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March Update


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Why haven't you organised a petition and fired it off to the appropriate personel?
Petitions are useless. If you want to beat the system, you have to use the system. That means you first need to know the system. Most of the decisions are made by Public servants, not pollies, who just rubber stamp what the servants tell them to do.
 Answer me please, how will the NSW and/or Local Government benefit from Bush Beast remaining as a wooden eyesore for the next hundred million years?
It depends on what other concessions the NSW Govt get in return for it now, doesnt it. Im sure if BCC wanted it preserved, the NSW Govt would be happy to swap 2 acres of land that it stands on with say, another 10 acres of Council land that Council doesnt want but would be useful to the NSW Govt, or even just BCC "getting out of the way" in relation to rezoning of the remainder of the site. Maybe theyll even broker a deal that the NSW Govt takes over Blacktown Olympic Centre in return for handing over half the Wonderland site, which would be significantly more useful to BCC and less of a money pit than the BOC. Who knows. Perhaps when the ACCC finds against Craig Knowles and Bomb Carr in relation to Orange Grove, theyll be able to shut Mr Gazal up by buying up his land on Cumberland Rd and selling him some at Eastern Creek instead which is zoned more suitable to a designer outlets centre.. with only one catch.. Mr Gazal.. see that wooden Beast there.. you have to make it part of your centre and keep it working... It's all about push and shove, give and take, you scratch my back, ill scratch yours. This is the stuff that is politics. If it was preserved its likely the financial benefits (and there WOULD be some) would be reaped on another site far from Wonderland. ZordMaker
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Ive just bought an acre up in the Hawkesbury. I guess I could fit a coaster on it.
You will get a back curve on that piece of land.
Well I guess theres two types in this world, those that do get it and those that don't. (p.s. a goodly proportion of comments on this site have been in favour of destroying all of Wonderland's coasters and / or relocating them as far away as possible... not really the sort of attitude one would expect from an "enthusiasts" site. Sort of like a Holden car club with members that all drive Fords...)
The reason that the majority of comments on this site have been about destroying what is left is because we have come to terms with the parks closure and know it is time for the site to move on. I just had a thought, where is your campaign to save Beastie? It is still sitting there doing nothing just like Bush Beast. Why are you not trying to save that?
Why would they do it again? Certainly not for business reasons or anything that makes fiancial sense. They (of course) do it for political reasons you idiot.. to keep those votes rolling in, and to keep us thinking that they really do have the public's wishes at heart (which of course, they don't...)
Political reasons? Are you serious? How many votes do you think that is going to get? I might be going out on a limb here but I would say that the only person who would vote for someone or a party on this topic would be you. Personally when I vote I look at issues that actually make a difference not trivial things like a roller coaster that the vast majority of people don't care about. "The Bus is now leaving for Little Politic Creek, Queensland"
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You will get a back curve on that piece of land.
Yeah. Ill have to ask the next door neighbours if its OK to pitch some guy wires over the fence. Now where can I get some trains. Hmm.
things like a roller coaster that the vast majority of people don't care about. "The Bus is now leaving for Little Politic Creek, Queensland"
Yeah, well you're right there, it seems. It just seems a little odd that's all, on a site dedicated to roller coasters. ZordMaker
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No Offence to Drewboy (ok maybe a little.... ok maybe a lot) But i'd like to see you have the brains and the cash to build your own, working, properly engineered coaster. Season passes? yes. an option, riding with everyone else, during operating hours... own coaster? get your name in the papers, on tv, on the net, interviews, publicity, exposing your many engineering talents and scoring yourself a job with a top company because of that exposure, as well as your own little private coaster you can ride ANY time you like..... i know which one i would pick

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No Offence to Drewboy (ok maybe a little.... ok maybe a lot) But i'd like to see you have the brains and the cash to build your own, working, properly engineered coaster. Season passes? yes. an option, riding with everyone else, during operating hours... own coaster? get your name in the papers, on tv, on the net, interviews, publicity, exposing your many engineering talents and scoring yourself a job with a top company because of that exposure, as well as your own little private coaster you can ride ANY time you like.....   i know which one i would pick
Well I am entitled to my own opinion mate. I think most people would get bored with his **** roller coaster after a few rides. And sorry, money wouldn't be a problem at all. If publicity is all your after, there are other ways of getting into the papers.
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I think most people would get bored with his **** roller coaster after a few rides.
So what makes it any different to any other coaster on the planet?
If publicity is all your after, there are other ways of getting into the papers.
Yeah get a couple of guns and walking into a shopping center and start firing. Or sit next to someone on a train, break out in a sweat, a heat pack on your chest should help, then start saying "Allah will give me strength to fulfil my quest" or similar. Yes you will be arrested and questioned by ASIO but your name will be all over the media for days. I am expecting a knock at the door any moment now for that comment. "The Bus is now leaving for Lake Baghdad, Western Australia"
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Well I am entitled to my own opinion mate.  I think most people would get bored with his **** roller coaster after a few rides.  And sorry, money wouldn't be a problem at all. If publicity is all your after, there are other ways of getting into the papers.
yes but bear in mind that this was constructed without professional help. As far as money, what are you saying there... that YOU have enough money to build a coaster? who cares? What I was saying was that the guy wanted to get a job with a company like intamin or vekoma or similar. Vekoma and Intamin were not going to notice him if he waltzed into a shopping centre and blew a few people away... so how to get himself noticed doing the exact things he wants to be noticed for? There might be other ways of getting into the papers, but what other ways would be more noticed by the executives of the worlds top coaster designers?
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