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Whats your favorite show ride or your worst ride?


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Mega Drop [10/10] My favorite show ride is the Mega Drop. After being slowly raised,nwhile enjoying the view, the chair is released when you least expect it. The chair drops from under you and your stomach rises. :) Hard Rock [10/10] This ride spins you around in the air very fast. :) Best Looking and Worst Looking [2/10] The Roller Ghoster is not a scary ride, but it used to have the best art work until they recently changed it. Now its the ugliest ride. Like you get Nightmare on Elm Street and Jeepers Creepers, the Kings off horror! Mixed with Star Wars - the kids movie!? :(

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Rainbow: Classic thrill, decoration and engineering from Huss, the ride offers unbeatable smoothness, and no other ride matches its quality. Since its debut in Australia in the late 80's, this ride has become a favourite of mine after first seeing it in the early 90's at Rye. Hard Rock: After having a ride at the 2004 Royal Melbourne Show, I knew I was hooked, this ride is by far one of the most fun and thrilling I have ridden, and at the moment, there is no other ride like it for me. Definetly a big fan now! and can't wait to have another ride soon Zipper: The mean mother of all fairgrounds, the Zipper is a recent fave of mine. I have always loved and respected it, but I never thought id get in one of those crazy Chance cages. January 7 was my first ride, and from then on I knew it was something special. May the Zipper reign on the midways for more decades to come Enterprise: My first upside down ride, a favourite that I have come to enjoy time and time again at Melbourne's Luna Park. With the combination of smooth thrills and fast speed, this Huss ride, is a great one to just relax on. TOP 10 Ride List: 01/ RAINBOW | HUSS MASCHINENFABRIK 02/ ZIPPER | CHANCE MORGAN MANUFACTURING 03/ HARD ROCK | STREET FIGHTER | TECHNICAL PARK 04/ ENTERPRISE | HUSS MASCHINENFABRIK 05/ RANGER | FAR FABBRI 06/ BREAKDANCE | HUSS MASCHINENFABRIK 07/ PIRATE | HUSS MASCHINENFABRIK 08/ RANGER | HUSS MASCHINENFABRIK 09/ CHAOS | CHANCE MORGAN MANUFACTURING 10/ WAVE SWINGER | WELLENFLUG | ZIERER MANUFACTURING WORST: TRABANT / CHANCE MORGAN MANUFACTURING / O'NEILL SHOWS Rode this one at Moomba, the cycle was too long, and wasn't fun at all, it may be a classic ride, but it's one to avoid from now on! You get your moneys worth, but the ride isnt fun at all :( Chris

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Rainbow: Classic thrill, decoration and engineering from Huss,
Classic decoration hey huss?? Last time I saw this ride at sydney show it looked like something they bought at a garage sale for 50 bucks! At night you couldnt even read the "Rainbow" sign at the top due to about 60% of the lights being blown! ;) Best: Zipper Worst: Tilt
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yes I do realise that Dr, but O'Neills aren't as rich as the people in Germany, and they sure don't have the money to be replacing globes every few weeks. Although the ride is slowly being done up (underneath the gondola, ALL lights are working, not even wittingslow had them all working) I was saying that in General, the ride is amazing to look at. Even though O'Neills model, isn't doing well on the looks, its mechanical side is top notch. Just watch how well the ride is able to sit midway for a few seconds! chris p.s The Pirates ride is definetly amazing! it looked fantastic on the dvd!

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Favourite ride... Pirates Of the Caribbean ( Disneyland ) Unbeatable classic water ride with breathtaking scenery & awesome animatronics. Least Favourite ride... The Gravitron, all it did was made me feel ill.
The Gravitron made me very ill too, I was laying on my stomach. In Adeladie Royal show 2003 :(
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Favourite Ride

Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster at Warner Bros. Movie World

The awesome story and themeing mixed with excellent ride experience, special effects and animatronics makes this Australia’s best ride!

Least Favourite Ride

The Simulator at Aussie World

Simulating a water ride at Wet 'n' Wild is boring...

