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Everyone's favourite ride?


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My favourite ride would have been the Bush Beast or the Space Probe - the scariest part of the bush beast was when you go up that first hill really slowly and then down the hill, and the scariest part of the space probe was when you are going up, bcos they only go at 20km/ph! Questions, comments

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Indeed, my favourite ride was definately the Bush Beast, it was so much damn fun. Although I personally thought the best part was the banked turn which passes over (nearly) the station. Most people would know what turn I'm on about. As you come out of that turn and go down the hill it was pretty good fun, rough as guts too! Favourite other ride was Bounty's Revenge, first ever type of swinging ship ride I ever rode, great fun. Horrid restraints.

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You were one of those inconsiderate mongrels who got into Bush Beast with a soaking wet arse! My favourite ride at Wally World? (to operate anyway) Hmm... Snowy I'm thinking. I had fun at whatever ride I was at anyway. Least favourite... Zodiac on a busy day. When the park was dead (weekdays) it was much much much better. Close the doors and put your feet up. How good was it when it was raining!

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Hey guys, lighten up...Fred Flintstone's Splashdown was really a kiddies ride so that doesn't count. BTW. Ned Kelly's Getaway was a fun ride while it lasted, but it hasn't been there for years has it? As for the Beach, it was never my favourite place to visit as there were too many kids there. I suppose that's what it was there for, families & teens &...I personally didn't feel that they had a decent enough selection of slides to warrant spending time there. Once you've been to Typhoon Lagoon or Blizzard beach at Walt Disney World, all the rest pale in comparison IMO

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Why was the Zodiac bad to operate on a busy day? The Beach at Wonderland had the potential to be good but just wasn't. They built it and then did nothing to it. I remember driving past and seeing the queue for the aqua tube was full most days. How unpleasant standing in a queue waiting for an hour to ride a waterslide

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Why was the Zodiac bad to operate on a busy day?
It was non stop Go'ster. That's the reason. No time to sit down whatsoever. As one side was loaded, it was time to unload the other side. No couple of minutes for a breather between cycles. When it was hot, it was damn hot! It was a sweatathon. Prick of a ride...
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A toboggan ride. possibly the only way to describe it is to refer to the toboggan slide that used to reside at SeaWorld - you ride on a plastic toboggan down an almost vertical chute of water, that levels out at the end, and lands you in a big puddle. It used to be located between tasmanian devil and ampol's antique autos. it was removed around the same time that the beach was opened, for numerous reasons including injury and overkill. You can still see the old wooden tower that you had to climb up to get to the top, hauling your toboggan on the way. The landing zone was where the spirit of the outback show used to be held, and after that, where the lion cubs were housed.

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And that mattered when? :P They sure didn't like it when they would get stuck for 40 mins on a 40 degree day... :D "My baby is dying, my baby is dying, you get us down now!" :P Friggen
Please elaborate with what happened! If it was some soccer mum whose brat toddler was doing nothing more than crying I hope you punched her in the face :mad:
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