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They're back (the residents)

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Induction differs depending on what part of the site you would be working on/ visiting however it follows a general structure. Luna Park is no different to most work sites, you are briefed on the hazards you will encounter and how to minimise them. This could be verbal, a pamflet to read through or a video for example. You then sign off that you understand all that stuff and you are given some form of accreditation. For us it is usually a wrist band as this is the least hazardous and interfears the least with our work. No I am not a ride operator. I do however hang tons and tons of steal and electricity over the public and performers heads each and every day so I can safely say I so have an understanding of responsibility. The situation can easily be ported to my situation. The responsibility is not in the actualy pushing of the 'GO' button on a chain motor hoist controller it is ensuring everything is safe and up to scratch. This could be said to be the inspecting of the ride and checking restraints. The second part is the actual visual monitoring of the rig as it flys. This is ususaly done by several people out on the floor as well as the person pushing the button. There is an E-stop on the controller and anyone can hit that should there be a problem. So having someone else hold the go button why you standby and watch the process and are ready to hit the e-stop is not a problem. I did not specifically target the ride ops. at Luna Park! I'm talking about a good portion of the people operating rides, look at many of the carnies, employees at SFMM and yes even some of those at WLS, many of them leave a bit desired when it comes to utmost profesionalism and IQ. I understand and have often stated the responsibility involved in being a ride Op which is why I think they get paid way too little. Lets just not get carried away and make out like its friken rocket science.

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It's not as though Bobby checked harnesses or carried out any of the numerous safety checks that were completed by the operator. I'm a very safety conscious person but I see nothing wrong with this publicity stunt. It's like some big wig knob pressing the 'detonate button' for an implosion of a building or whatever. Are they trained to do it? No. Did they wire up any of the explosives? No. Did Bob Carr check any harnesses? No. Common sense prevails on this one chaps. If he had done anything other than press the button under the close supervision of the operator, then I'd have a problem. It's not as though they're going to let Shifty press the button if he asks when he goes next are they???

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  • 3 weeks later...

According to Channel 10 news, a new resident group is taking Luna Park to court, once again about noise. They claim that "the noise is unbearable" and it is "impossible to hold a simple conversation on ones balcony" with the amount of noise. Luna Park will be defending themselves on the grounds that they are compling with their development application (or something of that nature) and are operating in acceptable noise levels. I would have created a new topic but all this resident action is getting a little old now. I think we need to invest in an assasination squad to get rid of these folks once and for all, leave Luna Park alone.

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From what I have heard today they are now complaining about the guests screaming. Can you believe it? They have actually singled out 5 rides that they find offensive, how they can nail certain rides down is beyond me. They have taken this tack to get around the new legislation the government brought in. From what I understand they are taking it to the Supreme Court or the High Court (the two highest courts in the land respectively). So I guess if it gets thrown out or defeated that will be it from the residents. But they will find some other way to get the rides shut down. "The Bus is now leaving for Supreme Court Gardens, Western Australia"

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They will never give up. Some people are like that. It is really disgraceful. The only thing I would agree with is that large rides like the Ranger in Maloney's Corner seem out of place and this area was never a part of the park in the old days. But the problem is I would imagine the residents would continue to complain about the rest of the park even if Maloney's got shut down. As I said, they never give up

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In today's SMH they mentioned 5 rides were subject to the legal action. They said 3 of these rides were permanent and 2 were temporary. I have no idea what 'temporary' rides they are talking about. To the best of my knowledge, the only temp ride at LPS for these school hols is the Dominator. The Ranger, Spider and Tumble Bug are the 3 permanent rides. I can understand the complaints about Spider and Ranger due to their current location. However, the Tumble Bug should not be included as it is located in the main section of the park. The ride sits on part of the site of the old Big Dippers. The residents could have had it a lot worse if the original wooden Big Dipper had not been demolished. The Tumble Bug should definitely be left out of this

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Well apparently on the master plan for the site, the area behind Coney Island (Maloney's Corner) was to be a 'Children's Playground'. I think thats what the residents are contesting in court because of the location of the ranger and so forth. I think the residents accept that they cant force a shutdown of the park, but if they restrict use/operations of the current rides - it will hurt Luna Park. I don't think Carr's new bill has passed through parliament, so I hope the courts support Luna Park.

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Um...If, in the master plan they they said Maloney's corner was to be used for a kiddys area (and they detailed the amount of noise they expected to get from this kiddy's area), it seems that they really have no case. It'd be the same as lodging a development thingo for a shopping complex, and building a 100 story skyscraper, it's just not acceptable. They said they wanted a kiddy's area, then really, it shouldn't be used for thrill rides (unless you count the Ranger and Spider to be kiddy rides). Don't get me wrong, all of those ass-ish residents can go straight to hell, I'm not on their side, but I would imagine the legal system, if the above case is true wouldn't favour Luna Park. Hopefully they'll move them to the front end of the park :)

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Yeah I also remember reading in Luna Park's original development plans (which I think they had on the old website and various other places) that the area to the north of Coney Island was only to become a 'children's playground'. That's why on the first day I visited the new park I was totally shocked to find the Ranger and Spider plonked out the back. I never liked it from the start and really think Luna should consider moving some of the rides back into the main park. I think we all agree there are definitely areas of the main park that are still fairly empty and sparse and could reasonably easy accomodate some of these rides. They would need to be fairly creative but in the long run I think it would suit the park better (and be more in line with the original layout). Even if it means they don't have room for the temporary rides in the holidays, I don't think it will matter too much. It might just mean they will have to get in a new permanent ride or change some of the ride line-up every couple of years. Come on Luna, we all support you on this site but most of us agree Maloney's Corner was not the best idea. However, the rest of the park (including the Tumble Bug) should be allowed to continue to operate. I sure hope the residents lose that part of the site or else the park really will be in trouble

