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Sydney Royal Easter Show


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I went to the Easter SHow with my girlfriend today and bloody hell she spent $80 on showbags, $110 on rides and $50 on food. I freggin payed for EVERYTHING. Even her show link. Oh well I suppose that's what I get for spoiling her. Anyways, today was quite fun. Did a couple of things on the ghost tain (my business dont ask what) The Hard Rock was mad fun, the Ranger was alright (as usual) the Ferris Wheel line was long...no big surprise there. The Merry Go Round was freggin BORING! The jumping pigs were funny...and I MEAN funny! The food was expensive, not a big surprise. The Rainbow well I got a bad experience there. My girlfriend vomitted all ever me...argh! Anywayz I'm gonna go now and change.

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The TEN Carnival is the most horrid place on Earth. Rude, disgusting carnies that blast people over the PA was enough to convince me that I won't ever be making a return to that little piece of hell at the show. Yes there are some nice carnies that work efficiently (particularly on Hard Rock & Mega Drop) but most of them lack common decency and toothpaste. Today I rode Hard Rock, Dodgems, Formula 500 and Mega Drop. Hard Rock was fun, but I was kind of expecting more. Congratulations to the crew for their lightning fast load/unload times.

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The guys on the Twin Flip were probably the nicest of all the show folk there. They actually talked to you and acted like normal people (much like those on the Hard Rock and Claw). They actually liked their job, and didn't abuse people. As for those horrid people that attempt to lure you into playing their sideshow games, I tried everything I could think of on the day to get em away from me... "I don't wanna play" "I'm broke" "I don't have any money" "I'm allergic" "I have to rush over there" "I have to go somewhere" "Please, leave me alone" They just don't give up, they're horrible!

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Near the Roller Ghoster, there was this one stand which was really annoying me. All she kept saying was "Winner, Winner, Winner. We have a Winner". In a real fast voice. and that just kept on going on, and on, and on. Even if there was no winner. And she was one of these real big whores that is huge, and has a manly like voice. Those who were at the show on Good Friday, and went near Roller Ghoster or Taipan will know what I am talking about.

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I know when I get asked to play a game I just say no thankyou..... theres no need to say stupid things like that, its just rude.. Id like to see people like you Neb and Gazza, try running those games, and getting people to come and play... Paul as towards your comment about the woman being a "real big whore" that is just soo rude, get a life man and stop acting like a kid. we call it no respect...... at least I know what its like to respect the industry, no matter how hard times are, or how "annoying" the spruikers are.... chris

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  \ said:
And she was one of these real big whores that is huge, and has a manly like voice.
Hey that's my Mum you are talking about. Just say no and walk away. It's not that hard. I'm sure most people have done it to beggars on the street. "The Bus is now leaving for Perfect Beggar Spur, Victoria"
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'Shut up' hey? That's a little aggressive considering you haven't reached puberty yet... I don't give a **** about anything said in this thread, nor did I disagree with you. I just found your opening six words (well I think they were words...) rather ironic. The sooner you stop whinging about anything and everything the much better off everyone will be, pissant!

