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Sydney Royal Easter Show


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  Flip The Man said:
Yeah, Hard Rock was fun to ride . not as thrilling as I like my rides to be, (well, for the younger kids tall enough to ride, and elderly brave enough it proabably is a bit thrilling LOL), same as Techno Jump IMO. meh, good fun rides. I can't wait to try out these new faster rides like Twin Flip and Energy Storm! who has been on these? and what did you think? I read Neb's review and he liked the Twin Flip, is it really very fast? - that's how I like 'em! :D Flip The Man
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CORRECT ALL MY ERRORS. :confused: I tried, I read all the guidelines... So what if I use LOL or IMO.. Everyone is intelligent enough to know the meanings. With only a few posts I am already getting fed up with this site. NONE of my questions about Twin Flip or Energy Storm have been answered, yet, I am ridiculed for stupid meaninless errors in my post. So what if I used LOL ot IMO.. everyone knows the meanings. If you don't then you should learn them now.
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  Flip The Man said:
PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CORRECT ALL MY ERRORS. :confused: I tried, I read all the guidelines... So what if I use LOL or IMO.. Everyone is intelligent enough to know the meanings. With only a few posts I am already getting fed up with this site. NONE of my questions about Twin Flip or Energy Storm have been answered, yet, I am ridiculed for stupid meaninless errors in my post. So what if I used LOL ot IMO.. everyone knows the meanings. If you don't then you should learn them now.
I did not even mention you Richard. So no problems ok. So, Richo, Rabid Disney's, and Joz's, it's now your work to grade my past post then?
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It's your responsibility to abide by the community guidelines to the best of your ability. It is not your right to be here, so hence, you really have no excuses about your spelling. Having said that, I also get extremely annoyed when peoples don't answer my questions, so I'll answer yours. Yes the Twin Flip was rather intense, it's fast, and very forceful, much more forceful than the Claw (which I would have regarded as the most intense ride there until I rode this one). The most g-force inducing part is where they simply twirl you around in a motion similar to that of a Cha-Cha. I didn't ride the Energy Storm cause it looked pretty crap, much like the Megamix also looks like tosh. I also thought that the Hard Rock did get a bit forceful in some ways, but this didn't lead to the ride being any better. The fact that this ride is insanely fun stems from it's gentle (in comparison to other rides) and airtime giving ride motions, not from it's intensity. Also, the the carny that made a post, if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. I made a comment that my views on carnies were probably based on a few bad stereotypical like carnies, and most of them are probably not like that. But it's the same as a lot of people regard Texans as stupid, Aussies as yokels, the Republican party of America as power hungry psychotic looneys (which most of them are), all because of a few bad eggs. I'd also like to say that my money pays for your lifestyle buddy, so get used to it. And what does IMO mean? I know what LOL means but until this site I've never seen 'IMO'.

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  Paul_Hollibone said:
So that is what that crap stands for.
Thanks Adam :) you understand In My Opinon. Paul, please read the guidelines, I am serious. The guidleines clearly state we are to respect all other members, and I found your reply to Adams post quite offensive toward me. Also, I have noted hunderd of posts through months of reading these foruims using expletives and swearwords (including you Paul). This is also against the forum guidelines, along with one line responses. Some of the one line repsonses had included the following shorthand: holz, which I assume stands for Holidays, along with 'coz', which I assume is shorthand for because. Both of these shorthand words were in the same post, which was a one line response from a member on these forums, who I respect enough not to mention a name. But this is just one of hundreds of posts which I feel are against the guidelines. There were many other times I have come accross "Laugh out loud', in previous posts. So, why do these members not get thier post corrected, or commented on improper use of the guidelines? I did use some simple shorthand which is VERY common on all message boards around the world. Most people are smart enough to understand, and it was quite obvious in my post what emotion I was trying to reflect. I show respect for others, and I asked some questions which to my suprise, only one member bothered to answer. And I thank him. No one had corrected my original post which was so against the guidelines. Please, someone with some respect for me show me what I did wrong?
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It is people like you who give ********'s a bad name. If this place was for Chat Slang, it would be called roller-coaster.com.au Mobile Forums. Using Chat shorthand is against the Cg's. If "Crap" was against the Guidelines, wouldn't it be censored? Go take a hike flipper. Oh wait, Flipper was cool.

