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Space Probe Removal


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When or if Space Probe is dismantled to go to another park they are going to have to have a 10 meter section built. They would use a big air gun to remove the bolts and an oxy-acetylene torch to cut through the welds. Once they have removed the 6 sections of the tower they still have a 10 meter section of tower and concrete in the ground, hence the reason for a 10 meter section to be re-built. Space Probe would not be very useful as a communications tower, for one thing it would be too hard to mount and microwave dishes on the side, if they want a communications tower they would build a fishbone type structure that is easy to get around on. Paul's reference to NTG is due to the fact that they have got their name plastered all over the top of the Space Probe dome. NTG got a real good deal there. They have had at least 9 months of free advertising. "The Bus is now leaving for Numjikompita Radio Communications Tower, South Australia" "The Bus is now leaving for

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What about for a conversion to an observation tower? now that could be a good use for the ride as it is changing it enough for it not to just be the same old SP.
And look at what? "To the east we have a major road interchange, in the distance is some factories and warehouses and beyond that the smog over Sydney. To the north we have a large cemetery. To the west is a quarry and beyond that are the Blue Mountains. To the south are more factories and warehouses and a rubbish dump. And directly below us are more factories and warehouses. We hope you have enjoyed visiting the Western Sydney Sky Tours, mind your step on the way down the ladders." I really think it is time everyone got it into their heads that none of the rides will ever be open for any use on the current site. "The Bus is now leaving for Observation Spur, Tasmania"
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Plus, unless the people are willing to take the stair-case, there is no other way of getting to the top. And before you say elevator, could you imagine what would happen if there was a fire inside the tower? Most of it's inch thick steel, so if you're catching an elevator down from your awesome nothing-ness views and there's a spark from say a cable, instant oven. But that tower will be okay, just over three thousand degrees before it starts to slant. By the way, there's two things you need to know about Ride Trade towers of this nature. One; the thickness of tubular steel decreases as you rise in height, ranging from three inches thick down to one or something along those lines and...... from the obvious, the tower arrives in say two metre parts, then they are welded into ten or whatever metre parts, then every ten metres it is bolted. So the main components aren't welded, but rather than having to pay to get a ten metre steel tube to be imported from the netherlands, wouldn't be easier if it was in slightly smaller parts? Ben "it makes sense too for some reason" Roach.

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Bus: i wouldnt convert it to an observation tower at the current site, last time i checked that was being redevolped, they are trying to sell it remember so if a customer were to buy it, that could be a possible use. Slick: it would be a rising cabin observation tower for which it would be converted to: http://www.ridetrade.com/r_products_towers.htm Daniel: I am, you were just incorrectly influenced by the two posts above me, i thought you were a smarter person than that.

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I’m just guessing here but I would say that the cost of dismantling, moving, converting and re-building would far out way the cost of a new observation tower.

Bus: i wouldnt convert it to an observation tower at the current site, last time i checked that was being redevolped, they are trying to sell it remember so if a customer were to buy it, that could be a possible use.
Why didn't you say that it was to go to another site in your original post? For all I know you could have the same frame of mind as Zordy and still think that the park will re-open in some form on its current site. "The Bus is now leaving for Port Mantle Hill, NSW"
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