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Seeing as the other thread was closed I thought I would start a new one to ask my question.

  \ said:
here"]Project approved. Should start construction October this year. By the way.. the Bush Beast article is in the Blacktown City Sun, if any of you want to catch a copy. ZordMaker
Do you or anyone have a scan of this article? I am guessing that it was not what Zordy was expecting otherwise he would have posted it by now. "The Bus is now leaving for Newspaper Creek, Queensland"
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  wonderbus2003 said:
Seeing as the other thread was closed I thought I would start a new one to ask my question. Do you or anyone have a scan of this article?  I am guessing that it was not what Zordy was expecting otherwise he would have posted it by now. "The Bus is now leaving for Newspaper Creek, Queensland"
I do have a scan of it but for various reasons have not yet been able to update the "savewonderland" site to point to it. IN the mean time, look for it here: http://users.tpg.com.au/artelex/blacktowns...lebushbeast.pdf zordmaker
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I have taken the past thirty minutes to read through your website Paul and I think its great your standing up for what you believe in. Are you going to put together a report on the financial viability, employment opportunities and community benefits of “Mini Wonderland” as ING suggested? Why not buy the Bush Beast and adjacent land off ING and start your own mini-park? Good luck and keep us posted.

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  Paul_Hollibone said:
Very Interesting Read there. I really can't wait for the outcome on this issue. Zordy, will you again keep us upto date on this? Even if r-c members don't want to know, I do, so if you can MSN me, or E-mail me to keep me upto date, please feel free to do so.
Oh, you mean http://www.roller-coaster-destruction.com.au Yeah you're in the right place it seems, give much of the company that seems to get around here. ZordMaker
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  Adam said:
I have taken the past thirty minutes to read through your website Paul and I think its great your standing up for what you believe in. Are you going to put together a report on the financial viability, employment opportunities and community benefits of “Mini Wonderland” as ING suggested? Why not buy the Bush Beast and adjacent land off ING and start your own mini-park? Good luck and keep us posted.
Ive just bought an acre up in the Hawkesbury. I guess I could fit a coaster on it. Basically I did it because I simply didnt believe that something like that should just be allowed to go quietly in to the night. If nothing comes of it, so be it. Mi concious will be clear. At least somebodu tried. And you never know, it just might work. Zordmaker ZordMaker
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  Paul_Hollibone said:
I really don't get what your saying here Zordy.
Well I guess theres two types in this world, those that do get it and those that don't. (p.s. a goodly proportion of comments on this site have been in favour of destroying all of Wonderland's coasters and / or relocating them as far away as possible... not really the sort of attitude one would expect from an "enthusiasts" site. Sort of like a Holden car club with members that all drive Fords...) ZordMaker
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Some are just realistic Zordy. Some just know exactly how these attractions have been treated over the years and the state they were in, even before closing. They're ****. Who do you propose pays for the maintenance of Bush Beast for the next thousand years? Maybe you could move into the engine room and your rent could go towards its preservation. Why would the government fund such a ridiculous idea and have it stand there doing nothing? It's not exactly going to bring tourists into the area is it? The only reason they'd keep it is so you could go get your jollies in a dark corner admiring the wooden eyesore. Bring on the 'dozers.

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Zordy, Much as I hate to say it Daniel has a point on this issue. I for one will be very sad to see the Bush Beast go, however, without a reasonably sized destination to support it, such as a park or other tourist attraction, it will not be finanacially viable to have an acre of land vacated by all but an old, rotting, derelict wooden structure. If someone bought it, refurbished it to operating conditions ($$$$$) and built a destination around it, yes, its feasible, and a good option. It is an item of local significance, but to that end, without something to back it up, its a waste, and not the right way to remember a park that brought us so many happy memories. I am on your side Zordy, I want the beast kept... but if it cannot be sustained, and operated, then its like caging a wild animal, or taking a blind person to a silent movie. It cannot serve its purpose, so it will remain standing as an icon to the failures of Sunway and Wonderland Management, and nothing more.

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Zordy is making a great effort to fight the removal of Bush Beast - and I respect that. But I have a suggestion that may or may not help - forget the Bush Beast, take a holiday and fly up to the gold coast and go on the best roller coaster in Australia.

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  Daniel said:
Why would the government fund such a ridiculous idea and have it stand there doing nothing?  
You will of course remember they paid for it in the first place. Why would they do it again? Certainly not for business reasons or anything that makes fiancial sense. They (of course) do it for political reasons you idiot.. to keep those votes rolling in, and to keep us thinking that they really do have the public's wishes at heart (which of course, they don't...) ZordMaker
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  Adam said:
Zordy is making a great effort to fight the removal of Bush Beast - and I respect that. But I have a suggestion that may or may not help - forget the Bush Beast, take a holiday and fly up to the gold coast and go on the best roller coaster in Australia.
yeah, yeah, yeah. But where's the wood???? ZordMaker
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Another example of your assumptions taking precedent on your opinions Adam, not that I can fault you for it... It's my opinion, having ridden several woodies, local and abroad, that nothing compares to a good old woodie. Steel coasters are coming up with new innovations all the time, but the unsafe, on edge feeling you get from a woodie is far better than being strapped, chapped, locked, stocked, buckled (and chuckled) into a steel coffin with no way out until the ride is over... one thing that always got me about the woodies I went on, is that it felt like at any time you could just fly off the track, or fall out of the train and go hurtling to your death (which of course, is rare for a woodie... not so for steel coasters though!!!)

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Jeremy Reid's Personal Roller Coaster is an interesting website about a man who built a wooden roller coaster in his backyard. I think he has done an awesome job - it looks great. Does anyone know of any other backyard (steel or wooden) coasters? I can only find Jeremy's ride. As for Bush Beast, I think your best bet Mr Matthews is to concentrate on Sydney's new park and forget about Wonderland's old rides. What do you say? Although I do however believe it is unlikely Sydney’s new park (if plan goes ahead) will include a wooden coaster as they may decide to only add good rides to the park. :D:D:D ... calm down Alex, I'm only joking.
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My my Zordy, you've become an aggressive ****head haven't you? If you think preserving Bush Beast is going to get the Government re-elected, you're a bigger idiot than anybody. Who gives a **** about the Bush Beast standing, other than an extremely small percentage of the voting population? Is that going to get them re-elected? Think again Pauly Boy. Why haven't you organised a petition and fired it off to the appropriate personel? Pull your head in. Don't get me wrong, I'll be the first to congratulate you if you pull this off. I'm not slagging you off for wanting this. I just believe you're fighting a losing battle and your reasons for saving it are unsubstantiated. Answer me please, how will the NSW and/or Local Government benefit from Bush Beast remaining as a wooden eyesore for the next hundred million years?

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