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In My opinion? That's gotta be one of the dumbest internet shorthand words I've ever heard. LOL I find acceptable because 'Laugh out Loud' sounds really pathetic, and it has come into a world of it's own, to me, it is a word to express laughter, rather than an abbrieviation, unlike this 'IMO' thing. Paul Hollibone is also paying a certain fee to be a subsciber, or an important member or whatever of this site. I gues he would have special privilages of bossing people around over me or you, or any other non-subscriber. Anyway, I, uh, wouldn't come into this forum telling people how to post etc, I made that mistake a long time ago, let us never speak of it again. Let us all calm down and drink a cool glass of turnip juice *groan from children*

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  Paul_Hollibone said:
It is people like you who give ********'s a bad name. If this place was for Chat Slang, it would be called roller-coaster.com.au Mobile Forums. Using Chat shorthand is against the Cg's. If "Crap" was against the Guidelines, wouldn't it be censored? Go take a hike flipper. Oh wait, Flipper was cool.
Paul. read the guidelines before posting. The use of asterisks or other characters and symbols to disguise letters is not acceptable and considered just the same as using the words in an uncensored form. Go take a hike Flip. Ok. again. from the guidelines. A friendly and helpful attitude is expected at all times. You aren't expected to like everyone, but you are expected to treat them with the respect they deserve. oh, by the way what is CG's? slang for, huh? I thought you can't use slang. Oh, but you can, you must read those guidellines again.. And please, I have asked you at least 3 times now to go back an correct my post which was so wrong. CORRECT ME, as I fail to see any problem, compared to many other peoples posts. pasted by steve$ in Luna Park forum: Theme park obsessive guy perhaps This is a phrase which should have ended with a ? therefore: Spelling, punctuation and grammar should be correct and proper at all times. More in the guidelines, One-word or single phrase replies are not acceptable. You should put some thought into a response, even if the answer is straight forward, it doesn't hurt to elaborate. Steve$ has clearly posted against the guidlines twice. ^ just another example of how pathetic I find complaining about my post is.
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CG's is short for Community Guidelines just like TOS is short for Terms of Service. Or DB for Database. Abbreviation is what most people call it. It is not slang. Slang chat hand is more like "r u walkin to te mall" Instead of "Are you walking to Westfield?" And that is why Steve$ has been kicked out several times.

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  Paul_Hollibone said:
CG's is short for Community Guidelines just like TOS is short for Terms of Service. Or DB for Database. Abbreviation is what most people call it. It is not slang. Slang chat hand is more like "r u walkin to te mall" Instead of "Are you walking to Westfield?" And that is why Steve$ has been kicked out several times.
the definition of slang: informal language consisting of words and expressions that are not considered appropriate for formal occasions; often vituperative or vulgar My friend, are you guilty for using slang! How rude. And how is it you got away with it. Furthermore, you admitted using the swearword which was censored. That "slang" word really upset me, and I am quite offended to be labelled as being within that particular group of people. If you knew how to respect others (one of the first listed in the guidelines), you would not call other members by such offensive names. So how come CG is ok to use? so what if it is an abbreviation, LOL is not an abbreviation? LOL is not? Afterall, abbreviations simply use the first initials. Again the guidelines state: Chat shorthand is not permitted at any time. The Roller-Coaster.com.au Forums are not a strictly real time discussion environment such as chat rooms. Here you have time to properly construct your thoughts into full and meaningful sentences. There are no excuses for using words such as "u", "r" and any others along these lines. There is no mention of abbreviations at all in the guidleines. Words like 'u' or 'r' and other alike are banned, which I understand. I did not know that LOL or IMO were classed as shorthand? I thought they were also abbreviations. Definition of abbreviations: A shortened form of a word or phrase used chiefly in writing to represent the complete form, such as Mass. for Massachusetts or USMC for United States Marine Corps.
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Hello to everyone who posts on this forum! I look forward to discussing many ride-related things with you all. Fear not – I have read the community guidelines. This year I went to the Sydney Royal Easter Show twice, so I thought I’d share my ride experiences and thoughts. The first time I went (on the 24th), I rode Claw, Hard Rock and Energy Storm. The second time I went (on the 31st), I rode Claw (again) twice, Hard Rock (again), Twin Flip, Crazy Coaster and Rainbow. My reviews: Claw: The first time I rode this was in 2003, and it was my first ‘upside-down’ ride. This year it wasn’t so bad, but still intense, and plenty of fun. I was disappointed that they took the fog machine away, though. I thought that added something to it. This ride will always be one of my special favourites. Hard Rock: Pure fun, and gives a nice stomach-drag-type sensation. Overall I’d say it’s a great ride. Energy Storm: For all the upside-down and spinning in this ride, I thought it was extremely tame. Putting its weak thrills aside, it was surprisingly comfortable to ride, and I found it easy to relax (maybe to the point of taking a nap). Also, it seemed to work very smoothly, despite its rather old-looking interior (meaning the restraints, which had tape on them). Twin Flip (Flip The Man, take note): I got on this ride, had the restraints locked in…until the people who were working the ride decided to let more people on. One of them was an obese girl. Half an hour later of everyone sitting there waiting for the ride to start, they decided to finally take the girl off. There must’ve been some issue with her weight, because they made her change seats and kept locking and unlocking all of our restraints. Besides that, wow – Twin Flip is intense. Flip The Man, this ride is fast! It’s not so much the flipping around upside-down thing that’s so bad. Before the ride ends, it simply has you spinning around very quickly. It made me feel extremely sick and dizzy. Warning: never go on Twin Flip when you’ve only eaten a banana and had a few sips of water all day. Crazy Coaster: This ride wasn’t on my ride-list, but after Twin Flip my friend decided I should go on something a little more tame. So after two hours of waiting for my stomach to settle, I was dragged on Crazy Coaster. My friend was screaming and having a great time, but I was just laughing at her reactions through the entire ride. We were also fearing for our lives, because it gives you the feeling that you’ll de-rail and go over the edge on those tight turns. Funny! Rainbow: I went on this alone, and even with the belt on properly I slid right over into the space beside me. A couple beside me were having a great laugh, so I was equally as happy when they got crushed against each other. Also, the fireworks went off as we were riding, so the operator gave us a longer ride. The ride with the best atmosphere: Twin Flip had the most talkative and fun operators (despite all the delays), with Rainbow’s close behind.

