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WnW Sunshine Coast


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Here is my idea for how the new WnW Sunshine coast could turn out. In the middle of the park would be a medium sized wave pool, and rising behind it is a rocky mountain, which is used as the start point for “The mountain splashdowns” and “Super splash rafting”, the mountain is also where the dive in movie screen is mounted, and inside the mountain is where the wave generation equipment, and the parks filtration system is hidden. Around the perimeter of the park is the “WnW water way”, a chain of master blasters and lazy river sections that provide thrills and also acts as the parks transport system, with various exit/entry points around the park. At the front left of the park is “Titan tower” just a tall tower with extreme slide. At the front right of the park is “Loony lagoon” the kid’s area. The whole park would be planted with lush tropical plants to make it look really nice. Tell me what you think. RIDES: Mountain Splashdowns, group of 3 regular flume slides featuring: 1) Flush Frenzy 2) Summit Splash 3) Crazy Creek 4) Siesta Springs, group of spas. 5) Breakers bay, Wave pool with a cinema screen mounted on the side of the mountain 6) Super Splash Rafting, spinning raft ride similar to mammoth falls. 7)Loony Lagoon, Kids pool area with a water playground that has a giant tipping bucket 8) Nippers Slippers, group of 2 kids water slides. Titan Tower, group of three high-speed teen slides featuring: 9) Panic plunge, enclosed freefall slide 10) Rampage run, enclosed steep gradient slide with turns 11) Maelstrom mayhem, bowl water slide Wet ‘n” Wild water way, group of 6 master blaster slides, interconnected in a continuous loop around the park with lazy river sections, featuring : 12) Twisting torrents 13) Storm surge 14) Canyon Cascades 15) Gloomy Caves 16) Riptide River 17) Rocky Rush 18) Body-board Beach, Artificial “Wave-loch” body board wave.

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Gaz, I love that you take the time to do this sort of thing, and I LOVE the idea of your transport river system.. but... it goes right through where the wave generators are. this river can't go up a hill or down a gully... water tends to respond a bit strong to gravity... same point for the little loop you did near the entrance, where it circles around itself. if they are joined, the current will become erratic, and if they do go over and under each other, the water won't work. I get the feeling this is meant to be a bit like calypso beach... while good in theory what you have here can't work. On another note, why does everyone who comes up with theoretical ride names have to resort to either Rhyming or Alliteration? (spelt?). Everything has a two word name, and the second word either rhymes with the first, or has the same first letter... excepting gloomy caves.. and maybe one or two others. BE ORIGINAL! how many rides out there (ok, except BUSH BEAST) have an alliteration for a name? or RHYME? im going to think for exactly two minutes on the major parks I know.... NOTHING... NADA. Only one i came up with was Bush Beast..

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Ok Alex, you think of some better names then. as for the water transport thing, the blue parts are lazy river sections, in other words, pools with a current in them. The fawn coloured sections are master blaster water slides, and these can defy gravity with the use of a water injection system that pushes rafts uphill, so these sections would be able to go up and down hills like a roller coaster. Toward the end of each lazy river section, it would funnel in to help guide the rafts into the slide. see http://www.nbgsintl.com/masterblaster.htm. As for it going close to the wave generators, i have left enough space for the equipment, and anyway, at the Melbourne sports and aquatic center, the final turn of the waterslide sits above the wave generation equipement, and in my park you could just make the slide go uphill and over the wave generation equipment plant room. Wild Wadi water park in the UAE uses a similar water transport system.

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  \ said:
how many rides out there (ok, except BUSH BEAST) have an alliteration for a name? or RHYME?
I thought for 30 seconds and came up with Judy's Jetliners, Huckle Berry Hound's Merry-Go-Round, Magilla Gorilla's Flotilla, Boo Boo's Balloon's, Amplo's Antique Auto's, Speed Slide, Snowy River Rampage and they were all in just one park. Saying that I still agree that original names are necessary and looking at Gazza's list they seem to be original enough. "The Bus is now leaving for Thirty Seconds Slope, Tasmania"
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Road Runner Roller Coaster, Rugrats Runaway Reptar, Tower of Terror are a couple of notables from the Gold Coast. I get the point though :) Nice looking park map, as a park it looks great, but it could do with some more areas to sit down, mostly around the wave pool. I like the idea of having the mountain at the back of the wave pool with slides coming off it. Great space saver that, as well as the fact that the parks filtration and pumps could all be centrally located.

