders to put their clothes back on and would also require properly trained ride operators. I don't think wet n wild would want to train ride operators just for ONE ride in the park and I doubt they would want to mix their staff up with movieworld either. And another thing I just thought of... wet n wild currently has an attraction called speedcoaster and that is only a slide, definitely not a rollercoaster. I guess none of us know for sure though based on the rumours so I may be wrong but I can't wait to find out!

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Might I refer you to this: http://www.wetnwild.com/Orlando/Main/Main....SubCategoryId=1 Several other "Wet 'n Wild" parks (note: not Wet'n'Wild :)) across USA have such rides, but unfortunately only that one's website is working. It's certainly not unheard of to have a coaster in a water park. These rides certainly aren't ideal at a normal park, as they truly are wet rides. Now, just to confuse things, this isn't a "water coaster" - a water coaster is the ride style from Mack (Water Coaster), Premier (Liquid Coaster) and now Intamin (no idea), which combines flumes and track. The Water Coaster wouldn't really fit into a water park - and it'd be competing with The Ride Formerly Known as Wild Wild West (if that Prince joke hasn't been beaten to death, I don't know what has). The suspended "thing" we're talking about is the Setpoint Swing Thing. Now, having attempted to clear that up, I'd much rather see the tube ride that north82 was talking about. There's a documentary floating around on Discovery about a Brunei water park that has one of these rides (the entire park has this great oasis/Aztec theme), and it certainly looks like a great ride (circumnavigating the park). They are referred to as "uphill water coasters". I really don't see one heading to Wet'n'Wild any time soon (well ever) - take a look at all the parks that once one, all massive resort style water parks (the sorts of places that are bigger than combined Wet'n'Wild, Sea World and Movie World).

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Very interesting Richard. There are obviously so many differrent rides now which are referred to as water coasters or something similar but they are all completely different types. So is the hydra fighter at wet n wild orlando basically the same as the soaker coaster at Paramount's Carowinds? The soaker coaster seems to me to be more like a traditional rollercoaster. Do you know of any actual waterparks with a soaker coaster? I get the feeling only dry parks have the soaker coasters (or something similar) whereas waterparks have the hydra fighters. Do you know of any other waterparks with this style of ride besides wet n wild?

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