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Ball Coaster


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Intamin have just released their answer to the arrow 4d, the ball coaster, each car holds 8 people and it goes along a narrow footprint, the ride doesn't have turns though, the track is stragiht and it curves onl on the X and Y axes. See http://coastersandmore.de/rides/eas05/eas1...1.shtml#divicom and scroll down, it is in German but the pics show it all. I think one of these could be cool at DW if you ran it alongside the TOT.

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Wild mouse version of Arrow's ride with no turns? Not a bad idea, after all, the prototype of Arrow's 4D (in Utah, not X) looked like a bunch of fun and was on about the same scale. It looks fun, but with no turns the ride looks somehow awkward. IMHO it'd be a much better concept if there was more flexibility with what could be done with the track. Its the sort of thing that looks more at home at a travelling carnival with a painted wall behind it.

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It looks more like the guests load at the bottom, and launch from right to left, and over the top. Rather then being a lift hill at the top, that section looks more like a brake section. I wanna know how the cars rotate, wether its like X and controlled, or like a topspin and not controlled. BTW, I still think it looks like a carnie ride, though it'd probably fit into parks that have very little in the way of themeing.

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Well, the march of this quirky coaster type continues, with Gröna Lund opening a 35m high version called Insane. Like Kirnu and Inferno it will be the lift hill version (Zacspin) rather than the LIM type (Ball coaster) It looks pretty cool, with plenty of little hills that would encourage flipping, but at $10mil AUD it probably is slightly bad value for money since for a small amount more you can get a fleshed out coaster (Though naturally it's a better spend of $10 mil than MDMC :P ) post-88-1224134411_thumb.jpg

Edited by Gazza
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It looks like a lot of fun, but with only 8 people per train, I imagine the capacity would be pretty poor. It doesn't look capable of having more than two trains (one loading and one in motion) as there doesn't appear to be anywhere for blocking brakes. Edit: Having had another look at that last photo, it might be able to have three. There looks like one coming up the lift hill as well.

Edited by strop
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Capacity wise, yes it doesn't have many seats per car, but the ride experience itself would not be a long one, with the tracks being only about 200 metres, the experience is short, and could probably accomodate in the high hundreds per hour. I agree that for 10 mil, a more fleshed out coaster would be preferred, but for those who said it couldn't be themed - view that photo.

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10 Millions dollars for that is a bit of a rip off. I think the coasters abilities (fliping) and compactness make this coaster a great little thrill ride. When Seaworld go looking for their next thrill ride I think this would be viable option. Edit: How high is that Intamin drop ride in the back ground, it looks very simliar to Giant Drop.

Edited by cadboy
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^Dunno about the drop tower, you might have to do some research on that one. Capacity wise, there are all sorts of little tricks you can use to improve things. Loading is naturally going to be quick, since there is one staff member on each side doing just 4 seats. By the nature of its design it has a separate unload station. You can also begin to do stuff like having more than one train loading at once, and having more than one train on the lift, so the amount of time the main track spends empty is minimised. On the LIM version the layout is capable of holding multiple trains anyway.

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