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  wonderbus2003 said:
I thought for 30 seconds and came up with Judy's Jetliners, Huckle Berry Hound's Merry-Go-Round, Magilla Gorilla's Flotilla, Boo Boo's Balloon's, Amplo's Antique Auto's, Speed Slide, Snowy River Rampage and they were all in just one park.
Ok, i was talking in the current ride base in australia, and counting bush beast only because it still stands. i meant a two-word name alliteration or rhyme. and it was Boo Boo's Balloon RACE SpeedSlide is one i'll give, but this is just a description of what it does, its a SLIDE that has a very high SPEED. its nothing near "Flush Frenzy"
  Joz said:
Road Runner Roller Coaster, Rugrats Runaway Reptar, Tower of Terror are a couple of notables from the Gold Coast.
again, these are all multi worded ride names. Road Runner is a character you can't do much about, that came from WB. and its a ROLLER COASTER... Reptar is a three word alliteration that shows a bit more thought, and its not "Terror Tower" but "Tower OF Terror" which shows a bit more thought, and is hardly as obviously lame as say... Nippers Slippers? I was talking about two worded titles that have alliteration or rhyming for no other reason than to be alliterated, or rhymed. all of the examples you guys came up with had a purpose, a design, and had a bit more thought put into it. Not only that, but the rides that came close to truly fitting my specification were mostly kiddie rides Im not hacking on Gazza's Ideas, I love these little things he does. If we've learnt nothing on these forums, we HAVE learnt that the parks do pay a little attention to what we're saying - the most recent example i can think of is Stephen Gregg's attention to the queue and capacity issues. While it could be argued that its just their own perception of the general public, why didnt they do something about it earlier? they only acted after we spent three months whinging about their capacity. coincidence is possible, but I'm farily confident management in all 4 parks on the gold coast do pay some attention to this site. So maybe, although im sure they've had designers working on the Sunshine Coast version of the park, but maybe they've got stuck on an idea or two - for instance, the "transport river" idea, if it could be made to work, is an ingenious method of getting people around the park. nobody likes to run around in bare feet on hot concrete.. i've experienced that myself at WnW. this transport river would tour past every major attraction in the park with an opportunity to get off anywhere you please... maybe Warner Village might note this and consider implementing it into their design. they have the technology already from calypso beach.. all they need to do is expand on it.
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Well, i had a look at a couple of disney waterparks, and these are regarded as being the best you will visit, and these are some of the names. Blizzard Beach (double word) Slush Gusher Cross Country Creek Melt Away Bay Downhill Double Dipper Summit Plummet Runoff Rapids Snow Stormers Typhoon Lagoon (Rhyming words) Crush 'N' Gusher Humunga Kowabunga Keehaul Falls Storm Slides Castaway Creek Ketchakiddee Creek So when it comes to naming, I learn from the best :D And yes, i admit that Flush Frenzy was a bad name, i was thinking along the lines of a flush of water, but i was scraping the barrell, lets all call it Waterlog Gourge ok. I agree joz, maybe seating around the wave pool is a bit sparse, if the pool was further back it would be better, there is however a large line of shelters you can see at the top right side of the park, so the punters can go in under the shade with their $7.95 hot dog, sit down and watch people rush along Riptide river while eating lunch. And also, im not taking the credit for the water transport thing, Wild Wadi and Schlitterbahn beach already use such systems of waterslides and lazy rivers, i just implemented it in my design.

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i can see some similarities there Gazza, i just still think its a bad practise for any park to be naming things like flush frenzy. a couple of the rides you listed dont fit the criteria because they are more than two words, and i feel inclined to disqualify Ketchakiddee and humunga, because thats a lot of syllables. But as you had said you were scraping the bottom of the barrel, and honestly, if they (the names) worked in a theme park, you should be applying to Disney right now... Its easy to come up with names for rides based on a single drawing, build a full scale ride, and then come up with a name for it that captures its best features and is also interestingintriguing enough to make the general public want to visit your park just to ride it. Imagine if Wild West falls was originally called "flume ride" or if Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster was originally called "Wild Mouse" - how many people would flcok to the park to ride it? I can't see myself booking a trip to WnW to ride "flushing frenzy". sounds like a case of Starbuck's slipping a laxative into every coffee they make... But anyway gazza, regardless of the names of the slides, its a good design. keep it up. (and maybe see if you can get a woolworths discount coupon to fill up the tank on that barrel of yours...)

