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Favourite Disney Ride


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So out of any of Disney's rides what would be your favourite?There are a few at DCA and and DC that I haven't been on,but I think I can still have a say :) Space Mountain is a great ride but I don't think it's the best.2 inversion isn't that much,and the launch isn't all that thrilling.Indy is also great,and I love the theme,but Big Thunder is probably my favourite.I love the theme,the ride is long,fun,and smooth.But if you included Disney Studios then Rockin' Rollercoaster is esily the best.

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My favourite Disneyland ride would be easily be Pirates Of The Caribbean. It totally immerses you in a fantasy world with stunning animatronics & fantastic scenery. It's a true Disney family based classic that has endured the test of time. Also from what I understand, it's the last attraction that Walt actually worked on & opened before his untimely death.

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It's a great family ride. I just wish it had a few more drops and thrills. I havn't been on the ride for ages though. I have a video of it (from the DVD of the movie) except that was when the ride first opened - and I have been told the ride has changed quite a bit since then. The new Space Mountain ride should be good as well.

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I have only been to Disneyland Anaheim, and to try and pick from them is tough. Space Mountain would probably be on top, but it would be impossible to measure the gap between it and - Haunted Mansion Splash Mountain Pirates of the Caribbean which would be the next three i would choose. I saw a documentary on the design and construction of Space Mountain Paris, and the concept behind it, with individually calibrated headrest speakers, and an outdoor launch, sounded pretty good, but everyone who has been on it says its not even close to Anaheim's version. I think all the other parks by Disney are great in concept, but I dont think anything could ever surpass the original Disneyland Attractions.

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Well I have only been to Disnyland Paris and I would have to say that their version of Big Thunder Mountain was awesome! Its a great family ride,yet still gives good thrills.It is also a ride which is, as Scott says, of a fair length. The day I was there the crowds also thought so as well. It was by far and away the most popular ride in the park, and the one in which we experienced the longest queues.It was a very high capacity ride though,with 3 trains running and they kept the queues ticking over rapidly. Alex, I agree with your sentiments. Disneyland Paris version of Space Mountain LOOKS great, the themeing and idea behind it is excellent,however the ride was a tad disappointing. They were experiencing problems with the ride that day however and apparently it has gone into rehab ,so lets hope that this improves the overall ride and elevates it to the same level as the Anaheim version Cheers Jobe

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I guess I'd have to say Splash Mountain is my overal favourite disneyland ride, cause it's so long, well themed and the first time I went on it I didn't have a clue what I was in for! My favourite thrill ride though would be Tower of Terror... and Adam you sit in seats in the elevators.

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  Jobe said:
Well I have only been to Disnyland Paris and I would have to say that their version of Big Thunder Mountain was awesome! Its a great family ride,yet still gives good thrills.
here! here! Big Thunder was great, five (or was it six) times over!
  Jobe said:
Disneyland Paris version of Space Mountain LOOKS great, the themeing and idea behind it is excellent,however the ride was a tad disappointing. They were experiencing problems with  the ride that day however
Same for me! I've also only been to Paris. So fav for me are: 1. Big Thunder Mountain 2. Dumbo Ride (I had to wait 35 years to go on that!) 3. Teacups (they are fun) 4. Phantom Manor 9better than your average ghost house)
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i would have to say all the major attractions at disneyland are awsome. trying to explain to ppl exactly what indiana jones is like inside (the part were u go over the bridge with the fire and every thing....its just amazing. Thats my fav part on indi the bridge part that huge room there is totaly themed, u can see the other vehicles driving around, and its such a huge area too. I also like the rides in california adventure, and spent many hrs of my days at the resort in california adventure. Im going in MAY for the kick off for the 50th birthday!

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  kennykoala said:
trying to explain to ppl exactly what indiana jones is like inside (the part were u go over the bridge with the fire and every thing....its just amazing. Thats my fav part on indi the bridge part that huge room there is totaly themed, u can see the other vehicles driving around, and its such a huge area too.
Can someone tell me please. I went on Indy at Paris and it is just a pretty ordinary backwards coaster, quite fun but I was disappointed coz I thought Indy had 2 or 3 different tracks and you might get a different ride each time. Is the one at Anaheim like that, or did I make it all up in my mind? The whole theming looks better at Anaheim, from what I've seen.
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  carolinebee said:
Can someone tell me please. I went on Indy at Paris and it is just a pretty ordinary backwards coaster, quite fun but I was disappointed coz I thought Indy had 2 or 3 different tracks and you might get a different ride each time. Is the one at Anaheim like that, or did I make it all up in my mind? The whole theming looks better at Anaheim, from what I've seen.
Yep Anaheim is like that sort of... it is a EMV (enhanced motion vehicle) system and the 3 doors at the start more with walls to change which door you go through, than the first rooms scenery roof changes depending which door it was and also the vehicle has different movements for each door goto here-http://www.scottware.com.au/theme/feature/layoutmaps.htm and select indy its animated track layout and shows how the three track, doors system works. this ride is incredble it just WOW's you
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