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Expedition Everest


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I have read that this ride is the first large scale implementation of the new Vekoma ride system. http://www.coasters2k.com/trackids/vekoma/modern.php Quote, rcdb.com – “The Expedition Everest will be the first ride to use Vekoma's newest track system. Rather than the rails be on the inside of the ties, they will be on the outside. To date Vekoma has only used this system on their smaller roller coasters. This will be the first large scale installation of such a system.” On the diagram, it does not appear that the track is on the outside. Attached is an image of the carriages that I thought were for the new ride system, however, they don’t match the track shown in the above link. It also seems that the track image contradicts rcdb.com. Can anyone clear this up for me?

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What type of track do you expect to see on Expedition Everest? Single carriage, or multiple carriages per train? What sort of lift hill? Rubber tyres, or a chain? It appears that the wheels are mounted outside of the track, as is evident in some contruction photos below. So, Vekoma's new ride system is to actually have the wheels ride on the outside of the track? This contradicts what RCDB.com said - "The Expedition Everest will be the first ride to use Vekoma's newest track system. Rather than the rails be on the inside of the ties, they will be on the outside" I have also found that the ride has individual carriages (as shown below). What does everyone else think?

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There aren't too many secrets about the actual ride system, it's all pretty much out there and has long since been documented with various sites' construction updates and reports. The mysteries lie in the actual ride experience and the accompanying special effects. That doesn't contradict RCDB at all - read it again. This ride will have its rails on the outside of the ties. You can look at the photos you've attached to see that. The ride will run trains of multiple carriages. Look in the background of the model of the train you posted and you can even see the design for the other cars that will be on the ride. The model is the back car of the train, which they designed to have the locomotive to distance it as much as possible from Big Thunder Mountain Railroad.

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Thanks Richard, all this information is new to me. I have read, re-read and re-read the re-reading of that statement and it still doesn’t make sense to me, I believe you when you say it doesn’t contradict the other website, but I cannot understand it. Rather than the rails be on the inside of the ties, they will be on the outside Doesn’t that mean that the rails are going to be on the outside, and the wheels that connect to the track, be on the inside? Wait a minute... what are ties? I was reading this as tyres...

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Grrrrrrrrrrrr Adam, the ride isnt using vekomas red trains (post #3). Its going to be a track with the rails on the outside and a train type with wheels on the outside. Have a look at an Intamin Train and track, it will be exactly the same configuration. In other words the rails are on the outside and the wheels will be on the outside.

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have a look at this image adam, it should clear it up... its crude, but it should explain what you are asking. compare it to the photo of a vekoma looper (this is knott's boomerang) and you can see on the photo the rails are on the inside of the "ribs" of the track, and the wheels are clearly visible on the insides...

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I didn't think Revenge of the Mummy had multiple carriages per train. Does it? When reading the description of the story behind Expedition Everest, it says that the track suddenly runs out and the train starts to slow down and roll backwards. Maybe when the train is ascending a piece of track is exchanged or rotated after the train has passed it to allow it to take a different path on its return. Attached is an example. What do you think?

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Whatever they feel like, a turn table, transfer track, junction track (like on Batwings loading station). It doesnt really matter, any of them will work. Also, have a look at this ride vehicle shot from revenge of the mummy: http://www.themeparkadventure.com/mummyo44lg.jpg ,you can see the train has two cars, and revenge of the mummy uses turntables, so there you go.

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Thanks Gazzizile. Yea I read a huge article on the behind the scenes of The Mummy today. The carriages stay very close together on the dark ride section of the ride but separate further for the coaster section of the ride. I wouldn't call it multi-carriage though as it still has a very short footprint, but as for a large train - it wouldn't fit on a turntable.

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