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What could be done to improve DW?


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We've all been complaining about DW lately, so what do you think should be done to improve it? I just want some work done on Cyclone.It is the ride in the worst state at the moment, I mean the ropeswing near my house is more exciting :) It cold be a great ride if they just added some more elements such as damaged buildings that the ride slips in and out of, providing headchoppers, and some more extensive theming. Repainting and work on the station are a must. Gd needs more ride ops, and some serious work done on the station. It's just a tacky white walled room that looks really crap. The winch goes so incredibly slow as it moves into the station, something needs to be done about that. The waiting time at the top is good as it adds to the ride expirience, but I think it should be like SP with alternating waiting times at the top. Dropping the second you got to the top would be great. Most of the other rides are pretty good I think. The Claw,Wipeout, TOT, Eureka and Rocky Hollow are doing well. TRR on the other hand, needs something to actually make it wet and fun.

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  willsy said:
I think this has all been talked out in other posts.
Yes, but not in one individual thread. :D Adam, this thread doesn't have anything to do with people who don't like DW, it's for people who have ideas on how to fix it up. Start with yourself, if you don't like it as much as MW what do you think could be done to make it better?
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I'll try again and maybe it will be third time lucky not to have my post deleted. I personally haven't been to Dreamworld in at least 10 years but from what I have been reading here and from various people who have been in the last couple of years the thing that Dreamworld need to do is train it's staff better. I am talking about their customer service skills, which basically equates to the staff knowing what to say and when to say it. Things like when a ride is broken down saying something like "I don't know what has happened or how long it will take to fix" instead of "There was this really loud bang and something fell off, I think it was a wheel. This ride won't be opening anytime soon I suggest you go and ask for your money back". Yes that is an extreme example and will probably never happen but it is comments similar to that that can make or break someone’s day. I will now make the comment I started off with, please not another "What can be done" thread, they are just as bad as "My Favourite" threads. If this post is going to be deleted again please just edited it and leave the bit that matters. "The Bus is now leaving for Remark Island, Western Australia"

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Customer Service is like an essential at all places of business. The other night I had a customer ring up complaining about one of our drivers. The customer invited the driver inside their home, and tried to strike a convo with the driver. This however backfired. And all the driver said was "25 Dolla". Most of our drivers are Foreign imports. I have had several complaints about him. From fellow staff members, and customers.

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i can see where this might not have been the best way to have handled it, but one thing to bear in mind when inviting your pizza boy inside for a friendly chat and a cuppa is that he's probably got 10 other people's pizzas sitting in his back seat going cold with every breath you take.... The poor boy also makes a lot more money if he delivers more pizza... How someone can complain about that, i don't know. Sure he could have said "im sorry i dont have time, can you pay me please?" but who knows unless they are actually there? Yes Customer Service is paramount. There are times where you need to put your foot down and say no though. I realise this is probably drifting off topic a bit, but we get situations all the time in the case of repairs. When we get a repair in, there are varying different cases - People who bring their machines in almost daily complaining of issues, and when we send it to our tech's, they find nothing wrong. People who thrash the hell out of their machines, do everything under the sun that voids their warranty, and then argue until they are blue in the face that they didnt, even when we have the evidence right in front of us. People who have broken their machine through misuse, but will stand there and stare you in the eye as they say they did nothing wrong, even if you KNOW FOR A FACT that it couldn't have happened any other way ("i just picked it up and it snapped") I won't keep going here, but from 8 years experience in retail and 5 Star Hospitality, there are times when you have to take customers with a few grains of salt. Yes, I agree that Customer Service is paramount, and Bussy's example at dreamworld is a good example. Bussy can tell you how hard it is to stand out the front of a ride to greet each guest and inform them that the ride is closed. its not a nice thing to have to do for half a day... you feel like people are blaming you for the failure... and some people won't go away, they want to question you on what is wrong with it. But yes I agree DW's customer service should be improved. On my last trip to the parks, we visited all 4 parks. Heres what I remember of our experience: Sea World : Walking up the hill to the entry gates, and being greeted by a senior manager doing gate control, directing us to a new linealternate entry with almost no waiting time Being given a few extra sauces with our meal at no charge welcomed and farewelled on and off of every ride we embarked on. being made to feel accomodated every where we went with a guest with special needs. On our return trip we were treated even better, as we returned to do a shark dive its the little things that matter Wet N Wild Again being directed to a line that was almost non existant to enter. Each staff member we spoke to could direct us exactly to each place we wanted to go. The locker girl was extremely helpful when we had difficulties. The food was taking a while to be prepared (we had special order grills) and a supervisor gave us some extra fries while we were waiting. Movie World: welcomed and greeted at the gate with a smile, told exactly what was happening "this is your map, this is your showtimes, the park will open at 10, but you can line up for movie magiclooney tunes prior to that" Given info on the buffet restaurant, which we dined in, and all staff were most helpful in their service, drinks, and also the characters coming round, and WAITING while we ran off to buy some more film We arrived just as they were shutting the gates to police academy show, they stopped, opened the gates up, and escorted us to a row of seats right up front. Exiting the river ride, a maintenance worker was on board the boat in front to fix the lapbar restraints. he got a light bump from us coming up behind him, and he popped his head up from his work and wished us a great day. Lethal Weapon operators constantly spieled, joked, and played off each other to entertain the crowd while we waited. DreamWorld: The lady who gave us our tickets was probably the customer service highlight of the day when she wished us a great day, and ran us through our maps and tickets etc. for the rest of the day, staff only spoke to us if they were required to. never wished us a great day, nothing... When we entered a non-smoking area, there were 6 staff on top of us immediately... when there were delinquents in the ToT queue who were queue jumping... nothing. when there were delinquents in the Claw queue who were queuejumping... nothing... when there were kids pegging rocks at each other down near charles sturt... nothing... but hell light a cigarette and duck for cover.... Yes... DreamWorld needs to have a customer service pole jammed right up there...