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Ju-On, you sound like you had a great time at the Royal Easter Show. I just cannot wait to try out Twin Flip!. I will have to wait until the Melbourne show, which is in September. I agree with all your reviews of the other rides, Claw is great, Hard Rock is really fun, Rainbow is a favorite/classic, and Crazy Coaster can be a laugh! So far, I have not read too many great reviews for the Energy Storm, therefore, I will not get my hopes up too high. Great review! Now I have a good idea of what to expect from the Twin Flip and Energy Storm at this years Royal Melbourne Show. Hopefully all the same rides from the Sydney Royal Easter Show will make an appearance at this years Royal Melbourne Show. Well Done! :D

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  Flip The Man said:
Hopefully all the same rides from the Sydney Royal Easter Show will make an appearance at this years Royal Melbourne Show. Well Done! :D
Sydeny rides should all be in Melbourne, as Melbourne is the second biggest show in Australia. :D I went to Melbourne show last year and 2003, I like Melbourne alot. :)
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Twin Flip is so fuking evil, when i went on it, it did the whole flippey thing and that was horrid, then it went backwards, just as bad, and it wasnt very comfy either, and i could feel the bile starting to rise in my throat. Took an hour to get rid of the sickness. Chaos was really fun, never been on it before but it was very very short, but still fun, i'll go on it again Taipan was lame, just another galaxy Crazy Coaster was hilarous first time i went on it was fun second time it was later on in the day and it was going hella fast and boy was it spinning like a mofo. We hit the little dip near the end facing the side, didnt expect that. The Claw was intense and fun, some fuker put gum on the restraint and it got all over my fuking t-shirt, god i was pissed. And before the ride started i leant forward to talk to my friend and the restraint came down and smacked my in the head, and i was like 'OW' and the operator said "I told you to sit back!", woops. Music trip, which is the la bamba is a classic ride, pure fun, everyone should go on it even if it does look tame, its like a smaler faster version of the rainbow (which i hate) but with negative g's instead of lateral g's. Space drop was really intense, the drop is awesome but its the anticipation of the drop that is the scariest. They haul you up there and it is alot higher than you would expect and they sit you there for about a minute and you have no idea when it's going to drop, scary stuff. Hanglider is a tame ride thats just a change of pace, its ok, i would'nt go on it again, just spins you around and around on your stomach but when you getting in it felt like i was in some kind of space bed with a knob sticking in my 'u know what' Good show, better than last year if i do say so myself. BTW Ju-On i love your name, go Kayako!

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Kats, it is a fact that The Royal Adelaide show has the second largest amount or rides and second largest attendance, Easter show ofcourse is number 1. Nearly 800,000 people go to the Adelaide Show and our poulation is bout 1.1m. (Thats 8 in every 11 people going!) Anyway. Looking forward for riding Twin Flip at the Adelaide show in September!!! But looking forward more to Space Mountain: Mission 2. (going 2 Disneyland Paris in 7 or 8days!!!!!!!)

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