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The Gravitron made me very ill too, I was laying on my stomach. In Adeladie Royal show 2003 :(
Yep this ride tends to do bad things to the head and stomach if you arent a little smart about where and how you ride in your seat. If your head is righ at the top you can near feel your brains getting sucked out your ears. However having said that i love this ride and ive found its best to ride it upside down with your head as low as you can get it..That way its fun without making you sick or giving you a massive hangover style headache after. You can also then sit up on the seat from this position which is also fun.
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I think it may has been mistaken as 'Show Rides' as in a rides with a 'show' component to them ala dark ride... As for your coments Huss yes of course mechanics ie safety is the utmost priority but looks should be a damn close second. IMO The look of a ride is one of the most important aspects. It may be a great ride but if it looks like **** then why bother. Its sad if they can't go replacing globes every few weeks but if they can't then maybe they should look at another business. Its my major peve went things aren't properly maintained. You SHOULD NOT have a ride with 100 globes if you cant keep 100 globes working 99% of the time. Same as you should have a ride themed with effects and fog and you can't afford to maintain the effects and buy the fog fluid (just look at probe).

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Yep this ride tends to do bad things to the head and stomach if you arent a little smart about where and how you ride in your seat.
Yeh I was up side down but my mistake was I lay on my stomach :( Next time I have to lay on my back. Like my friend :D
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It’s not that hard or expensive to change the light bulbs when they blow. SW's carousel has 1,332 odd light bulbs, and they are being replaced more or less constantly (I've seen one blown for 4 days in a near impossible to see spot, where as more prominent ones are replaced within 2). It’s not that expensive to do, and if anything it could possibly help increase revenue. Take this tip from Safer Parks:

Don’t board a ride if it looks poorly-maintained
Now, you don't have to tell most people that. If a ride looks poorly maintained, people are likely (and even advised) not to ride. So something like half the lights out is something to make you wonder about how well the ride is being cared for. That’s a good reason aside from the obvious fact that it looks like crap with half the lights blown. On topic, I'll head up to the Ekka this year and come up with a favorite.
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"It’s not that hard or expensive to change the light bulbs when they blow. SW's carousel has 1,332 odd light bulbs" Are you that bored at Cartoon Beach already Joz? How did you manage to count them while the carousel was spinning? :P Cheers Richard

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It’s not that hard or expensive to change the light bulbs when they blow. SW's carousel has 1,332 odd light bulbs, and they are being replaced more or less constantly (I've seen one blown for 4 days in a near impossible to see spot, where as more prominent ones are replaced within 2). It’s not that expensive to do, and if anything it could possibly help increase revenue. Take this tip from Safer Parks: Now, you don't have to tell most people that. If a ride looks poorly maintained, people are likely (and even advised) not to ride. So something like half the lights out is something to make you wonder about how well the ride is being cared for. That’s a good reason aside from the obvious fact that it looks like crap with half the lights blown. On topic, I'll head up to the Ekka this year and come up with a favorite.
In all seriousness, Rainbow is not one of the worse looking rides on the midway. Ive seen rides, that im not going to mention, because that could cause a legal battle, that have looked terrible, and still had a great response from the public. For rides like the Rainbow, its not as easy maintaining globes as some other rides, id like to see you and try keep a 99% bulb count, it wont happen, its just these things that happen. Rainbow's lighting isnt as full as 2004, but as ive seen how well Ranger has been fixed up after Moomba, Rainbow will surely have a nice refurb, if not shortly a full service when its due. chris
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Yes I could maintain a 99% bulb count and I didn't actualy say 99% of the bulbs working I said ALL of the bulbs working 99% of the time. If I couldn't do this then I shouldn't be buying/operating rides with lights on them. I would give you the point if Rainbow (or any other ride, we're not just talking about rainbow) was working 100% at the start of the show and some bulbs went throughout the 2 weeks... yes that would be quite difficult to fix but that's not the case now is it? We deal with this every day, if a light isn't working WE FIX IT, if you go to a concert and see a light mis-behaving watch what happens at interval, some poor bugger will have to climb up into the grid and drop it down with a rope and replace it with another. They don't just let it slide for the rest of the show, they fix it as soon as possible. And we're not talking about a $15 bulb here, we're talking about $20,000 pieces of equipment. If we can have spares I think the carnies can manage.

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Rainbow has never had a 100% bulb count, its just impossible, and I know that O'Neills wouldnt bother bringing the cloud to the bottom to change some bulbs, its not just that, its also the breakage of the caps.... nor are they going to bother getting on a ladder to change some globes that have blown at the top of the rainbow. its not as easy as you seem to think

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It is easy if they do it on the ground before the ride goes into service for the show. Changing a light bulb that might weigh 100g from a ladder when you have plenty of time, daylight and no public around can't be that hard... compare it to a 50kg fixture, in the day, 15m above the ground, no ladder, hanging from a truss in a harness with 15, 000 people as witness...

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