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Read the last post, i thought of a better name than flush frenzy. And in any case, the ride would be advertised as Montain splashdowns, they were just the individual slide names, its like how at WnW they call the group of four slides the white water flumes, but the 4 flumes have individual names: Bombora, Pipeline, Ripcurl and Whrilpool. (which BTW sound like all they did to name them was get a bunch of brand names) What barrel are you talking about for me to fill the tank on anyway?

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Presuming the Wave pool is the same size as WnWs (for scale purposes) you'd probably want to place that further up on the screen, so you can fit more deck chairs and the like to the area. The current Wet 'n' Wild's decking is huge and yet that fills up. Same thing would happen with this park, so that'd need to be bigger. There also isn't much room to expand should the need arise, and there aren't many eateries. Apart from that, its a really nice park. If the new WnW looked anything like this it'd be a hit IMHO.

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I didnt bother to put in all the future expansion areas basically because ti would be a waste having this big blank bit on the image. In terms of eateries, there is the octagonal one near the wave pool, there is also one at the back of the park near all the shelters. Also, in the middle of the wave pool deck area is a square building, this would be a 2 story building , at the top is the projector room for dive in movies, but on the ground floor would be a shop that only is open on movie nights that sells popcorn ect. An ice cream palour is located direcly down from crazy creek, next to the wave pool. the large rectangular building at the park entrance is also 2 stories high, the top level is admin, while the bottom level is change rooms, lockers, the entrance turnstiles and a shop selling things like sunscreen, souvouniers, towels ect. In terms of toilets, there would be one by Body board beach, the top level of that building would be a viewing deck for Body board beach. There would also be toilets with the food outlet in the top right of the park, and also in the main entrance area.

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I did a 3D drawing of the park for those interested. And i was bored, so I thought of who would staff the park, Me - Head of Park Design/Planning Rich - CEO Joz - Head of Food/Beverage Bussy - Head of Attraction Maintenance Daniel - Head of Park Security Paul - Head of IT, www.wetnwildsunshinecoast.com.au web master Shaun - Head of Accounting/Finance/Payroll AlexB - Head of Entertainment Flea - Head of park themeing/lighting/special FX and in park music Rabid - Head of media/marketing Steve$ - Ejected Patron Pattieboy - Lifeguard

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Thanks for that Gazza but I would also like to take the Operations manager position as well. One addition I thought of after looking at your map was to add a waterfall to the wave pool. Put it in front of the screen so it disguises the screen during the day and then turn off the waterfall when a movie is going to be shown. "The Bus is now leaving for Bong Bong Waterfall, NSW"

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Hey Gazza First just wanted to say I really like the design of the park and if they wanted to put the right funds into it and do it properly something like that could really be great. Mainly I just wanted to compliment you on that latest drawing. The detail and cleaness of the artwork is really great, you have a talent there!

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  Gazza said:
And i was bored, so  I thought of who would staff the park: Steve$ - Ejected Patron
Dude, thats the funniest thing I've read for weeks lol Me as F&B boss? Yeah, I'll do you proud ;) On the drawing itself, mate I'm constantly amazed with how well you do those. Everything looks pretty good on that, and the quality is unreal. Just out of interest, do you do drawing of any type as a job? Dj, don't worry, I'm sure Flea will let you help him with the lights :cool:
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At current, i dont do any Drawing related job, Im a maccas kid myself, but i do get A+'s in visual communication :D Bus, great idea there for the waterfall, it would be very impressive walking into the park and seeing a big waterfall at the end of the wave pool. At least i know Im on the right track, i mean, im impressing the hardest audience of all, enthusiasts.

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  Gazza said:
I did a 3D drawing of the park for those interested.
Again Gazza, you have another brilliant drawing here. it looks awesome. My only question is about the Wave pool and the mountain - the wave pool is covered on 3 sides by the mountain facade - this minimises the wind (which is a good thing) but it reduces the amount of sun the pool gets, which would make it very cold, mostly in shadows etc...
  Gazza said:
And i was bored, so  I thought of who would staff the park, Daniel - Head of Park Security
LOL. problem is he'd eject anyone he thought was a turd, but anyone causing serious havoc, he'd probably join in... lol
  Gazza said:
AlexB - Head of Entertainment
While im sincerely touched, I could never stoop to the levels of Michael Croaker and company. Croaker was a nice bloke but his entire cast were plastic. besides, I never saw much in the way of entertainment at WnW...
  Gazza said:
Flea - Head of park themeing/lighting/special FX and in park music
I think Rappa would have something to say about that... Not that I'm doubting Flea here at all... but heck.. i'd want in on this one too!
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