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Yeah I also remember reading in Luna Park's original development plans (which I think they had on the old website and various other places) that the area to the north of Coney Island was only to become a 'children's playground'. That's why on the first day I visited the new park I was totally shocked to find the Ranger and Spider plonked out the back. I never liked it from the start and really think Luna should consider moving some of the rides back into the main park. I think we all agree there are definitely areas of the main park that are still fairly empty and sparse and could reasonably easily accomodate some of these rides. In fact I truly believe the Midway in its current state is crying out for more rides to be scattered around. They would need to be fairly creative with positioning but in the long run I think it would suit the park better (and be more in line with the original layout). Even if it means they don't have room for the temporary rides in the holidays, I don't think it will matter too much. It might just mean they will have to get in a new permanent ride or change some of the ride line-up every couple of years. Come on Luna, we all support you on this site but most of us agree Maloney's Corner was not the best idea. However, the rest of the park (including the Tumble Bug) should be allowed to continue to operate. I sure hope the residents lose that part of the site or else the park really will be in trouble

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Yeah I also remember reading in Luna Park's original development plans (which I think they had on the old website and various other places) that the area to the north of Coney Island was only to become a 'children's playground'. That's why on the first day I visited the new park I was totally shocked to find the Ranger and Spider plonked out the back. I never liked it from the start and really think Luna should consider moving some of the rides back into the main park. I think we all agree there are definitely areas of the main park that are still fairly empty and sparse and could reasonably easily accomodate some of these rides. In fact I truly believe the Midway in its current state is crying out for more rides to be scattered around. They would need to be fairly creative with positioning but in the long run I think it would suit the park better (and be more in line with the original layout). Even if it means they don't have room for the temporary rides in the holidays, I don't think it will matter too much. It might just mean they will have to get in a new permanent ride or change some of the ride line-up every couple of years. Come on Luna, we all support you on these forums but most of us agree Maloney's Corner is not a great area. However, the rest of the park (including the Tumble Bug) should be allowed to continue to operate without unreasonable restrictions. I sure hope the residents lose that part of the battle or else the park really will be in trouble

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The fact of the matter is that the land that Maloney's corner sits on is zoned for amusement park use and has been since the 1995 incarnation was approved in 1992. The existing site layout was presented as part of the DA while the Big Dipper was still intact and always had the Ranger in the position it currently stands. The problem with Luna Park is that it is an amusement park and as such will always emit sounds that are generated through patrons enjoying the rides and amusements. The mechanical sounds of the rides operating (Ranger included) are within the DA requirements, the problem is that Luna Park cannot control the sounds generated by patrons using the rides. This is the loophole the resident's seem to have latched onto. Unfortunately you will notice that there is no room to move the Spider and Ranger into the main park area (that's why they're out the back). This court case will also cost Luna Park a hell of a lot of money they don't have, aswell as force them to commit less money to the development of the park seeing they cannot ensure it's future considering the pending court case (and the fact that the case will be bleeding them dry!) A friend of mine works down there and she say's all the staff and management are all coming together and are committed to the survival of the park, apparently they have all the newspaper articles and letters of support on their staff notice boards so obviously Luna Park doesn't plan to go down without a serious fight!! I hope Luna Park wins this time... I want to see Luna Park be great again! They've got my support!!!

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the problem is that Luna Park cannot control the sounds generated by patrons using the rides. This is the loophole the resident's seem to have latched onto.
Can't screamshields be put in place to help combat the screams that are generated on each ride? If only people weren't such sissys when it comes to rides :)
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I do strongly believe the Ranger, Spider and kids rides could fit into the main park with a bit of creative planning... 1. There is a large area next to the Ferris Wheel which opens up to the boardwalk. It is a void area which only contains a series of steps and an open gateway. Next to this is a small eating area and the Crystal Palace. I have never liked this area as it only became like this in 1995 and before that was always taken up with rides. In its current state I feel it opens up the Midway too much and makes it feel more like Darling Harbour and less like a heritage amusement park. I feel that the Spider would suit this spot very well. They would first need to fill in the steps and lowered section with concrete to bring the level up to the main park. You could then just have a smaller gate accessing the boardwalk. The ride itself could be modified by taking off the surrounding backdrop so that it is is less imposing if you were looking at it from the harbour side. It would be a very similar location and layout to the old 1950's Flying Saucer. 2. The Ranger could possibly be placed on the other side of the Crystal Palace where they sometimes place a temporary children's ride. It is actually quite a large area and is once again under utilised. There are a couple of umbrellas and chairs and tables which could be easily removed for this. The Ranger would be facing inwards to the park and it would be a good idea to place some sort of facade or artwork on the harbour side to cover up the back of the ride and its ugly motors. 3. The kids rides could go just about anywhere as they are relatively small. You could scatter some of them in random places around the park. If they were to be placed together I think the best spot would be the void area on the rooftop next to the Tumble Bug. We all know this spot is crying out for something. I'm sure you would be able to fit all of the kids rides in this area. This just gives an idea of the possibilities. I'm sure there are others I haven't thought of. Some of the rides might be better suited to different locations ie. there could be a way of fitting either the Spider or Ranger next to the Tumble Bug and putting the kids rides next to the Crystal Palace instead

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