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Sydney Royal Easter Show


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Just to update this thread: here is the official text from the Easter Show site: TEN Carnival Four new rides will feature in the TEN Carnival this year at the Show. Two of these rides, the Twin Flip and the Energy Storm, have never been seen in Australia before! The Hard Rock is a family ride - a smooth, swinging and rotating movement, which giving you the feeling of freedom and space. The Energy Storm on the other hand flips the 24 riders around and turns them upside down for maximum fear-factor. The Twin Flip has just arrived in Australia from Italy and is only one of it’s kind in the Southern Hemisphere. Standing at 10 metres tall, it gives the 32 riders a whirlwind experience. And you won’t pass the brightly coloured Techno Jump, which has more arms than a family of Octopuses! Another family or children’s ride, this wonder of the Carnival is fun for all. The TEN Carnival at The Sydney Royal Easter Show is one of the most spectacular in Australia, with more than 50 rides. You’ll never see so much fun at one time in one place! Don't forget TEN's Xscream Tuesdays on 22 March and 29 March when you can ride all night from 5pm to 9pm for $30. http://www.eastershow.com.au/article.aspx?contentid=88 Hope this helps anyone who cares! ;)

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I don't find going upside down too scary, and it can sometimes get really uncomfortable if you're upside down for a long period of time. The zipper was scary because of the minimal restraints, but even then, it's not really the upside down-ness that's scary: more the roughness and getting flung about. I loved going upside down on the hang over and the ranger at luna park which I found just as secure as bounty's revenge at W'land, and only wished that wipeout would flip over more often. Going upside down on the claw at the Easter show was a shock, because i didn't know how intense it was going to be, but then I got used to it and just had fun. I love just how random and crazy that ride is! Has any one ridden the Mega Mix? I'd never seen anything like it. Was it intense? It didn't look like it went very fast, and the controller talked everyone on the ride through how he was going to flip them next; but those sort of interactive rides where the riders talk to the controller can be pretty fun; good social times.

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Going upside down on the claw at the Easter show was a shock, because i didn't know how intense it was going to be, but then I got used to it and just had fun. I love just how random and crazy that ride is!
Thats exactly why its my favourite flat ride. Its intense but a FUN ride to go on. And its so random you dont know whats happening next!
Has any one ridden the Mega Mix? I'd never seen anything like it. Was it intense? It didn't look like it went very fast
My opinion is that the ride is painfull. The seats are made out of some type of plastic or whatever and its really unfomfertable when you go upside down. The restrains wernt really comfertable either. It will be a fun ride if they fix up those errors. Screammachine
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Claw is the greatest. Without a shadow of a doubt. It looks great, is great, feels great, and has uncomfortable restraints that can make for some interesting riding positions. Seven days to go until I get to ride this piece of great machinery again (4 times last year, I need to do it more, More, MORE!). I'm gonna get my pictures put onto CD this time, so I'll be able to share my show pictures all around! Hooray!

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An interesting thing to watch out for is the motion simulator that looks like this mythological/atlantis themed thing. At last years show in Melbourne the ride film was a no limits track screen capture with some added objects and colour editing and the sound track had been changed. Im not sure if Ole gave permission for his game to be used that way, but i laughed when i saw that. I dont know if they will show the same film, but given all this, dont ride it, it sucks.

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Has anyone been on the newish ghost train they had at the show last year? It was 2 storeys with a lift hill on the outside and some modern looking cars. It actually looked really decent for a ghost train but I'm not sure what it was like inside. Hopefully it will be there this year and I'll give it a go. I know a lot of people aren't a big fan of these rides but I have always liked them, even the crappy ones, there's just something about them. I remember when I was younger they would have 4 or 5 different ghost trains at the show at one time but last year I could only find the 2 storey one

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That is the ROLLERGHOSTER, it debuted (correct me anyone if im wrong) at Moomba in 2002, and came from the UK. It has the best artwork ive ever seen, but not sure about inside. At moomba on the weekend, I rode a one story one, in 3d, was a hilarious ride, and the carnies were crack ups! the RollerGhoster is located next to the Taipan this year at the show, same as 2004 chris

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Like all travelling Ghost Train rides, The RollerGhoster is better on the outside than the inside. I love dark rides too so I never miss the chance to ride a new one if I see it. BTW if your going this year, save your money & don't go on it OR the Haunted Mansion located near the Spinning Wild Mouse. Both are a total waste of space with nothing more than black corridors inside.

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Lol, I remember the HAUNTED MANSION sign catching on fire the night I was at the Sydney show last year, around the time the Fire Brigade were cleaning the insulation that had caught fire on the Hurricane, minutes before Just a small note: O'Neills RANGER ride, will NOT be at this years show, first time in decades! looks as if room is becoming a problem

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