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^As a Staff Member thats really great to hear feedback like that, I know when I start work I generally dont stop talking till I finish that night. Its good to see guest notice the effort our staff put in to make you guys go home feeling good. And in any customer service situation you can only do your best as there will always 1 complaint out of 100 beacause thats human nature but its better to have 1 then 50 out of 100 complaining.

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I really do think that Customer Service is just about the only thing that is holding Dreamworld back. There is no doubting that it is a great park. I has great rides, for the whole family, and has a great atmosphere, disregarding the far from appropriate attitude of many of the staff. The last time I was MW, which was quite some time ago, their staff weren't exactly the best either. However, by the sounds of it, things have definately picked up over there. So, clearly it's not impossible to do. Perhaps all DW needs to do is provide some form of training for their staff in the form of Customer Relations. Instead of a slap on the wrist when complaints are made, which I suspect to be the case at the moment. Ok, enough babble from me...

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It is a cultural problem that happens in a lot of work places and not just in customer service. What Dreamworld need to do is get the right person/s in to manage the customer service problems. This may mean sacking people but if that is what it takes then they will be better off in the long term. Paul the driver is not to blame for what happened. If I was a delivery driver I would never go into someone’s house for fear of being robbed. Alex also made the point about time being money to that driver which is a very valid point. "The Bus is now leaving for Delivery Creek, Northern Territory"

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There was more to that story, and If I had the time, I would tell you everything. Late at night. Only 1 del. Gave the wrong change. Said $25 Dolla. Didn't say Thank You and all of that stuff. Didn't repeat back the order. Is a rude Pig of a Driver. Repeated cases of rudness. Steals Supplies. And is going to be asked to leave soon from Paul. How would you act to a customer when Delivering a Pizza?

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sounds more like you have a problem with him as a person Paul. Half of the items you just listed in that last post were a personal opinion towards the guy. If you had proof that he steals, he should have been sacked immediately. You and I had a discussion recently about personal opinion too... To be honest, while we're comparing apples with apples, I find the customer service to be more personal, and polite, from Dominos. I have a Pizza Hut less than 300 metres from my front door... but 9 times out of 10, I will order Dominos, which is 20km across the other side of town, because I get better service. it has nothing to do with the pizza, just the service. And this is something that anyone in a customer service role can tell you... it doesnt matter what you're selling, if you don't treat the customer right, they will not be back. For every burnt customer, they tell 10 friends. for every friend told, 7 of the 10 will tell 10 others. thats 81 customers who will think twice before coming back to you. apply that to the DWWBMW situation, and WBMW has a lot more return custom...

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Don't you think I knew that already? People get lousy service from our Belconnen Lake store (Restaurant) and people decide to come to Kippax Instead. I always recieve complaints about everything possible at Belconnen Store. Basically, Service Sucks. Staff Suck (With the occasional good staff member). Food sucks. I am not going to brag on about how Kippax rules (even though the amount of recomendations, and Champs awards). Just that if you don't like a place for one reason or another, don't go there. Simple as that. I try my best to keep the customer happy. All you can do is Try your best.

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Pizza from Pizza Hut is the same regardless of where you get it. It's not as if each restaurant has its own unique recipes. Put the prescribed amount of toppings on and put it on the conveyor oven. Simple. Anyway back on topic, why doesn't DW get a Pizza Hut on site? "The Bus is now leaving for Unique, NSW"

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  wonderbus2003 said:
Pizza from Pizza Hut is the same regardless of where you get it.  It's not as if each restaurant has its own unique recipes.  Put the prescribed amount of toppings on and put it on the conveyor oven.  Simple. Anyway back on topic, why doesn't DW get a Pizza Hut on site? "The Bus is now leaving for Unique, NSW"
Half true bussy. I generally get complaints about their bases are either too soggy, or floppy, too oily or something like that. It all depends on how the bases are made. And the toppings, we have like a chart with all the recommended topping amounts with cup sizes and all that. It all depends with toppings on the make person. If they are feeling like a lousy bastard, they will put less toppings on. It all depends on the store staff to how your order comes out. And stuff ups generally push orders back from anything to 7 mins, to 15 mins. So yes, pizza's are generally the same, but the quality varies all the time. Store to store.
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