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Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster Overhaul


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Very exciting to see what comes of this long refurb. As other have already said, having this coaster down for a full year is going to hurt the park's capacity and increase wait times. Making it even more imperative to move Surfrider over to MW, and get the new Marvin the Martian kiddie flat up and running. Anything at this point will help. Maybe more street entertainment and shows as well.

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25$? This is village we are talking about.. 50$ to ride backwards on the worlds first multi type themed wild mouse roller coaster and the most iconic ride in the world!!

43 minutes ago, WalleyWorld said:

Very exciting to see what comes of this long refurb. As other have already said, having this coaster down for a full year is going to hurt the park's capacity and increase wait times. Making it even more imperative to move Surfrider over to MW, and get the new Marvin the Martian kiddie flat up and running. Anything at this point will help. Maybe more street entertainment and shows as well.

Could this be what they are about to announce.? If so the next 2 years are going to be super exciting for our parks!! I am slightly more excited for DWs additions and I really hope we get a more detailed concept drawings of JR. but then again not seeing anything for it and just jumping on it for the first time with out knowing what is about to happen would be fun too 

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I feel sorry for anyone going in June, with DCR, Scooby, RR and WWF all closed for maintenance. Luckily I am not going there then. 

Anyways, heres what I hope will happen with the upgrades:

  • Cars changed to spin, either a free or paid option
  • Screens changed to mimic the old Scooby Doo coaster
  • Disco-like lights and Elevator screen removed
  • Animatronics that are non-fire hazards added back
  • "Next Generation" removed, name is just "Scooby Doo Spooky Coaster"
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Have to say I have no interest in spinning cars. Especially not if it becomes the standard offering. 

the right hand side of the queue building is become more and more lucrative as it’s utilised as an events space, so I can’t see it being reclaimed. I’d be more inclined to think that if any changes to the queue room layout are to occur that they may involve better segmenting the room with a permanent wall 

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I agree it doesn’t need to spin. A drop track at the end could be cool though. Or if you dropped a tiny bit going up the elevator.  I think either make the disco room really really dark so you can’t see anything or make it really really disco and add heaps of strobe lighting to give everyone epilepsy

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I don’t think they will and I don’t want them to add anything ‘unique’ to the ride experience (in terms of the track or ride vehicles). Updating the ride vehicles to a more modern system is great (and needed), replacing pieces of track and upgrading the rides systems is all much needed and is great news. The one major thing I’m hoping for is they upgrade the screens and theming within the ride. Next Generation was a flop (would be great to see that part of the name removed and the old entry sign return). They’ve proven with Leviathan they’ve found someone who can create fantastic screen animations for a ride, so if they keep screens they definitely need to use that team again. But I do hope more real sets return to the ride, that’s what made the original ride so great. 

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18 hours ago, Cactus_Matt said:

Seems odd that they wouldn't wait 'til their new family coasters were open to close their most popular family coaster for an entire year but whatever...

It seems logical to me that if you're going to be shipping in new track pieces that having unimpeded access to the show building for machinery and cranes and what not would be preferable than having to shut down the new rides while you lift track pieces out.

7 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

Have to say I have no interest in spinning cars. Especially not if it becomes the standard offering. 

the right hand side of the queue building is become more and more lucrative as it’s utilised as an events space, so I can’t see it being reclaimed. I’d be more inclined to think that if any changes to the queue room layout are to occur that they may involve better segmenting the room with a permanent wall 

When used for events, the queue space is sometimes cleared to provide additional space for the event. The water fountain is also a good centrepiece theming element for the space, so erecting a permanent wall isn't an option. 

Best they could do would be perhaps to put up a curtain or scrim that they can bring down when needed.

2 hours ago, REGIE said:

make it really really disco and add heaps of strobe lighting to give everyone epilepsy

Yes, what a great idea. Let's also find funding for a permanent full time nurse at the ride exit. (i'm being sarcastic, in case you missed that).

The disco room is about the best it has ever been, excepting the original green laser fit out. This constantly changing cycle giving you something new to look at every so often is better than anything else they've tried there (though I REALLY wish they could bring back the old school lasers and mirrors as that shit just looked awesome.

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I couldn't see that this has been discussed yet, but is anyone else confused over their wording they are using on social media about the closure?

They keep saying ' to be completed IN 2024' which implies it will be just not operating at all in 2023, work starting in 2024 and then will reopen at some time in 2024 ( could be Christmas !) 

Shouldn't they be using the wording ' to be completed BY 2024' ? That would make a lot more sense... maybe im just picky though. 

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Popped in today to give it a last ride before the closure. The lack of cars was noticeable for sure with an advertised 90 min wait in the afternoon. Didn't help that some cars were being sent around the circuit empty. They weren't wrapped up in tape as the borked cars usually are, so it seemed like a recent issue. One of the staff members got a solo ride on one car for some reason. Was quite surprising, especially after seeing two cars get sent empty just before hand!


Most of the effects were down as usual, with the first screen being completely turned off. No Tv's on the lift, which I hear has been the case for awhile now. Ride is definitely rougher now, but I still enjoyed it.

Here's a few pics:









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4 hours ago, Ogre said:

Here's a few pics:


It's funny, I had to Google 'scooby doo spooky coaster entry' to realise what was wrong with this picture because upon first seeing this picture I was like "wtf have they done to the scooby building". Turns out having a couple trees framing your big ugly white sound stage building does wonders for selling an illusion because honestly this looks like shit.

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On 25/1/2023 at 12:16 AM, Naazon said:

Be cool if they doubled the queue line, using the whole indoor building, one side standard cars and the other side spinning.

Unfortunately this won't happen. Currently, they legally can't fill that space due to fire egress issues. In short, there aren't enough emergency exits in that space to cater for the amount of guests.

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