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As an employee I can tell you this...


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Ya, It is Mammoth Falls. There is also talk of some further action at Sea World. Apparently, The Seal Pool/Rock will be moved from the Cartoon Network Beach area, and put where the old Thrill Seeker was. The old Seal Rock will then be converted into one of two things: A "Toon Stage" where cartoon characters will perform, or another Cartoon Beach ride. OhI hope it is not another cartoon ride. They are the worst ones to operate. So much abuse from adults!

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Welcome The Worker, We appreciate every single piece of inside knowledge here on R-C.com.au, and have sources across the country that are deep into the industry. I dont want to discourage you from posting and visiting the site, but this information has been brought to our attention almost two months (or more i'm not sure) ago, and can be found in the news and forums of the site. keep an eye out on the forums, you might pick something up before the park actually tells you themselves! ;)

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Hey good to see ya on board man. I personally think I'd like to see more seating for the plaza more then I'd like to see a toon stage. Can't stand those costume character shows. I would really like to see a Road Runner style ride squeezed in there, and just think Worker, by the time that gets built, you'll hardly ever be working on Cartoon Beach anyway! :)

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I just got back from the Gold Coast.. maybe I will write a report about it or something.. I don't know yet. The mamoth slide seems to be pretty much complete except for one section at the top that connects the tower to the slide. Nope no lift hill, You have to carry the tubes up yourself:(

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You have to carry the tubes up yourself:(
I think the fact that there's a section at the top missing should be a good clue that its still a bit off being finished, particularly when it comes to the top part. Expect a lift hill to be installed soon (or at least by the time the slide opens). I'll also put this here rather then in the Gold Coast TR thread (good read BTW), but Bermuda hasn't had a line over 30mins for the entire holiday season, and considering the whole thing takes 10mins from pre-show to splash down that’s a pretty good return on your queue time.
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