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It really is sad

Guest MissMelanie

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  AlexB said:
owww man I would have liked to see all that stuff come out of the lake! there'd be Drivers Licenses in there from like 85.... imagine all that crap... be interesting to see it...
Not really, it'd been drained (and probably cleaned out) before. Probably when they removed the pirate ship stage and I think around 2000 so they could contsruct the ramp for the water ski show.
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  \ said:
Its not pertinent to the discussion, but I just want to point out that what i said was intended to be ONE swap... eg, the rotation was only performed ONCE - eg : a single ride ROTATION meaning the ops generally had TWO rides in one day.
If it wasn't pertinent to the discussion then why did you bring it up? The lake was not drained completely for the setup of the water ski show, but they did drop the level by about a meter and they spent ages cleaning a lot of the weed out. The area around Bounty's was regularly cleared (about every 6 months or so). I saw heaps of stuff go in, several mobile phones, one was worth around $1500 (hey it was a few years ago). I also saw a guy’s wallet go in, it had over $1000 in it, and needless to say it as promptly retrieved. I did hear about a girl (early 20's) who was in the park with her boyfriend, she was all dressed up like she was going to a club (mini skirt, stilettos, make-up). It was mid-week non-peak but there were a couple of kids who had been on for about 3 rides in a row. When this girl and her boyfriend went on they sat in the middle where you can face other people. The couple sat next to each other and the kids sat opposite. Mid cycle one of the boys spewed and it went all over the chick. The operator could do nothing but let the ride finish the cycle and sit in the booth laughing their head off. Obviously the girl was not impressed at all. The most unusual thing that came off during a ride (Demon) while I was operating was a hearing aid. The guests family came up to me after the ride had finished saying they had lost a hearing aid. I thought it was one of the small ones so I started to look around and they then told me it was one that attaches to the side of the head and has a bit for the ear. Luckily it was magnetic and had stuck itself to one on the station supports. "The Bus is now leaving for The South East Centre For Hearing Impaired, South Australia"
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Woah, i didnt even noe Wonderland closed down,i just found out todae. i havent been there for like 8 years, i used to go every year as a kid wen i lived in sydney. i remember one year wen they had to close all the water rides coz of the water restrictions, i was realli disappointed i couldnt go on the water rides, it was the middle of summer too. Shame i never got to one last time b4 it closed, i loved that place, it was heaven for a little kid, so much better than luna park back then, not sure how luna park is now, but ill always have those memories of Wonderland :P

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  wonderbus2003 said:
If it wasn't pertinent to the discussion then why did you bring it up? The lake was not drained completely for the setup of the water ski show, but they did drop the level by about a meter and they spent ages cleaning a lot of the weed out.  The area around Bounty's was regularly cleared (about every 6 months or so).  I saw heaps of stuff go in, several mobile phones, one was worth around $1500 (hey it was a few years ago).  I also saw a guy’s wallet go in, it had over $1000 in it, and needless to say it as promptly retrieved.
I have some photos from when they drained the lake. Which they dropped about 6 meters, if you look at the edge of Lakeside you can see how much it was. I got my digital camera and took photos of the photos untill I have the chance to scan them. So here they are in all their crappy goodness.
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Wazza, these photos are POST-H2Overload. This is when they installed the scaffolding for the saturday session stage, and it would have been necessary to drop the water to do so in this case, as they needed to firmly anchor the scaff poles to the bottom, and to do that they needed to see. removing the ship and installing the ski ramp didn't require the water to be dropped much if at all, as the pylons holding that platform up (see your own pics) were in there from the word go, all they had to do was build (above the water) on top of it.

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  AlexB said:
Wazza, these photos are POST-H2Overload. This is when they installed the scaffolding for the saturday session stage, and it would have been necessary to drop the water to do so in this case, as they needed to firmly anchor the scaff poles to the bottom, and to do that they needed to see. removing the ship and installing the ski ramp didn't require the water to be dropped much if at all, as the pylons holding that platform up (see your own pics) were in there from the word go, all they had to do was build (above the water) on top of it.
Actually Alex those pylons you see there are from the de-construction of the old Wharf stage , long long long before that scaffolding stage was set up for the Saturday session indeed. Remeber the old wharf stage?? In front of the big ship..That is what you see. I know they are blurry but I didn't think they were that Blurry..These pics were taken when they had to remove the stage including all of those pylons that you see there. These pics are from either from 2000 or 2001, I am trying to find the negatives to see what other photos I took at the same time with these ones to get a more exact date.
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  carolinebee said:
I've seen spew sprinkling from the zipper. Twice. That's gotta be messy. Really messy. The ops are used to it, they have all the cleaning gear there.... :eek:
Nothing like a chunder on a gravitron. because it doesnt matter where you're standing, if you're in sight of the gravitron just after they've cleaned it out, you're gunna get spewed on - cause once they hose the ride out, they spin dry it! lol.
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