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Dreamworld Flyer


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What a roller coaster of a wall…!  This works . It looks tidy and does the job.  I do love the idea of the graffiti but this is a good alternative. Good job dreamworld. You got there in the end. or at least I hope this is the end and they stop playing with the wall and leave it now.  Pretty funny how many changes they did to it.

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this is over the steps - but what is the rest of the hoarding? just plain white wall? wayfinding signage? a giant QR code?


fair enough they've provided a 'best attempt' photo opportunity (disney castle renovactions get similar substitutes) - but is the rest of the wall plain white?

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True . They could paint Some swirls and wavy lines on the wall around the sides. You don’t want to draw all attention to the wall with bright distracting Color’s but some subtle swirls could help break up the mass of white wall. The closet thing I can find to what I am thinking is this.  But for DW less detail maybe, and softer lines and Color’s. (Sorry for the picture quality. It was high quality before I unloaded it.) https://www.google.com/maps/@-28.5564376,153.5435787,3a,75y,112.28h,80.31t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sZaGx96EfxgMv3UYk13w81Q!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu


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  • 3 weeks later...

this makes it look like the flier is a lot closer to city hall than I'd thought - didn't the plans show it further back in the fountain space, with the globe at the front?

This looks like there's no space for the globe (though the photo perspective may be distorting that...)


It certainly does look like there is no room allowed for the globe in it's original location. I need to go back and look at the plans I think... anyone got them handy or do I need to go trawling?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Surprisingly, considering its one of the only active in-park constructions going on, it's been four weeks without an update here. 

I've heard a whisper from a little birdy @Jay Jay The Jet Plane that a crane is onsite at Dreamworld this morning and is currently operating right behind town hall. Presumably, this is lifting in components for the flyer, so we might have our first vertical construction pics coming very soon...

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On 28/08/2023 at 8:52 AM, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

I've heard a whisper from a little birdy @Jay Jay The Jet Plane that a crane is onsite at Dreamworld this morning and is currently operating right behind town hall. Presumably, this is lifting in components for the flyer, so we might have our first vertical construction pics coming very soon..

This is where I get to say 'called it' right?

I hadn't realised that there'd be so many tall structures surrounding the ride. All this roof trussing and block wall looks pretty high up - seems like there'll be a great view for riders, but main street is losing a lot of it's openness and sightlines by all these structures. #sadface

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4 hours ago, DaptoFunlandGuy said:

All this roof trussing and block wall looks pretty high up - seems like there'll be a great view for riders, but main street is losing a lot of it's openness and sightlines by all these structures. #sadface

While it might look good and I am happy to be wrong if that is the case, walking in the entry straight at a ride feels like it is losing a bit more of the feel.  Getting a photo with the globe and then planning your next moves was great in this area because it was quiet aside from other people doing the same.  Off the top of my head I can't think of any other park I have been to that has a ride as soon as you enter.

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  • Gazza changed the title to Dreamworld Flyer

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