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Roller-Coaster.com.au Subscription


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I have to say (just an opinion) I think the new front page is too crowded, and nowhere near as intuitive as the old site. The Navigation Bar at the top was always more helpful. The new colours are great, as are the new pics on the front page, but it just seems too crowded on the front page now. I am still considering a subscription, but based on the fact that the ex-free videos are now chargeable, I would assume that the majority of the content will be this way now. I am of two minds about the subscription service, so we will see how we go...

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I don't think it’s crowded at all – everything is displayed in categories and flows perfectly. It's very simple, easy to navigate, user-friendly and fast loading. Richard has done a great job of bringing an old “template” design into a flexible cutting edge website. Good work I say.

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Ha Ha, yeah good call. I reckon your're missing out a on a fair bit though. The more people who subscribe the better, becuase there will be more features with more funds. A fair amount of people have subscribed already.
I'd have thought being a subscriber you'd get a spell checker built in... Maybe your $15 can be re-directed into online English classes.
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pay money to see theme park ride vids????? not seeing to many world wide sites do this ....its not right. Fine pay for dvd the mag the things that cost you money to make and send......not stuff people just send you..... i can visit 1000's of coaster sites and not pay for movies!!!! other items yeah maybe Re think this idea its a bad one....

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Gee, talking about stealing people's ideas hey richard?
Sorry Slick, but Richard has allways had a plan for a site that would require some sort of membership subscription going back for some time that I know of. It was just not required before as the costs involved were covered by Richard himself. While I don't think that I will subscribe, I have no problem with there being the option on the site, to allow people to receive better quality products. The time that both Richard and Ian for that matter put into their sites is large enough, and then to pay for those sites as well, does sometimes put a large strain on these guys. I know that Ian and I have spoken about ways to bring in enough money to allow the Ozcoaster site to keep going, while not being a strain on Ian's pocket, and some of these ideas may go into action this year. So I guess it comes down to a choice that we all have to make. Do we surport Richard by at least buying some of the products that he produces or we pay a small subscription fee to allow us to view the site. The only other option that may happen if we don't is that Richard may end up out of pocket so much that the site closes. And even with the past between Richard and myself, (now sorted out) I would not like to see this last option occure. But this is just the view of an old fart anyway. :rolleyes:
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To update things, I am currently trialing ads on the main site. I am using Google Adsense because these ads are not obstrusive, and can be quite relevant to the site (especially with companies like Sea World Nara advertising). I will be trying a few different spots here and there on the site to get it right, and if it goes well they will eventually be found in the forums. Ads are only visible to non-subscribers.

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I think the placement and colour of the advertisement is good. The notice board used to look a bit funny off to the right with nothing under it but the ads fill up that space perfectly. The only problem is, I'm subscribed, and I can still see them :P

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