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Any other HP fans on here excited for Hogwarts Legacy?

Please - no massive spoilers. But, please feel free to chat about the general story, characters, what you're looking forward too, etc.


Would just like to chat with fellow HP friends :)

Edited by Jessicajealousy
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On 08/02/2023 at 11:00 PM, Naazon said:

I'm interested but between work, life and kids its hard to sit down and find time, and when I do I generally prioritise Multi Player games and use it as social time to catch up with mates.


I do intend on getting it at some point though, looks incredible.

That's fair enough! It can be hard to find time to game, especially to dedicate the time to a story-based single player game.


I haven't spent loads of time in it (maybe around 5-6 hours since it came out on Tuesday), and I must say, so far it's everything you would want in a wizarding world game. Incredibly immersive, huge map, lots of secrets. Brilliant game!

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