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When I started my time at Wonderland, I was employed as a Games Cast Member. For those who don't operate rides, you either start on Games, or Food. I worked my way up but i spent a lot of time on those games, and in a theme park it is almost identical to the sideshows. Now, in theme parks, they already have a "cover charge" from your entry ticket at the door, so the games are generally a little easier to win, however MOST games can be won with a little practice or skill. I can tell you there was a way to win ALMOST every game in Wonderland through Skill. Here is the full list of games at Wonderland during my time - and how to win: Coke Toss - glass bottles and red rings. get a ring around a bottle - takes skill, and the ring needs to be thrown at the right angle. One-Ball-Milk Can - get a softball into a milk jug - takes skill. the ball needs to drop straight into the hole, and not hit the side. a high lofty throw gets it in. "lucky land" (outside skyrider) Darts - Luck Goblet Pitch - a little luck, a little skill, to toss a very light ball into the correct coloured goblet. Strings - Luck Hoop Toss - get a hoop over the prize to win (like hoop-la) - the hoop had to be tossed a certain way. definately skill. Bushell Ball - get a ball into a bucket that is pitched at an angle - Wonderland's version was definately possible through skill, however the ones at the show are generally mounted with bouncy-balls behind them, and are a bit harder. the ball needs to land on the lip without hitting the rim. you're talking a space about 3 inches wide that you can hit. Bowler Roller - get a bowling ball into a dip on a set metal track - Skill - just enough force to get it over, not enough that it comes back. Coin Pitch - get a coin to land on a glass table top - skill - most people won this one out of pure luck, but hitting someone else's coin... but it can be won - with the correct angle, standing in the correct spot, and banking it off the roof. the "cluster" near dodgems - High Striker - hit it as hard as you can to win a prize - this is probably one of the worst games to play. its easier to win when the machine is in full sun, as the air in the pipes heats up, and because it is expanded, its easier to hit a high score. Its brute strength on this one, but the machine can be adjusted. it had several modes of operation, and it depends on who sets it, and what mode its at. Most carnival operators have the unit set on "standard" and put the sensitivity way down, but you can also program it to have a certain "win ratio" so over time, the resistance comes down until someone wins, and then it goes back up. Clowns and Ducks are both luck. there is no skill at all. Basketball was probably the easiest to win in the park, which is why it generally carried the cheapest prizes - get 2 or 3 balls into a basketball hoop to win a prize. Can Crash - brute force again. you have a very lightweight ball, to knock down 5 reasonably light plastic "cans". hit it in the right spot, with enough force, and you got it. Wacky Wire - my favourite. this is skill and skill alone - another one the carnies love. you have a rotating spiralled wire, which you need to get a metal loop down over it without touching the wire itself. Anyone can do this with enough practice, but if you dont work for them, or own one yourself, it costs you a fortune to win it. The guys at the easter show used to hate wonderland employees, because we could all do it. Most of the ones at the show have a very low clearance on the bottom of the machine, whereas wonderland's were a bit higher, but the skill requirement is the same. everyone can do the first 80%, its the last 20% thats difficult. At wonderland, this game had the most expensive prizes, generally around the $50 purchase price (not kidding)... but once you've learnt how to do it, you got it made. (the guys at the show used to offer cash or a prize, but recently the show operators have come down on "cash prizes", so they generally offer two prizes instead.) the last two games in Wonderland were up in HannaBarbera Land, which were another laughing clowns, and a game similar to goblet pitch. Theres also a "guess your weight" game, but essentially that depends on the operator. the prizes offered at this game generally cost less than what you paid to play, so even if the operator got EVERY SINGLE PLAYER wrong, it still made money.. there were no special tricks, no hidden scales, nothing... its just easy to get within 5Kgs of most people. But anyway, having said that, i find nothing more disgusting than a person who cannot be polite to a person who is trying to get you to play a game. A simple "no thanks" is all it takes. Everything they say is to get you to play - they're in it to make money - DUH! No matter what you do, its to make money. if you work at Maccas, you ask if people want fries with that - to make MORE money. Most of the time, the games operators (if they are .. say... under the age of 30) are just seasonal employees, making a lousy $7 an hour to make ends meet. if they're over 30, generally they are part of the family that owns the game, and they are reliant on the money they make from the game to SURVIVE... TO EAT... and to LIVE. Think about that the next time you throw a rude comment at them... and put yourself in the same position - someone throwing a rude comment at you while you're just trying to earn money to survive.... I certainly hope that any of you who do throw rude comments at those people find yourselves in that same position in the future... you deserve it.

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hmm.. my first post here, and I am a bit scared about what to say? LOL..it all seems a little tense around these parts? anyway, I am new, I do like all rides, parks, Carnivals/Amusement Industry, yes, even the ride ops are totaly cool with me! So, please be kind and just chill out a bit. Say hi if you want to, I won't bite. I am very layed back LOL. Oh, about that video of the Easter Show? when will it be available to see? Sounds good. Flip The Man.

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